Friday, April 08, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 & #2 - This A list married couple with A+ name recognition is going through big problems right now. The reason? The husband has started drinking again (which his wife knows about), doing drugs (his wife does not know), and sleeping with random women (his wife knows about one).

#3 & #4 - Speaking of A list celebrity couples. Well, not really, because only the woman is. The guy is a hanger on. Anyway, earlier this week they visited her lawyer to talk about a pre-nup. Apparently the yelling got so loud, there was a crowd around the conference room where the meeting was being held. This went on for an hour. Now I wonder whether the wedding will even take place.


  1. 1&2 - Katy Perry and Russell Brand

  2. My thoughts exactly...Brand and Perry.

    And my totally unoriginal guess for #3 and 4, Jessica Simpson/Eric whatever.

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    you both beat me to it. Agreed!

  4. 3&4 - Natalie Portman and Whatshisname?

  5. (Only because I can't consider Jessica A-list)

  6. Affleck and Garner! Someone had to say it!

  7. Actually Jessi, I think you may be onto something for #1 and 2...

  8. I heard on the radio about Jessica's prenup earlier this week, that's why she's my guess. ie. the prenup was hammered out recently, so the timing would be right...

  9. @ Dana and Jamee

    Good guesses for 3&4, it could be either, although is Jessica really A-list at this point

  10. I am going with Affleck and Garner for #1. I don' think Russell Brand quite has A+ name recognition...

  11. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Jessi, I was thinking of them also. Regarding 3&4 didn't know who but Natalie sounds like a good guess since I don't consider Bimbo Jessica an A-list.

  12. 1 & 2 - Affleck and Garner
    3&4 - Natalie and Frenchie Federline :)

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  14. #3&4 Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson

  15. My thought was Affleck/Garner & Jessica and whoever his name is. He has some money but she has MEGA money.

    Natalie is a good guess too since I don't think she will get married. She just announced it for PR & award season. Jessica seems desperate to be married + child.

  16. I don't think the Frenchie is a hanger-on though for #4. He makes good money as a pretty big deal dancer/choreographer. He's not categorically unemployed like Simpson's guy. He is the definition of hanger-on.

  17. #1 Ben and Jen, which makes me sad.

    #2 no clue, but like the other guesses.

  18. I mean #3 & 4 for no clue

  19. Leann Rhimes & Ed Cibriani for #3 & 4

  20. I do not believe Jennifer Garner is A-list. She is B-list at best. Her tv show Alias ended years ago and she has yet to do a movie or anything of relevancy in the last few years.

  21. So unoriginal, but I also thought Ben & Jen for #1 & 2, although does she work anymore? I never hear about her in any movies or anything....

    For #3 & 4...I can't see Jessica being A list. One little side thought....why do guys who are "hanger-on" types get such a hard time, but women can make a whole career out of it (Girls Next Door, those real housewives people to name a few)?

  22. Anonymous1:46 PM

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  23. No on Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson...she says she'll never marry again...and he has worked steadily since he was a kid...
    But I would believe Portman and the dancer....he may work and earn but he's not in her money league...

  24. Anonymous1:46 PM

    jessica is an a-list celeb. her fashion line makes it so. the paps hound her also.

  25. What about 1 and 2 being David and Courtney or Keith and Nicole.

  26. 1/2: Bennifer Affleck Garner for sure for me
    3/4: Leann Rimes & Eddie Cibrian?

  27. girls can make a career out of it "Girls Next Door" etc, just like men can be celebrated for being skanky "Wedding Crashers"... it's all in the Hollywood Gender Rules Book.

  28. What about Gwyneth and Chris for 1 & 2?

  29. @Kathryn - I really like your Keith and Nicole guess, too.

  30. I don't want Ben using drugs or drinking again, but I sure hope it's Ben & Jen. Something about Jennifer Garner bugs the heck out of me.

    I like the Jessica/Eric guess for #2, but also agree that Natalie/Benjamin are also contenders.

  31. actually on second read...

    Courtney Cox and David Arquette might not be so bad of a guess either.

    Otherwise, Affleck and Garner would fit too (rumors of Blake Lively for the known dalliance)

    Jessica's company is crossing the 1 billion mark, she might not be a-list talent but her brand is... Although late stage pregnancy emotions could also explain how heated the yelling got.

  32. Katy Perry and Russell Brand? No way. They're not A least Russell Brand isn't even close to A list.

    My guess is JZee and Beyonce. Both A+

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Not Natalie and Monsour as I don't think he's the baby daddy.

  35. Keith and Nicole are actually another really good guess for #1 and #2.

    #3/#4 - Jessica and her hanger onner or Natalie and her dancer man (note the caption to the pic). Also, I would have said Tori and her leechy husband K-Fed Jr., but they're already married.

  36. 1/2 Brangelina

    3/4 Portman (in the pics)/ dancer boy

  37. 1&2 Katy
    3 & 4 Natalie Portman and what's his name.

  38. Crila16 brings up an excellent point. I could see this being Nicole and Keith...But I could also see it being Ben and Jen. Torn between which it may be!

    Didn't Keith have a substance abuse problem as well pre-Nicole?

