Friday, April 22, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 & #2 - This one is kind of complicated. Two male movie actors in the same family. One is A list, the other B- list. The B- list actor is married. The A list actor is married. The A list actor has been having sex with the wife of his brother the B lister forever. No one knew until the other night. Apparently the wife of the B lister got hammered the other night and started arguing with her husband and let that little gem of knowledge out. At a party.

#1 - A lister
#2 - B- lister

#3 - What former A+ lister and now still a B list movie actor made his children sign confidentiality agreements so they would not reveal anything about his life, their life, or anything they know. That is a very trusting father.

#4 - What High School Musical star slept with five different people from the show?


  1. #3 I'm going w/Tom Cruise.

  2. 1&2) I have no idea, but I'll be the first to say it: Ben and Casey Affleck.

    3) Couchjumper McXenu, duh.

    4) I vote for Tisdale, because I only know of three people from that movie, and she's the only one who wasn't attached at the time. I think? Hell, I dunno.

    Sorry for my non-help, guys. Take it away!

  3. For Number One I'll go with Billy and Alec Baldwin

  4. @blondegossip ... GREAT GUESS!!!!

  5. 1+2: Jeff and Beau Bridges.

    3: Mel Gibson

  6. #1 & #2 - definitely Ben and Casey (Alec Baldwin is not married and who would ever consider Billy as B list??)

    #3 - has to be someone with children who are adults now because kids cannot enter into contracts unless it is for necessary items (food, shelter, etc.) I don't think Tom's adoptive kids are both over 18 yet?

    #4 - either tisdale or hudgens.

  7. #3
    Alec isn't married...

    How about the Bridges? Jeff and Beau...

  8. impressive guesses! except i don't think William Baldwin is a B-, maybe a C+

  9. 1&2 Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez

  10. 1&2 Dennis and Randy Quaid?

  11. LOL the Dennis & Randy Quaid guess is hilarious! The idea that Evi would be Dennis' dirty little secret makes me lmao.

  12. I like the Ben and Casey Affleck guess. Wouldn't surprise me at all, but I don't think Casey Affleck is even B-list, is he?

  13. 1. Ben Afleck
    2. Casey Afleck (apparently I'm thinking the same as most everyone else!)
    3. 1st thought was Tom Cruise. 2nd was Bruce Willis. Whomever it was should be grateful I'm not their child. I'd start spilling their secrets ASAP, confidentiality agreement be damned! I'm such a rebel.
    4. Zac Efron (since when does being in a relationship = being faithful?)

  14. 1/2: Ben & Casey Affleck
    3: Mel Gibson(because Cruise's kids are minor)
    4:Hudgens? because she was a beard for Efron

  15. Anonymous2:30 PM

    So if the children violate the confidentiality agreement, is the actor going to sue his children?

  16. Don't know if it's the CDAN poster boy for #1 but check out this pic

  17. I literally just got done watching Brothers & Sisters so my guess is 2 is Beau & 1 is Jeff Bridges.

    3. Tom Cruise.

    4. Ashley Tisdale

  18. 1. Ben and Casey
    2. Mel
    3. Vanessa

  19. I bet #4 is one of the guys, not one of the girls. Maybe one of the guys slept with a lot of smaller players, extras, etc?

  20. #1 Not convinced this is brothers - brothers in law? Cousins?

    #3 Bruce Willis, Mel, Tom, Arnold S

    #4 Zach Efron

  21. #1 & #2 I'll have to go with the Baldwins. Alec is A but then again I don't see Billy as B-. Maybe C at the most. This is a tough one.

    Or a different (and outrageous) guess Dennis and Randy Quaid? (Yeah - I know, I know. Gross.)

    #3. Tommy.

    #4. Vanessa, Zac or Ashley.

  22. #1 Mark and Donnie Wahlberg

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Again, as someone pointed out already, Alec Baldwin isn't married.

  24. pegd: I agree, as calling the actors borthers wold have made the description easier to understand, yet he doesn't. could be father/son, cousins etc.

    michael douglas & kirk douglas

  25. @Chris..EW! Can't see Catherine sleeping with Kirk. But she is bipolar so who knows?

  26. Thanks to pegd and chris, because your comments made me reconsider the wording of #1 & #2. "In the same family" makes me think multigenerational. That they are brothers is a second hint. In light of that, I like the Beau & Jeff bridges guess.

  27. Also, I reiterate my guess for #3 as Mel because a) he has adult children, and b) After the past year I can see him being hypersensitive and paranoid about any personal information about him getting out.

  28. So is Enty "Chun k" aka Jeff Cohen or not?

  29. @Aly -- Who gives a shit?

    That said, I hope he IS Chunk, because a Goonie never dies, and I need some bullshit celebrity gossip to read on the 'net when I'm old and shriveled.

    Oh, and I'll agree with Mel -- the majority of his 34534534543567676 children ARE adults, and HE'S totally paranoid.

  30. #1 and #2: Will and Jaden Smith!

  31. It may be off the wall, but I'm going to throw in Rob and Chad Lowe. Chad has been out promoting Pretty Little Liars recently, so its conceivable he and the wife were at a party.

