Friday, April 15, 2011

At Least Kimora Tells It Like It Is

Kimora Lee Simmons recently lost about 25 pounds. That is a lot of weight for a woman who is not very big to begin with. How did she do it? "I have shed the fat by not eating." She also says that she does not tell kids that or anything because she knows it is wrong. At least she is honest about it. No crap like I eat a lot of small meals or watch what I eat and exercise. She just lays it all out. Not eating. So, is it better to just not eat, or to eat and then purge yourself? Not eating must be healthier right? It takes a lot of will power to not eat. I once had to fast for some blood work and that 12 hours was the longest of my life.


  1. I love how she said she was sitting with two Hollywood sisters (who she would not name) who were horrified when she reached for a burger at a recent event. They told her they simply didn't eat. cough*kardashians*cough.

  2. According to all the ladies in Hollywood you can be super skinny through one little secret. Yoga. Yup, that's all it takes. Don't exercise, eat all you want, just do some yoga. Yup, that's all. Oh, and coke and meth and bulimia, of course.

  3. Dear Ms. Snarky!!! Please read this!

    (To the other commentors, this doesn’t have anything to do with Kimora…but I wanted to reach Ms. Snarky and I don’t know how to reach her except through here…)

    Please note I am not a doctor…but… your super low Vit D caught my attention because it is very possible you have a parathyroid tumor! Do you also have high calcium levels as well?

    My best friend “B” in California is going through this right now and one of her symptoms was that her vitamin D was only 15 – normal is 30 to 100!

    She has had two broken bones in the past nine months, one break in each foot. (Second break was 4 weeks ago.) Thinking it was osteoporosis after the second break she talked to her friend, a nurse for an osteo doc, and the nurse told “B” to check her CALCIUM levels from the first break to the second break. B saw that her calcium had actually gone up, now it was SLIGHTLY OVER the normal range.

    Lots of calcium = strong bones, right?? No!

    Nurse said she needed to check into Parathyroid Tumor info because it is almost –never- normal for adults over 40 to have persistent calcium levels of 10.2 or higher!

    Persistent calcium levels over 10.1 (in an adult) is almost always a parathyroid tumor.

    *NOTE: Parathyroid tumors have NOTHING to do with your thyroid! **
    They do two completely separate functions.

    If any of you have read this far, please take just one minute and at least read the symptoms on this link as they may describe someone you know:


  4. Continuation for Ms. Snarky:


    Many times people suffer for YEARS because the symptoms are so vague or doctors haven’t dealt with this before. PT tumors are rare and even B’s surgeon who set her recent break poo-poo’d (?) her suggestion to get a bone density test! (She didn’t go back to him.)

    The only job of the parathyroid is to precisely regulate the calcium in your body and, I didn’t know this before, but everything your body does requires calcium to function. It’s like an electrical conduit or something…

    When you have a parathyroid (PT) tumor, the PT mis-calculates the amount of calcium in your blood and keeps taking more and more out of your bones.

    IMPORTANT: If you have hyperparathyroidism you can NOT take calcium pills when the tumor is still in your neck! It will make your calcium go higher and increase your risk of having a stroke. If your calcium is high, you can NOT take calcium pills!

    * Please note that your parathyroid level can be high-normal and you can STILL have a PT tumor.

  5. lol looser so true.

    Or the blind item reveal that Lindsay wanted to market adderall as a diet drug.

  6. Sorry guys, FINAL info:

    If your calcium is high, and vit D low, request a:
    1. bone density ( DEXA) – be sure they do a DISTAL scan, like a foot or hand, NOT on your large bones! Get your “T” score (that’s how it’s measured)
    2. next option is parathyroid scan

    Removing the PT tumor will make your calcium go back to normal levels within –hours- and you will be feeling immensely better within a week to ten days!

    Surgery takes 20-25 minutes and CURES this disease, it is not a TREATMENT for the disease. You should never get this again if you have a surgeon who cures you the first time.

