There is no way on this earth that any children should be in the custody of Charlie Sheen. If he wants to have supervised visits with his kids, then that is fine, but I hope there is no judge out there who will give him custody. Charlie is allegedly going to court this week to try and obtain custody of his kids from Brooke Mueller, who has returned to rehab. Considering that in my opinion the reason she is back in rehab is because of Charlie it would seem idiotic to actually give him custody of the kids. I think Brooke has been on and off with her sobriety and Charlie should be supporting those efforts and not convincing her to go to the Bahamas with him and his hookers and a pile of drugs. First, why would you try and wreck the sobriety of someone unless you are an ass, and number two, why would you want the mother of two of your kids to go off the sobriety train unless you are an ass? And he wants the kids? No way. I would also like to know how much she is spending on drugs because to have to go to a pawn shop, she must be spending a fortune.
Don't blame him for her taking drugs. She is responsible for her own sobriety and, unfortunately, 2 kids.
ReplyDeleteI really don't understand why people keep suggesting Denise to care for these kids. They are not HERS, they belong to her EX and another woman. Call me selfish, but I'm not going to take care of two kids that belong to someone else because of a tenuous relationship with one of the parents when I have two kids and a life of my own. Brooke and Charlie's OWN families need to step up.
ReplyDeleteAnd agree with Ms. Cool. Brooke has always had problems with drugs, way before she met Charlie. She's not in this situation because of him.
Neither of those options are good for the children. Too bad they couldn't go live with another relative.
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending him, but you can't blame Charlie. I don't know why, but she has always creeped me out.
ReplyDeleteThe "give the babies to Denise" only emphasizes that she is the best of the three parents to raise children. Actually, the only safe, qualified parent. There is no reason for her to raise the twins. She has enough drama protecting herself and her children from Charlie.
ReplyDeleteBrooke's parents might wind up with the twins with the approval of Martin Sheen. Brooke and crazy Charlie will never be sober.
Denise SHOULDN'T have to care for Brooke's kids. If she WANTS to that's fine. I'm sure Denise has a big enough house. Doesn't Brooke have a mother?
ReplyDeleteDenise is looking better by the day. Used to be she was a laughing stock in the industry (like her acting in that James Bond movie) Now she's looking like a saint.
And looking hot too.
Isn't Brooke hanging out with Puke Hilton?
ReplyDeleteAren't they BFF's or something?
Of course no one would force Denise to take those kids, but I wish she would. Or Martin Sheen and his wife.
ReplyDeleteObviously someone will step up to the plate; it's not like the twins are going to foster care, because even if they weren't wanted, nannies can be hired.
Denise would be ideal though, because those boys need routine and a normal family to look at for a while.
I can't believe that in this situation, DR is normal.
I'm just here to nod my head at and give a high five to Rocket Queen's comment.
ReplyDeleteUnless Denise has a relationship with those twins, I see no reason why she should be called on to rescue them. It would be really of her to try, but I don't think she should be vilified for staying the hell out of this situation.
Are there any Grandparents in the picture? I just can't believe that no blood relations feel the need to step forward.
*Oh, that's supposed to be "really nice of her to try..."
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ReplyDeleteBS, you can't blame Charlie for her problems. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. That anyone would blame someone else for someone's behavior is absurd. The reason she is back in rehab is because she has been caught and faces losing her kids because SHE was doing drugs.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason Charlie even wants the kids is so he doesn't have to pay $55,000 a month to her.
ReplyDeleteAnd to punish her, he doesn't enjoy doing anything unless he is punishing one of his baby mamas.
Brookes mother is not sober. So that leaves Martin.
ReplyDeleteI would think the custody would fall to the next closest of kin, so Charlie's parents or Brooke's. If Brooke's family are not a good choice, either, that would leave Martin. Agree w/ the others that said Denise shouldn't have to but if she WANTED to, they should let her.
ReplyDeleteAgain...those poor kids.
I agree with most of you - Denise doesn't even factor into this equation. And Charlie cannot be blamed for Brooke's problem - they existed before the two of them got together. Also - good point, jbdean_79 - it doesn't sound like her enabling mother is the best choice either. I hope someone steps up quickly, I hate to think about what's going on with those two babies.
ReplyDeleteI think that with Charlie's wealth, the court will appoint a de-facto foster family.
ReplyDeleteQ: how is it that Brooke can abuse drugs but still look good? That always amazes me about some of these celebs. Can money honestly buy beauty to that extent?
I'm sure she is partial to Charlie but his mom Janet had some choice words about Brooke:
So I think Janet should be in charge
How about Cassandra Estevez, Charlie's adult daughter? She might be interested in caring for her little twin brothers. Just throwing it out there...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I thought she was filming a reality show with Paris? Or did I just make that up because I am DYING to see it happen? (J/K)
ReplyDeleteOh no, linnea, you didn't make it up! The World According to Paris is coming to the Oxygen network (who I'm pretty sure is vying to be the first network to star only people with herpes) in June. I wonder if they will edit out the Brooke scenes?
ReplyDelete@Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors...
ReplyDeleteor Uncle Emilio?
A friend of mine worked security in Toronto for Charlie Sheen last week. His take on Sheen was that it's all put on to make money. Offstage he was fine, onstage, rambling and unable to string a sentence together. People walked out. Russell Peters was the only saving grace. Those poor kids need to go to anyone other than their parents.
ReplyDelete@figgy - Charlie's wealth is dwindling by the day.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that her $55,000/month is being given to Brooke directly. I bet it is being given to an attorney or some financial person to pay her bills first and then they give her a monthly stipend.
ReplyDeleteIf she was getting $55,000 directly handed to her bank account each month, I am sure that she would have overdosed or been back in rehab a helluva long time ago.
As for caring for the boys, I thought the boys were with Brooke's mother already? Remember last week when Brooke was in the pawn shop and some media site called her mother? Her mother said she didn't know where Brooke was but that they couldn't get in touch with her because Brooke's phone was "off"...(she forgot to say off 'on purpose').
@Champagne Blonde, how do you know Brooke's mom is not sober?
Those poor, poor little boys.
Hell, I could give them a great home for $55K a month.
ReplyDeleteCharlie also has a sister Rene and another brother Ramon. You mean to tell me one of them couldn't step up and do the right thing?
ReplyDeleteThose poor kids. Brooke is a full on addict, huh?
ReplyDeleteIf my ex-husband and his current wife had ANY sort of problem where their child was not receiving the care he should, I would IMMEDIATELY step up. Why shouldn't Denise? It should not be about anything but those poor boys and their welfare. I am not a DR fan but she has really seems to take good care of her daughters these days and could probably give those kids the stability they need.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Does Denise still have a television show? The boys don't need that...