Thursday, April 14, 2011

Demi Lovato Insists It Was Just An Eating Disorder

Do I think Demi Lovato struggles with an eating disorder? I am not so sure. Even though I am not sure, it can do no harm for her to participate in a campaign to help people increase their self esteem so they don't have eating disorder issues. She told Seventeen Magazine that the only reason she was in rehab was because she had a nervous breakdown and implies, but does not say directly that it was all because of an eating disorder. This is not true and she knows it and if she wants to truly help people then she should open up about all the reasons she went to rehab and not say to the world, "if you go to rehab, make up a bunch of reasons you went, but not the really bad ones." How does that help anyone? If you are really so concerned about people and helping them, then help them.

Now I also want to say that it seems like she is on the right track for getting better and staying healthy and I think that is a wonderful thing. I love happy endings. There are very few people on this earth that I want to see fail. See, I would like Lindsay to succeed. Michael and Dina can end up homeless for all I care. Just because I snark on someone does not mean I wish them to stay down. That is just not right.


  1. I think she probably did/does. Part of my sordid drug past involved using drugs to stay thin, and I know I'm not the only one. Can't imagine the pressure in her line of work and at such a young age.

  2. I am sure she does have an ED, but she is lying by omission. She was doing a lot of COKE to try and stay thin.

  3. I didn't realize there was such a thing as JUST an eating disorder.

  4. Haven't you ever been busted on something and you admit to the not so bad part, not the really really bad part?

    I get it. She's young and doesn't want an admission of coke use to follow her the rest of her career. Rumours are rumours but she can never take back a direct quote.

  5. There's that random sex at parties in front of everybody thing, though.

  6. I consign with *girl.

    I mean do you really have to talk about what the pee felt like when everyone is looking at you with your wet pants?

  7. I can see it being an eating disorder at the heart of it. The pressure to be thin must be horrible when your livelihood depends on it and you're young and susceptible. She then took drugs to stay thin/get thinner, which led to the crazy sex at parties and breakdown.

    Especially because Selena looks like the type of girl who is not naturally lollipop thin, I'm sure she was told all the time that she needed to lose weight.

    I wish Hollywood would start hiring normal looking people. Living in London, I loved that the people you saw on TV were more average looking.

  8. I agree with *girl. I can totally see why she's only fessing up to the ED part. She might always admit to it later in life but right now maybe she thinks fully disclosing EVERYTHING would be too damaging for her career.

  9. I don't doubt for a second that she has an eating disorder. However, I think she was also hooked on blow. She just chose to omit that part from her story.

  10. She is waiting to write a tell all book down the line when money is low. I do hope that she has gotten help and is on the way to recovery. I also hope that LiLo can straighten her life out, but it almost seems too late for her. And at her young age that is sad. : (

  11. Somehow I wonder what is the chicken and what is the egg here. Perhaps she was doing drugs to stay thin, and therefore she thinks if she gets better she will stay away from them. I am glad she is doing this campaign though

  12. What the fuck is a Demi Lovato?

    Is it anything like a Full Lovato?

  13. @Nightmare Child -- I think a Demi Lovato is half of a Venti Lovato. I could be wrong, though.

  14. I agree with Enty's sentiments. I make fun of a lot of people but I don't want to say anyone truly, truly down. But there are 3 people I HATE - Big-Jaw Leno, Chris "Ah Ain't No Woman Beater No Mo" Brown and Scare-a Palin.

  15. People coming out of rehab are in flux in their thinking and in their actions. Probably best not to make too many comments that can come back to bite you later. Especially the younger you are; although there's no fool like an old fool.

    But anyone who's just coming out of rehab is lucky if they realize what a tenuous grip they've got on their sobriety. Honestly, i think keeping a low profile, plodding [or skipping, whatever gets you there] through one day at a time and NOT being a spokesperson for an addiction might be the best course following rehab.

    People with a public persona usually have to acknowledge their "timeouts" to people they don't know, but I have no problem with someone not spouting out all of the details of an addiction or recovery; for that matter, they don't have to tell me or anyone else anything specific. This is an incredibly painful area; people are usually pretty fragile at this point. Different people work their programs different ways. Just do what it takes to stay safe, happy and healthy.

    Off my soap box. Promise.

  16. I believe the ED part, I do not think She was out making sex tapes and having orgies and stuff. having an ED and the pressures to be perfect in this industry can lead to drug use and other destructive behavior.

    Unlike other celebs, it seems that Demi is serious about recovering from ED and facing her inner demons, unlike LiLo and Charlie "Warlock" Sheen.

  17. She don't know if she wrote the message on her hands, but I wish she believed it.

  18. Even if Demi did have a substance abuse problem, it does not make her some low life skank. Substance Abuse often is a symptom of much larger issues such as Depression and Eating Disorders.

    I would not be surprised if she was taking some sort of stimulants considering the heavy workload she was on. 2 Albums, 3 Movies, TV series and a tour right after another film. Tours are tiring and stressful, even Eminem got addicted to uppers because of being on tour.

    I will commend Demi for dealing with her problems properly and getting real help, not joining some Hollywood New Age Cult, or some trend-whore place that gives coffee enemas.

    I think she has a potential to one day reach Elizabeth Taylor levels I want to see her live long enough to do that.
