Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is Someone Abusing The Twins?

So the whole Brooke Mueller and Charlie Sheen custody hearing is raging as I type. Apparently Denise Richards had the same idea as I did yesterday and offered to take the kids on a temporary basis. Excellent idea. Not going to happen though. Instead you have drug user #1 battling drug user #2 for the sole custody of twins who probably wish they were warlocks so they could make all of this go away. Charlie is so cocky that he brought one of his goddesses with him to court. You know, in case the judge is into that kind of thing. Brooke looked like she was desperate for a fix when she entered court and if there are drug dealers who need to make a quick buck, you might want to look for the woman in the funky blue patterned top and black skirt. You could make your quota for a month in a few hours.

According to TMZ, the judge kicked out the media at one point because there are allegations of abuse. Well, we know Charlie abuses women and he has been accused by Denise in the past of abusing his kids with Denise. That is why he only gets supervised visits with them. But, I guess it could be Brooke abusing them. The only thing I know is that anyone would be a better choice for custody than these two.


  1. And to think I laughed when Denise Richards called her reality show "It's Complicated".

  2. I'm hoping the judge refuses custody to both parents and orders continuing drug tests and psychological tests for both.

    Brooke has a point that she and Charlie were to have their drug tests at the same time, but with his being out of town, I think she thought it was safe for her to hit the drugs.

    Brooke's parents could care for the twins with the proviso one of them must be present when Brooke is around. Ditto along with a court monitor when Charlie is around.

    Denise has fought hard to distance herself from Charlie. Her children are the reason for ongoing contact, but she has managed to be in control of that contact. If other options fail, I can see her taking care of the twins, but it would add some awful drama to her life.

  3. Charlie has proven clean for the last several months. Brooke can't stay clean a week. They have a custody agreement; if one tests dirty, or refuses to test, the other gets custody. I think it is a piss poor idea for Brooke's mother to raise these kids; look how her own kid turned out. The best scenario is to follow the custody agreement. Give custody to Sheen, he'll let Denise raise them, or they'll be with nannies, preferably the same ones. Because, let's face it, Moire Fiore is more interested in being a blind, enabling, empty socialite - she hires nannies, too. The only reason they are fighting is the money. If Meuller / Fiore don't have the kids, they don't get the money - and they need it. THEY ARE NOT WEALTHY - that is a total crock of sh*t.

  4. Brooke looks ROUGH.
    Gotta say, pretty impressed by Denise.

  5. Ugh. This whole thing is so sad. I'll take those boys. FFS someone needs to step up and get them out of that situation before too much damage has been done.

  6. wow, this whole situation is just so sad. i really wonder why these people breed. it is pretty amazing that Denise has really come out of this whole thing looking like she is headed for sainthood!

  7. Why doesn't Martin Sheen take them?

  8. @ RQ & CB regarding Denise - taking your responsibilities as a parent seriously will do that to you.

  9. @Terri, Martin went through this already with Charlie's oldest. He and Janet also have had the kids a good portion of the time anyway. Charlie is a barracuda with attorneys following him. He's impossible to battle. Charlie has two sane brothers and a sane sister who could take them, too.

  10. Those kids... I truly hope they end up with someone who can take care of them.

    If Charlie has indeed tested negative, could he be considered a safe parent?

  11. I mean, legally. I am pretty sure everyone here agrees he is not.

  12. From Radar Online:
    "A judge in Los Angeles just ruled that Mueller will maintain primary legal and physical custody despite a well-publicized relapse in her crack cocaine addiction."

  13. Regarding possible custody by Martin Sheen I would point out that he is in his 70s. While a court might allow temporary custody they would generally prefer to give permanent custody to younger custodians, particularly where it is another 15-20 years before the children grow up. That being said there are exceptions, especially where the grandparent is the only blood relation. I believe the character actor George Kennedy, who is in his 80s, had custody of a grandchild.

