Give The Babies To Denise
There is no way on this earth that any children should be in the custody of Charlie Sheen. If he wants to have supervised visits with his kids, then that is fine, but I hope there is no judge out there who will give him custody. Charlie is allegedly going to court this week to try and obtain custody of his kids from Brooke Mueller, who has returned to rehab. Considering that in my opinion the reason she is back in rehab is because of Charlie it would seem idiotic to actually give him custody of the kids. I think Brooke has been on and off with her sobriety and Charlie should be supporting those efforts and not convincing her to go to the Bahamas with him and his hookers and a pile of drugs. First, why would you try and wreck the sobriety of someone unless you are an ass, and number two, why would you want the mother of two of your kids to go off the sobriety train unless you are an ass? And he wants the kids? No way. I would also like to know how much she is spending on drugs because to have to go to a pawn shop, she must be spending a fortune.