    If your surgeon can't tell you that his/her cure rate for you will be 97% or higher, then go somewhere else! (read other pages on the parathyroid link above. They’re very thorough!)

    Ladies, like always FIGHT with your doctor if something does NOT seem right...

    The bottom line: Nearly ALL patients with parathyroid problems have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are really obvious, like kidney stones, frequent headaches, and depression. Sometimes the symptoms are not so obvious, like high blood pressure and the inability to concentrate. If you have symptoms, you are almost guaranteed to feel remarkably better once the parathyroid tumor has been removed!

    God bless! (and now back to gossip)

  7. Nice Panda - you get the "Good Deed" award for the day!!! My doctor always stresses the level of vitamin D - every time I get a physical, he reminds me to keep it as high as I can, as they strongly believe it is a great cancer-prevention tool...

  8. Panda, try also commenting to a post where Snarky's already commented to alert her of your message here. If she's clicked "sign up to receive thread" she'll know to check this one to get the message.

  9. @timebob - speaking of Lindsay, did you see on the Superficial website that Victoria Gotti is denying requesting Lindsay for the role? Her delusion and lies have no bounds.

  10. @Panda,
    hey, thank you, that's very nice. I read the info, and it doesn't sound like I have any of those symptoms. Except the needing a nap, but I think that's because I stayed out way too late last night! I think my calcium levels are normal, my doc is pretty thorough. I'm just a northern European chick living in sunless upstate New York. But I will check into this!

    and thanks again, you're definitely a good deed doer. : )

  11. @Panda - That's very interesting. Will have to remember that at my next physical since my Vit D levels are always low, too.

    @RocketQueen - In some other article (Dlisted maybe?) she says she and James Franco are best friends (huh??) and claims she is up for a role in a Wizard of Oz prequel.

  12. @MCH - I'm pretty sure that's news to Franco :)

  13. lol RocketQueen this Gotti movie is turning into such a joke.

    There is no studio support or financing for this movie.

    The producers are just trotting John & Lindsay out hoping to lure investors. And how Lindsay could be even up for this imaginary role is crazy becuase she could be doing time in jail when filming starts. Or at least I hope she is.

    This movie will have the same fate as the Linda Lovelace movie. Dead in the water.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Panda has reinforced what I have thought about alot of the commentators here. We might always not agree, but we are a pretty good lot and do care about others around us. AAHHH! : )

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Glad that Kimora is telling it like it is other than the "I just have a good metabilism" or "I never have to exercise crap". You go girl, I am impressed. The girls are so "K" girls! Obviously, those diet products they are shilling for don't work!

  16. i am 5'9 and i weighed almost 160 2 years ago (thanks birth control, never again!) my mom called me fat all the time because my usual weight is 120-130.

    I stopped eating really and i have lost 30 lbs. it sucks but my mom really fucked me up. she sucks.


  17. I'm doing the "eat nothing but apples and bananas" thing now. It works.

  18. @bloodonthescreen - that really sucks. My grandmother made a really unkind comment about rolling me down the church aisle at her husband's (my grandpa) funeral when I was about 13. I never forgot it and it definitely fucked me up later.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Ha-Ha. Victoria Gotti says there's a chance Lindsay may not get the role after all. LoL.

    In other news - Dina just told TMZ that Lindsay is up for a part in Speilberg's "Lincoln"*

    Fingers crossed, people. Fingers crossed.

    *Of course this is complete bullshit.

  21. She looks better with some weight on her. The skinnyskinny look is not for her.

  22. @Nate F - a Spielberg movie?? Hahahahahahahaha! I think not.

  23. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Boy, Lindsay sure is delusional lol

  24. Bloodonthescreen and RocketQueen, really sorry that nasty comments have affected you. I have been fat my whole life, and at the end of last year I told my husband I was becoming a fat activist. I am sick to death of all the stereotyping around a persons' shape. I can tell you are both beautiful. F*ck the haters and the horse they rode in on!