  39. Interesting blind.
    I do know that neither Brand nor Katy are close to A-list. I think the focus on who is A list would narrow the guesses. Seriously, who are A list couples still together anymore? As for Natalie's ballerina boyfriend? He's pretty much an A-list tu-tu twirler in his own right. So I think hanger-on would not fit. I'd still love to see a paternity test on that kid one day. Interesting indeed.

  40. 3 & 4 Made me think of Anne Hathaway and her boyfriend.

  41. great guess for 1&2...keith and nicole...he is/was a hard drinking guy who's done rehab...and a big cheater in other relationships. Maybe the new baby adoption was done to try and salvage the marriage?

  42. I think Keith and Nic also for #1 and 2. Both A list, married, history of drug/alcohol issues for him.

    #3 & 4 - Even though I don't think of Leanne Rimes as A list, some people might, I guess. and it sounds way more likely for this to be them. He seems like he's looking for a payday.

  43. I thought in the pre-nup for Nicole and Keith there was something in there about him doing drugs, he'd get nothing if he did drugs again.
    Anyone else remember something like this?

    My first thought was Russel Crowe, but Danielle's not A list.

    And Himmmm- I think Natalie would love to see the paternity test on that kid one day too. ;)

  44. Going with Natalie & Millepied for #3&4. He earns a decent living as a choreographer, but honestly, anything that makes him higher profile raises his asking price even further.

  45. 1# Ben and Jen.

    2# Chrstina Aguilera and whoever she's currently boning while attending family dinners.

  46. Ben and Jen sound like a good guess. Russell Brand and Katy Perry aren't quite A+, I think, at least not him. I'm kind of amazed Ben and Jen are still married; I guess she is quite tolerant, which is disappointing.

  47. Married A list couple with A+ name recognition, husband drinking and drugs again leaves only two choices. Jen/Ben and Keith/Nicole

    A list woman, Hanger on guy is a very short list too. If its not Jessica and her man, its a coincidence.

  48. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I think 1 & 2 are Nicole and Keith. I don't think Jennifer Garner is A list, nor does she have A+ name recognition.

  49. Keith and Nicole for #1, Jessica Simpson and her boi toi for #2.

  50. Yeah, I think it's Keith and Nic, which is sad that he fell off the wagon (really I'd feel bad for anybody who tried hard to stay sober and didn't succeed). While I think Brand & Perry could be considered A-list (and I hate them) I thought there was a report a while ago that they split?

  51. I think Nate could be on to something with the Xtina guess. Read the fine print: It doesn't say A list actress (or singer). Mayeb there should be a new catagory for A list hangers-on. Like Cash Warren or that Pap clown Brit Spears was canoodling with.

  52. #1 My first thought was Nic and Keith.

    #2 Jessica S

  53. My first thought on reading the blind was Keith and Nicole. Both are a-listers with tons of awards between them. Keith very publicly went to rehab, and I could actually see Nicole looking the other way regarding the sleeping around.

    As for 2, well like it or not Jessica Simpson is A list. Anyone who makes that amount of money on her name alone, qualifies her as that. And her fiancee certainly fits the hanger on description. He may not want to sign the pre-nup, but Papa Joe certainly will NOT let any wedding happen without that contract signed.

  54. The comment about Natalie's fiance not being seen with her lately makes me think it is her.

    Any fool would know that Jessica would have you sign a pre-nup......or at least Joe would. She made such a big deal about the money she had to pay Nick. It would just seem naive for Eric to think otherwise.

  55. I'm surprised no one has guessed Ashton and Demi for #1 & #2 yet!

  56. Am I the only one thinking Michael Douglas and Catherine Z-J for 1 & 2?

  57. Is it a well known thing that Affleck doesn't drink? I had no idea.

    I'm thinking Nic/Keith for #1.

  58. #3 & #4: Natalie Portman

  59. Nic/Kieth for 1 &2

    Nat/Benjamin for 3&4

  60. #1 & 2- it sounds like Ben and Jen (since he has a history with alcohol/drugs, and he's rumored to be a horndog (Blake Lively would be the one affair Jennifer knows about). I would also believe Nic and Keith, although the fact that they just had that new baby and that they were loved-up on the red carpet for the country music awards makes me a little skeptical- I think they're going through a good period right now.

    #3 & 4- my first thought was Jessica and her boy-toy, because I think they are pretty close to a wedding date and doing a prenup at this point in time would make sense. Plus, he's the ultimate "hanger on"- the dude is on her payroll and she gave him a credit card.
    Could be Natalie and her ballerino, but I don't think they're anywhere near a wedding- generally the prenup is figured out near a wedding date.

  61. #1 and #2 -- I did wonder about Douglas and CZJ at first; Nicole and Keith fit the description, too. I don't know; all i do know is that cross-addictions are a bitch to put behind you forever.

    #3 and #4 -- "Hanger on" to me would mean someone who has no professional identity whatsoever in ANY career field. So that would r/o Cibrian or Millepied. Would that leave Christina's or Jennifer's guys or ??? [Sorry, i suck at these.]

