Friday, March 11, 2011

Sandra Bullock A Lesbian?

The National Enquirer has a report in their new issue that in his biography, Jesse James will be spilling some details about Sandra Bullock that she might not want revealed. Yes, the article says that Jesse will be talking about Sandra being a lesbian. This is interesting the way they have done it. The Enquirer is not saying Sandra is a lesbian, they are saying that someone is saying that Jesse will be talking about Sandra being a lesbian. Hmmm. I wonder if there are any blind items about such a thing.


  1. Who cares if she is? And why would anyone believe a Nazi ran around on his wife and is now selling her out?

  2. Oops, I mean, "a Nazi WHO ran around on his wife..."

  3. If there is such a story, it will be Jesse saying something like,
    "Sandra was always so busy with her career. I know some people thought that maybe she was a lesbian, but she wasn't."

    Technically factual, he will say Sandra and lesbian in the same sentence, but not that she IS lesbian.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Sandie doesn't like sausage.

  5. Off topic but whatever happened with the BI about the pregnant actress who was going to dump the baby daddy as soon as award season was over????

  6. Can't find it but Enty had a blind about how he had no idea that an actress was a lesbian so perhaps this is it

    Whatever floats your boat

  7. What an asshole. After what he did, he should at least do her the favour of shutting the fuck up about Sandra for the rest of his life.

    What I'M interested in is Enty's hint at the end....anyone think of a blind that sounds like it might fit for this?

  8. WHO CARES??? Sandra is awesome, no matter if she has a sex tape with a guy or is a lesbian. Which is it? Jesse needs to move on with his life and leave his A list ex alone. He needs to stop trying to get attention. Sandra has an amazing heart. She gave $1 million to the Katrina fund and $1 million to Haiti. She adopted an orphaned baby from New Orleans in THIS country, where there are a great deal of unwanted children. She is beautiful and amazing. Go Sandy!!!

  9. Well, our team lost Michelle Rodriguez yesterday, but gained Sandra Bullock today........I'd say it was a good trade.

  10. Exactly who cares.....I can't believe a publisher gave him an advance for a crap tell all....

  11. Does anyone have the link to that old blind item about this? If I remember right, most people thought the A-list actress was Angelina Jolie, not SB.

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    LOLOLOL @ Casual Observer

  13. I'd switch teams for Sandra - who cares who anybody is screwing. It really makes no difference at all. I wish the world would just get over it.

    Gay/Straight Black/White. We are all people living together. GET ALONG!

  14. It would not bother me one bit if she was. Who cares? Just makes Jesse look like even a bigger dirtbag when I did not think that was possible.

  15. Thanks Casual Observer. Glad to have you on the team too. LOL. Btw, do you think we could maybe trade Lindsay Lohan for Helen Mirren while we're at it?

  16. Ya'll are too funny!

    She is probably bisexual, like a lot of actresses in Hollywood...and lots of men.

  17. Who cares as long as her partner is an ADULT.
    I've never heard Sandy liked the ladies just that her taste in men sucked.

  18. @Cheryl, Ted has reneged on that BI. Says the mother is having second thoughts. Right Ted.

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  20. Remember that blind about Angie and another A+ list actress that we all thought was Reese? Maybe it was Sandra instead.

  21. I vote Sandy's bisexual, But I am also Team Big Mama and parissucksliterally!

  22. Mooshki & Stacey, that's the blind I thought of too. Trying to find it. I thought everyone suspected Nicole Kidman and Angie Joe.

  23. Found it!

    Feb 2008

    Quite honestly this is one of the best pieces of gossip I have heard in the past six months. I actually heard about it on Friday and was so jazzed by it that I almost posted over the weekend because I didn't want to wait until today.

    These A+ list female film actresses (when I say A+, there is no wishy washy, they are A+) are really different, but they do have one very big thing in common. A woman. That's right. While one of the A+ listers is no stranger to women, the other A+ lister is, or would have the world believe she is. However, each of our A+ listers separately spent several months with a woman who must be magnificent or beautiful or extremely talented in the bedroom to attract the interest of these A+ listers. The only thing these two A+ listers have in common is the huge amount of money they get for making films. The fact that these two completely different personalities and looks could both fall for the same woman just boggles the mind. That, and the fact that at least one of the A+ listers has never shown a propensity to spend time with the same team. This one blew me away.

    One of the two is Angelina Jolie

  24. WOW, yeah that sure sounds like Sandra is the second person in this.

    I'm glad, somehow. If she comes out as bi-sexual I think it would mean a whole lot to a whole lot of people. Being America's sweetheart and all...

  25. Nice, MAC! I think this one is definitely solved.

  26. I hope this woman between the 2 A+ actresses is not Jenny Shimizu.

    She's a dog.

  27. there was a blind item about two Hollywood actresses that were vying for the affections of the same woman. He revealed one woman has Angie, the other was Alist good girl...that would fit Sandra. Everyone at the time thought it was Reese

  28. was to slow, sorry to reiterate the same thing:)

  29. I dunno guys. This blind is from 2008. I wouldn't say Sandra was A+ back then. Also, the fact it says they are very different in looks.. again that gives me pause. Both AJ and SB are brunette with big lips. Sure they aren't twinsies but they aren't THAT different that I'd use that comment. I'm not convinced on this. I don't buy the lesbian thing but I also don't believe that SB was unaware of Jesse's peccadillos (sp?). The story I read said they basically hadn't had sex for months... some marriages go through dry spells, I'd hardly say that's because someone in the relationship is gay. It's not the 1950's for freaks sake!

    Color me 'not convinced'....

  30. @john - I agree. When I read that the 2 A+ listers were completely different, I do not think that if one is tall, brunette, and has big lips that the OPPOSITE would as well. I definitely think that blind was still about Reese.
    Not to say Sandy hasn't gone for her own team but I'm extremely skeptical on anything the National Enquirer has to say, let alone what they're saying on a book that hasn't been written yet.
    And if anyone reads that article, they never actually say she is, they just say that people will think she is or something bc they didn't have sex for the past few months of their relationship.

  31. They could be opposite in looks because Angie is the sexpot type and Sandy is a girl-next-door.

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