Ashley Judd Talks About Childhood Rapes
Ashley Judd has a new book out and in it, she reveals some surprising stories about her life growing up. I say a surprise because she has always criticized her mom and her sister for talking about family secrets, but in her book Ashley did not hold anything back and it is some scary stuff.
Apparently from the time she was 7 or so, she was repeatedly raped and assaulted. In one excerpt in The Enquirer she says she was molested by some old guy in Kentucky, fought him off and tried to tell adults but no one would believe her. I think that used to be a big problem back in the day. I don't know if it was so much parents not believing their kids, but no one ever wanted to cause a fuss. Now, I think 99% of parents would do something about it which is great and hopefully can put a stop to sexual predators taking advantage of their children much more quickly. I know that most people I have ever broached this subject with have some close encounter kidnapping story and I am no different. When I was a kid I remember being approached by a guy who wanted to know if I needed a ride. I was standing in front of my house sand my mom had always said don't talk to strangers so there was no way I was getting in that car.
I don't remember if I told my mom, but I remember that incident vividly to this day.