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  33. How is this statement NOT clear he is talking about brothers?
    "The A list actor has been having sex with the wife of his brother the B lister forever."

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  35. that being said... what about the Fiennes brothers? I'm not sure Ralph is married though... And I'd think he'd be the A-lister.

  36. What about Owen and Luke Wilson?

  37. I am going with the Bridges brothers for 1 and 2. Mel for 3. And who cares for 4.

  38. JEEBUS do people READ these anymore? I was not aware either Wilson bro was married, much less A-list...

  39. And Gibson for #3 since most/all aren't minors, and for #4... why not MOST of them?! Working together for years is like high school, I would imagine... and well. Yah.

  40. Wasn't there a blind on another site about Ben and Casey? I'm going with them.
    Gibson or even Kevin Costner for #3. He has grown kids two.
    What about the blonde kid in HSM?

  41. Aly, this blogger is not that successful. Although he wishes!

  42. My money is on Ben and Casey. Id say he is B-list by now.

  43. @Aly, I thought I remembered Enty saying a LONG time ago that he'd been in Texas for either undergrad or law school. I thought he said it was for law school, so I vote no on Cohen.

  44. If you listened to Enty's radio show, and heard his voice, you would know it's not him. Their voices are nothing alike.

  45. What about any and all of the Wayans brothers? Or Frank and Sylvester Stallone?

  46. Really like the guess above that #1 & #2 are Mark and Donnie Wahlberg. Mark's a known man-slut, so this wouldn't be surprising at all...

    I feel like if it were the Afflecks there would have been some sort of mention of an actress wife {Jennifer Garner}.

  47. @Jessica, we don't really know that was Enty on the radio show. It could have been someone elses voice to protect his real identity.

    I have no idea who #1 & 2 is but I hope we find out soon :) My first thought was Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez but I don't think Charlie is married anymore is he?

  48. Neither Mark nor Donnie Wahlberg are married. Donnie is divorced as of last summer (separated well before that) and Mark and his long term partner never got married.

    Lohan has been carted off to jail for probation violations...

  49. Best news I've heard in weeks, FS!

  50. Mark Wallberg married Rhea Durham August 1, 2009.

  51. Baldwin bros?
    Mel Gibson
    Corbin Bleu

  52. i voted for Cohen as ENTY a long time ago..HE LOVES him some Martha Plimpton.

  53. Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise are still A list.

  54. Anonymous12:20 AM

    for #4 i'll go with Zac Efron

    #3 obviously, Tom Cruise

    and that's all i got

  55. Stacy my first thought was Robe and Chad Lowe too.

  56. lol at anyone thinks Tom Cruise is not A-list anymore. He still green lights 100m movies just by being attached to projects

  57. Since when was Randy Quaid ever a B Lister?
    1&2 I'll say the Ben & Casey Affleck, Casey is married to "Actress" Summer Phoenix
    Crazy Joaquin is her brother, as was River.

    #3). Mel Gibson

  58. Great guesses so far. I'm just posting to call attention to what a beautiful phrase "has been having sex with the wife of his brother forever" is. Forever!

  59. @looserdude. That photo sealed it for me. Summer is veryclose to Ben and I can just imagine her hand is grabbing his ass.

    I'm hoping it's not the Bridges, as Jeff's devotion to his wife during last year's awards was impressive.

    And I think #3 is definitely Mel. He does seem awfully paranoid and it would be great for Oksana, or whatever her name is, to get some dirt from the kids to help her in any current or future lawsuit endeavors against Mel.

    All of 'em. There was probably a lot of crazy sex going on on those films. Disney.

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  61. @Shehla,

    Yeah I would say V.H. had to do a few girls, too, because I doubt there were four straight guys on the case of HSM. Efron isn't the only poofter in that bunch.

  62. It's sad that Mel thinks so little of his children. That being said, I wonder if Mel blackmailed them with their inheritance money?

    For the first blind, I would say the Affleck brothers are a good guess. If it's true, I wonder how Jen Garner will take it? I'd divorce his ass.

    For the last - it's a trick question. The answer is ALL of them.

  63. My first thought for #3 was Harrison Ford, he certainly is very private.

  64. Fairy, Harrison Ford will always be A list...

  65. If ENTL was a lawyer, he would have told you this titbit. Any contract a child signs is not enforceable.. day this kid is going to write a book and daddy is going to do a Jordie Chandler and pay him the shit off. Ha hehahaha

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  67. 1/2 Agree-the Afflecks. Not that I really care as they are both monumental tools! (And yes, Casey would definitely be considered B list as he was up for an Oscar for Gone Baby Gone.)

    3 My vote's with the Mel guesses-he was the first to pop into my head for this. I think Tom Cruise is probably B+ still, though I wish he were F!

    4 Don't know/Don't care/Why would this be shocking for kids that age??

    PS: Why can't people seem to read these things closely?? YES, 1/2 specifically says brother in it! YES, one of them is A list. Jeez!

  68. Nobody guessed Bacon brothers. They fit.

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  70. There's no way Kevin Bacon is A list, and certainly his brother is not B list.

  71. Nobody said the one who cheated wasn't a woman with a woman

  72. #1 - Ralph and Joseph Fiennes