  14. Jenny, I guess that judge is on crack too. (

    At least Martin could hire decent nannies, instead of having "godesses" (a.k.a. whores) taking care of them!

  15. I understand the media interest, and acknowledge I am here and reading and responding - but I feel funny speculating on the abuse of children.

    So I won't get into that, but I will say...give the kids to Denise.

  16. Mooshki, it could be that with the presence of Brooke's mother and the known issues with Charlie, including items in Denise's divorce and custody battles, the judge went with the safest person: Brooke's mother. Brooke is in rehab, and I hope it is 24 hrs/day rehab.

    Charlie took is goddess to the court hearing!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Leaving aside the unfitness of these parents to raise their children, I think your sarcasm at the expense of an addict who seeks sobriety in rehab is repulsive. Have you no shame, at long last?

    It's holier than thou morons like you that make this society such a shitty place. I can only hope that you experience the same kind of dyspeptic ridicule when you are in a dark place.

  19. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Feel sorry for the 2 boys. Both so-call parents are not worth being parents. Both are irresponsible.

  20. She looks completely sketched out in that picture. Like "OMG. It just kicked in and now I have to TALK to people" - sketchy.

  21. Doug, they have both been addicts for years. They make the choice to continue their addiction. If they were serious about being sober, they would receive some respect. It's hard to respect people who get expensive rehab help for show then make a beeline to the next party.

    Most of the posts here are about the safety of the children of two drug addicts.

  22. I'll admit, when I first read the headline I thought it was going to be a story about Pamela Anderson's/Heidi Montag's/Kenra Wilkinson's implants.

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I have always been on Team Denise and she is proving worthy of my admiration. Thankful that she is being a good Mother to her beautiful daughters and shielding them as much as she can. In regards to the boys, Brooke and Charlie should not have custody. I am not sure that Brooke's Mother is a fabulous choice either as Brooke is a product of that environment. All of this just breaks my heart. Brooke loves drugs more than her sons. And one day they will read all about this and know it.

  24. Is everyone forgetting that Brooke's parents raised Brooke? Look at what a mess she is. Give the kids to a pack of wolves, they'll be better off.

  25. When the best choice is the crack addict; that tells you something.

    Besides, Charlie is traveling all over right now. Like he could offer anything approaching stability.

    These 2 are a sorry pair. My god, what's next?

  26. Soooo very tired of these clowns.

  27. parissucksliterally: The same can be said about the Sheen parents. Martin and his wife of a billion years raised Charlie. Look what a mess he is. Don't blame the parents for bad choices people make as an adult.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is someone abusing the twins? Yes their stupid parents by being stupid crackheads poor kids.

  29. I can't stand either parent. They make me wish public ridicule could be back. They made a choice to become a parent. When you do that the one note opera of ME...ME...ME needs to f'ing stop. It should be about the good of the child(ren).
    Sometimes Fate graces the wrong people with the blessing of children. Charlie and Brooke are prime examples.

  30. She's HIGH out of her mind.

  31. Ya know .. I gave Denise a ton of shit back in the day, but that was a classy damn move to suggest she take care of the boys. It is obvious that neither of their two biological parents give a crap about them, so Denise probably figures they would do well with her and growing up with their two sisters.

    It is a mess .. I just hope they both either straighten out pronto or - forgive my moment of realness - drop dead quickly so these two little boys have a shot at a normal life.

  32. Anonymous11:59 AM

    @Audrey...I was just getting ready to chime in on that point but you beat me to it : )

    Why is Denise not an option? She's the most stable of the bunch and already raising their two sisters? How did the judge pick their cracked out mom?

    Did we ever find out exactly why Denise left Charlie when she was preg. with #2 (besides the obvious reasons). I thought I heard something about him being not just a porn addict, but a very-very-young-girl porn addict.

  33. These two crackhead losers make me long for legalized eugenics. Seriously, if you can't get clean, you should get sterilized. End of story. Poor kids.



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