Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

A star threw a big anniversary surprise party for his wife to celebrate their 5th year anniversary. He invited huge list of guests, an expensive caterer and even more expensive celebrity entertainment. He got a surprise of his own when his wife got home and told him, in front of all of their guests that although it was indeed their anniversary, it was their 4 year, not 5.


  1. Sooooooooo, just enjoy the party...

  2. That could be any dude.

  3. she should just be happy he remembered, the ungrateful wench!

  4. Lol. Chrissy, I don't think it's that ungrateful. I think 4 years isn't long enough to forget.

  5. Shouldn't be hard to figure out who has been married 4 years. Quick google search made me think it's either Heigl or Toby McGuire.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Toby McGuire and Jennifer Meyer. Poor guy.

  7. Maybe Heigl, aren't they on the outs? I keep hearing he's cheating on her. Her husband would be more of a star than a A or B list actor which BF usually uses.

  8. Tobey and his wife were married September 3, 2007, 4 year anniversary wouldn't be until September

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Heigl would have been a Bitch and humiliated her hubby. I like that guess better than mine.

  10. It doesn't say it wasn't laughed about. Someone's just trying to make a big deal out of nothing.

  11. Anonymous10:06 AM

    right, shakey.

  12. don't look a gift horse in the mouth lady. It's a goof, but not a terrible one. Hope this report is just an exaggeration.

  13. The buzzfoto bullshit smells particularly pungent this morning...

  14. Neve Campbell and John Light, FTW.

  15. I think Neve Campbell filed for divorce last year.

  16. Not Heigl. She was married December 23, 2007.

    Wouldn't the guests have clued the husband in? I assume the invitations would have mentioned the 5th anniversary part of it and some of the party guests would have been at the original wedding.

  17. My husband bought me a "real" engagement ring (when we actually got married we couldn't afford one) and dropped to one knew and proposed (the first time was by e-mail) on what he thought was our 10th. It was only the 9th. There was no way I was going to spoil his moment. Eventually others commented on it being our 9th and he figured it out, but so what?

    People need to learn that every moment isn't just about them. She could have chosen to be kind.

  18. Only defense? He's a man.

  19. I immed. thought Mariah and Nick, but they are only on 3,right?

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Love how many go right to the "what a bitch" argument.

  21. Depends on what else has been going on in the marriage. He may have been ignoring her and day-to-day household/relationship issues, then made himself look terrific with this big ole' party without clearing it with her.

  22. at least he remembered

  23. Anonymous10:56 AM

    This sounds just like my husband, minus the huge guest list, expensive caterer and even more expensive celebrity entertainment.

  24. It didn't have to be a mean-spirited thing to say. If I walked in to a surprise party and my husband said "Happy 5th Anniversary", I would probably say something like, "Isn't only our 4th?" It would be confusion, not malice.

  25. I'm going to choose to believe that the wife lovingly and jokingly let her hubby know this. I think it's great and you can be sure he'll throw her a bigger party next year. :)

  26. Sounds like the husband pawned the party prep off on an underling. Not cool. You should know things like how old your children are and how long you've been married. A band and some party food do not an attentive husband make.

  27. @crila - not Matt & Luciana. This past December actually WAS their 5th anniversary hahahah

  28. awww @white lorelei - cute story

    This is like most men I know.

    Now, ask them who one the national championship of XYZ team from 20 years ago & most guys I know could give you specific details. :)

  29. I had a full on fight to convince my friends it was only their 4th. They wanted to have this big ceremony for the 5th (they're gay and cannot legally marry).. It was funny once they figured it out, but it took a lot of convincing on my part. :P

  30. TomKat (Nov 2006)?

  31. I'm assuming it happened fairly recently, like in the last month or what Actor who is married to a non-celebrity wife (I'm assuming) in Feb, March or April 2007?

  32. I actually agree with Madlyb. I didn't find anything malicious in the story at all, just kind of funny. Hopefully they all had a good laugh about it. Again, this is BuzzFoto, so it's prob bullshit anyway.

  33. Hubby said he wanted to celebrate my 40th with a big 'splash' and invite all my family, do the big cake thing, etc. I thought he was joking and told him he was a year late and it was my 41st.

    He sat there with a stunned look on his face and said, "I missed it?"

    Talk about not paying attention!

  34. Caydian,
    I nearly spit out my diet coke! Thanks

  35. Sheeeeiiit, I can barely remember my own wedding anniversary so it'd be no BFD if this happened to me. I'd be shocked that hubby would have remembered the date let alone how many years (only five or six...but see! I don't even know!), and doubly shocked that he'd be able to plan a surprise party for me!

  36. Yeah, it doesn't say that anything was said meanly or that she yelled at him or humiliated/embarrassed him. It could have just as easily been joking/teasing. Why assume the negative?

  37. Agree with those who have pointed out that the wife wasn't necessarily being mean-spirited. It doesn't say in the blind that she was mean about it, only that she pointed it out. I would too, though I would still be sure to let hubby know I LOVE the party and the effort and him, and then probably say something jokingly about how he'd have to top it next year.

    That being said, if it IS Heigl, it probably was mean-spirited.

  38. People who this could be based on 3 year anniversary in the last two months:
    Aishwarya Rai and hubby
    Elizabeth Hurley and Stun Nayar, except they have split.

  39. I obviously meant Arun Nayar.
    Keri Russell was in February, and seems to be the other option. My guess is Rai.



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