  62. Jessica Simpson has to be A List. Anybody who tops $1Billion with a clothing line, is definitely A List and has megastar power. Just because you don't like her singing, doesn't mean she doens't pack a punch. Take her seriously.

  63. Serena, re: Gwyneth & Chris for 1&2I don't think he drinks or if he does as an older adult it has never been excessive.
    David, some of us thought Ashton & Demi. I think Keith & Nicole are also contenders.
    3&4, poor Jessica.

  64. Yeah, 3 & 4 just scream Jessica.

  65. I really don't think #1 is Russell and Katy. Not only is Russell not A-list, he was known to have a major drug addiction. And because it says "drinking again" wouldn't it also say "doing drugs again"? David Arquette is definitely not A-list either. I like Jessica and Eric for #3&4 though! Girl better get herself a good prenup if she hasn't already!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. 1&2-- Diane Lane & Josh Brolin

  68. I like Nic and Keith for #1.

    Jessica is NOT A list. I don't care how much money her company makes, she gets ripped and ragged on by everyone. She can't open a movie or sell albums, and people think she is a farting, burping dumbfuck. There is no way in hell she is A list.

  69. would courtney cox and david arquette qualify for # 1. There was much publicity that david slept with one woman after they separated......

  70. Ardleigh? Yes.
    This is so fitting for Josh Brolin and Diane Lane that it actually DOES FIT them even if not Enty's target.
    When I first read it I thought maybe Will Smith & Jada? But then I found I had ignored the part about a husband screwing other WOMEN. Kinda rules out Will. Let's just say I doubt if Jada would know or care unless it hurt their careers!
    So I concur with the Brolin Lane guess. I recall a year or so ago when they got into a fight, Josh knocked the hell out of her - and cops came. She began divorce papers but withdrew them quickly. I do know that they bitch and snap constantly. She's about to start shooting the new Superman - she's a nervous wreck already! And he's always around her putting her down and bugging her like a spoiled child wanting attention (at least thus far in pre-prods and table readings).

  71. My first thought was Jennifer Lopez and The Skeletor for #1. No idea who #2 could be.

  72. I know this is sad, but I don't feel sad about Diane Lane. I remember what she did to Jon Bon Jovi. She inspired "You Give Love a Bad Name."

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I'm being awfully picky, but for #1 to be Keith and Nicole, it would have to be him drinking AGAIN and doing drugs AGAIN. (He was into crack at one point.)

    That second condition is missing, so I don't think it's them. The BI doesn't say the husband is doing drugs AGAIN.

  75. This blind SCREAMED Keith and Nicole. There really aren't any other couples with big A list recognition that have Keith's issues. I don't know that Ben Affluck was ever a druggie anyway- and Jennifer Garner is A list only in Bizzarro world. As for Keith and Nicole's red carpet love fests- that looks ridiculously staged to me- most healthy marriages don't need that kind of over the top PDA.

  76. 1/2 Angelina & Brad

    3/4 Xtina & her hanger.

  77. After reading all the comments, I'm torn between #1 and #2 being Keith and Nic, or Michael & CZJ. After his recovery from the cancer, he may have fallen back into old habits. He did have a sleeping around addiction, and the "random women" comment would reflect that. I'm kind of leaning CZJ & Mike.

  78. I was thinking Douglas and CJZ, too. Although I like some of the other guesses.

    Also, Russell Brand could be considered A list. His two movies were the top money makers this past weekend...

    Finally, how about Brit Brit and her manager dude for 3&4?

  79. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I don't consider Keith Urban having A+ recognition other than with the country music crowd. I think it's Jen and Ben for sure.

  80. 1/2 can't be Angelina and Brad. They're not married.

    I totally had forgotten that Ben Affleck used to have a drinking problem, so that would make total sense about him drinking again. He's also known for his cheating, so it wouldn't surprise me. Jen has headlined movies and being in a relationship with Ben brings her up to an A list in the couples sense. If she and Ben breakup, she'll drop to a B, becasue she hasn't had a good movie in a long long time.

    For 1 & 2 I'm jumping on the Jen and Ben bandwagon.

  81. I sure hope #1 & #2 isn't Keith & Nicole. No clue on #3 & #4 but I'd be surprised if it's Portman. I'm still thinking she's the blind for the pregant woman with the female partner who didn't know. And I'd be surprised if Natalie would marry the choreographer, unless she wants her baby to grow up to be president.

  82. Anonymous9:50 AM

    1 & 2 - Russell Brand and Katy Perry. Fame is making him a jerk again. 3 & 4 - Is Jessica and that former ball player now on her payroll fiance.

  83. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY Russell Brand is even close to an A lister. An A list idiot maybe, but people still don't know who he is. You can't even compare Russell Brand to Leo DiCaprio, George Clooney, Brad Pitt or any other A-lister. The only reason Brand's latest movie is doing well, is because it's a famous movie remake that was made famous by Dudley Moore who was an A lister in his day. People aren't seeing it because it's Russell Brand, people are seeing it to compare it to the first Arthur.

  84. Keep in mind that it only says he started DRINKING again....this does not necessarily imply that he had done drugs before.



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