Jennifer Aniston Wants You To Know She Likes Bradley Cooper
A few weeks ago, there were a couple of little stories floating around about how Jennifer Aniston and Bradley Cooper were in the process of hooking up again. Jennifer likes guys who will treat her badly and Bradley will be with anyone so it is a good match. Anyway, no one really noticed or commented on the stories, and in the world of Jennifer Aniston that is just not acceptable. If someone leaks something about a guy she is interested in, "then the whole world better sit up and take notice, because I was on Friends for 10 years and make really bad movies and am America's sweetheart."
So, her people did what all people do in these situations, they turned to People who has some ridiculous story out with the vaguest quote that Jennifer's people hope will get people talking about Jennifer and getting her on some covers. Do you realize it has been weeks and weeks since she was on a cover? That is simply not acceptable in her world. People might start to realize she is not that great of an actress and you would have a much better chance of getting your money back for her $20M fee playing roulette in Vegas. Plus free drinks and buffets. Oh, and Celine is back, to make that $20M loss more palatable.