Friday, April 22, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

We just got word that this C List comedian, actor, and writer goes online and trolls religious websites, political websites and gossip websites and purposely provokes people. He then watches for the best and funniest responses, writes them down, and they become one-liners in the hit show he works for.


  1. just because i don't understand their appeals:Dane Cook or Dany Mcbride?

  2. Way to stay C List dude!

  3. This doesn't sound like an effective way to generate witty comments. Why not just stand around on a junior high playground and listen to the children taunting each other? You'll get smarter retorts from the kids than you will from discussion board fights --

  4. I'll bet it's someone who comments here. ;-)

  5. ...actually, on second thought, the trolls here never have anything witty to say. So never mind that previous comment.

    Just another bullshit buzzfoto blind!

  6. If this blind is real, then I'd recommend they read DListed (if they don't already). Michael K is the funniest blogger alive! Nobody tops his humor. Nobody!

    His commenters are hilarious also.

  7. .....



    Which one of you told?

  8. Got to agree with the unknown equation.

    So basically his stand up routine is calling people "nazis", "f@gs" and "losers"? The worst thing about flame wars is how boring they are.

  9. Maher is who came to my mind cuz he did "Religulous" or whatever it was called. He's pretty in-your-face about politics and cracks on religion a lot.

  10. Maher sounds like a correct guess. Let's all right something witty and see if it appears on his crapola show. If anybody still watches it.

  11. Maher is the first one who came to mind.

  12. But how is Maher C-LIST?

    Sorry (not really) if you hate the dude's politics, but he hangs out with Arianna Huffington, he has a hit show and documentary, and he was just profiled in Rolling Stone. I think he's at *least* a B-lister.

  13. Yeah, I dont think its Maher either for the same reasons Ida mentioned ^^

    And Religulous was FANTASTIC, he is a commedian so there were some crackes but mostly it was just commentary on all religions and didnt seem that mean to me in the way that this C list comedian whould have made it be with one-liner's and harsh words he got from some websites resones

  14. jeez, proof read much Jasmine? lol, i meant to say *responses :)

  15. Colbert, Leary and Maher are not C list. Not in terms of Television or comedy terms, anyway.

    My guess is it's that Larry The Cable Guy Doofus or Carrot-Top or Gibert Gottfried.

  16. Ha-ha's not me. I wouldn't be caught dead on a religious website. Unless it's one of the "religion is fiction" ones.

  17. @pomme..Dane Cook is a good guess. Has this guy ever said anything funny?

    I'd add Jamie Kennedy but I don't know what hit show he's working on.

    Louis C.K. is too bright to resort to doing this.

  18. Is anybody reading Tina Fey's fantastic new book? She wrote a chapter about the things she's read about herself on the internet. Many (if not all) entertainers do this. They just won't admit it.

  19. what about George Lopez?

  20. my brain drifted toward David Spade...he is working, right? i dunno...

  21. Spade is on something on CBS. It's kind of a family show - I think. It's by no means a hit show.

    Don't see why he'd need religion or political jokes for it.

  22. hal sparks who is on the stephanie miller radio show

  23. What is the name of the ventriliquist dude who had his own show a while back and it got cancelled. Jeff Durham? i think it is

  24. Anonymous12:34 AM

    bill maher

  25. @JasonBlueEyes - I am currently reading Tina Fey's book and loving every page of it!! But if Larry the Cable Guy, Carrot Top, and Gilbert Godfried are C-List comedians/ actors/writers, who the HELL would be D-List hahahaha

  26. I'm listening to Bossypants via, and I LOVE IT. It's over five hours of Tina telling you the story in her own voice, and her asides are hilarious.

  27. chris spencer who is married to vanessa rodriquez adam rodriquez sister i guess he,s not the only who likes black meat oh how those two fucked up their blood line.

  28. ^^^oh anna. now you're racist?

  29. My bet is that this is Bill Hader.