  25. Bloodonthescreen, for what it's worth, I think even at your heavier weight, you were still within the normal range, and may be in the 'underweight' category as is.

  26. Also, I do like Kimora's honesty.

  27. nice feraltart :) I struggled with an ED and drugs for a while to maintain my perfect thinness, now I'm curvy and fine with it. x

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Lindsay is as sad as Tara Reid saying she is going to star in Big Lebowski 2.

    I applaud Lindsay on trying her hardest to pretend she is a movie star again.

    But you need to actually be signed to contracts and funding has to be in place.

  30. Re the Lohan comments - has anyone else noticed that she is being linked to helluva lot of movies recently? Today I read that she is apparently up for something with Marilyn Manson. I am wondering if it's possible that she is being paid (she is probably one of THE most talked about on the gossip sites afterall) by production to get people writing about their movies? You'd be surprised to know that there are a lot of people in the movie business who still champion her 'talent' and want to see her get a second shot. Just a thought....

    I think Kimora looked better in the 'heavier' (yeah I'm laughing as I type that) picture.

  31. RE : Lindsay, she simply can't accept that she's she'll hang on as long as theres some money but once that's gone so is she...

  32. Oh yeah...on Kimora....she is one of the most awful people friend is a social worker...and Kimora promised clothing for one of the charities she work with...all she wanted was a bit of PR, which she got...the charity got nothing...

  33. Lohan is "linked" to so many movies because she talks about them. I doubt any of it is real.

  34. I think Lindsay has found a ploy that will make her seem relevant and busy so she can avoid jail time. Kimora responded to the not eating comment and amended what she said.

  35. Mila Kunis is going to be in the Oz movie with James Franco. By that time Lindsay will probably be working the butter dispenser and serving popcorn when I'm ready to go see a new movie.

  36. I just want everyone to know that I am under consideration for Spielberg's Lincoln movie too (in the same bizarro universe that Lindsay lives in).

  37. I was tiny in college, 5'5 130lbs bc I was muscular and a cheerleader. Size 2. Then I had a baby and gained weight and my 5'9 mom who's 130 had nothing but negative comments about it. I worked out and lost most of the weight but had this extra 10lbs I couldn't lose. I tried the not eating thing and after a week of complete starving I went and got donuts and bought new clothes in a size 6, which I totally think is an acceptable size. My mom was HORRIFIED at the thought of a 6, so I completely understand how family can screw up an idea of body image.

  38. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Yep, my dad told me I was getting fat when I was 11. Ass.
    I like how celebrities lose all of their baby weight by breastfeeding. What a crock. The only ways I've ever been able to lose it is to eat about 1000 calories a day (starvation)or just recently I tried the Belly Fat diet and lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks. You just keep track of how many sugars and carbs you're eating. I've never lost weight through exercise.

  39. my sister went to Kimora's tag sale and bought her potpurri and some towels. She said the house was incredible! I also think Kimora looks better with some meat on her. At a certain age the face gets hit the hardest, and makes you start looking haggard without a few pounds.

  40. Losing weight is simple science, really. All you have to do is burn more energy than you consume. The end.

    (I am not taking into consideration low/high metabolisms or other medical issues, so don't fight me;))

  41. I often say I'm going to quit eating. I think one of the reasons loosing weight after a certain age is so hard is because we have to eat something so it's so easy and tempting to over do it. If you quit something entirely you just avoid it, just seems easier when I think about it.

    RocketQueen I had to laugh at your "perfect thinness" because when I was at my thinest I was so completely miserable and stressed out I couldn't stand myself LOL

  42. I think Kimora looks horrible now.

    Panda - thanks for the parathyroid info. I went on that page because I didn't know what the parathyroid did, and I have 6 of those symptoms. I think my doctor has tested my calcium levels before but the next time I see her I'm going to ask about that.

  43. The secret to not eating and weight loss is Adderrall XR.

  44. @Black Cat - exactly :) "perfect thinness" mean a perfect fright of a life!



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