Sarah Ferguson Is A Mess
It is becoming more and more obvious why Sarah Ferguson was not given an invitation to the forthcoming royal wedding. She is a disaster and has been one from almost day one of the public knowing who she was. I cannot think of a year where she has not done something she ends up apologizing for and now she has done it again. I don't even think it has been a year since she was secretly taped offering influence for money and now she is in trouble again for taking $24K from a billionaire who was convicted of trying to solicit an underage hooker. Sarah Ferguson has apologized for accepting $24,000 from Jeffrey Epstein. She received the money to help pay off some debts and got it right after the guy vacationed with her ex-husband. Wait. Hold on. The guy went on vacation with Prince Andrew? Well, the Prince needs to do some apologizing also. This guy is not a one time bad guy here. He has had to settle a bunch of cases regarding his proclivity for underage women. This is not the guy you want to pal around with and bring near your daughters or have the world think you are best buddies with.