Kirstie Alley Cursed On DWTS
For the second week in a row, the dancing Gods were not with Kirstie Alley. Maybe Xenu lost a bet and is having to pay off the other Gods. For whatever reason though, this is the second week that Kirstie has ended up on the floor during the show and there was not even drinking involved. Speaking of which, last night I came up with the idea that DWTS should invite the winner from every season and have them compete in a dance marathon. You know, like they did back in the day and on a Happy Days episode. Last couple standing wins and I say let it go on for hours and hours. I think it would be fun to watch.
Anyway, last week Maks got injured and this week, Kirstie lost her shoe. It does not really matter though because Kirstie could have gone out there and danced on one leg and Kendra Wilkinson would still finish at the bottom. The fact she got the lowest score, combined with the fact that I don't think people in America are really that jazzed about her should mean bye bye time for Kendra.