While Ryan Phillippe is out doing his best Wilmer Valderrama impression by getting with as many women as possible, one of his hookups from this past summer says she is pregnant with Ryan's child. It is always pretty tough to be in a new relationship when you know in the back of your head that your guy was with someone who has walked away from a woman who is pregnant. I guess Ryan might not be practicing safe sex either which is probably a comfort to Amanda Seyfried and Rihanna.
Meanwhile, Bryan Adams has taken the employer/employee relationship to a whole new level. Reports are that he has impregnated his personal assistant. Hopefully he provides a good health plan.
Bryan Adams. Poor guy. Is he still relevant?
ReplyDeletePoor Reese. Wait. Poor Ryan. He's going to get his sperm torn a new one by Reese.
Ugh. Reese, congrats for escaping this douche.
ReplyDeleteI REFUSE to believe that RiRi is boinking Ryan. The girl is a goddess. That's some false crap started by his wishful PR team.
Isn't Ryan Phillippe a little young for a mid-life crisis? All he lacks is the red sports car and a gold medallion around his neck.
ReplyDeleteRyan has knocked up women in the past. He made one woman get an abortion.
ReplyDeleteWhat idiots!!!
ReplyDeleteis this a blind item reveal where the celeb expected the assistant to service him with s.e.x. as needed.
ReplyDeleteOh, no. Who told Ryan that he could reproduce again? Surely we have surpassed our douche bag quota here on planet Earth.
ReplyDelete*looks around at co-workers and nods yes*
Reese, you just laugh all the way to the altar with you great man.
ReplyDeleteWhen did Bryan Adams become straight?
ReplyDeleteLOL @ Simone. I think I've worked there, too, honey.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't that read, "when your guy walked away from someone who was pregnant"? If your guy was with someone who walked away from someone pregnant, what would that have to do with your relationship other than your guy might be bi if he was with a guy who walked away from a pregnant woman.
ReplyDeleteUm. What?
ReplyDeleteI REFUSE to believe that RiRi is boinking Ryan. The girl is a goddess. That's some false crap started by his wishful PR team.
ReplyDeletePlease, that woman is so determined to not be perceived as weak or a victim since what happened to her because of Chris Brown so that she's flaunting her ridiculously hypersexualized image for everyone to see.
She thinks that this makes her look empowered, but it actually makes her look desperate and silly. I wouldn't be surprised if she had sex with Ryan Philippe only to prove to herself that she's in charge and I wouldn't be surprised if she does this to still tick off Chris Brown.
That will be some conversation for reese to have with her 2 kids. "daddy made a baby with someone he hardly knew. you are going to have a little sister or brother". wow. and in front of the whole world.
I often agree with you, Mina, but not here. I think Rihanna's image has remained relatively consistent - Pon de Replay and S.O.S. were all hypersexual - I don't know if it's what she wants or what her label is pushing, but that's been her the whole time.
ReplyDelete"I wouldn't be surprised if she had sex with Ryan Philippe only to prove to herself that she's in charge and I wouldn't be surprised if she does this to still tick off Chris Brown."
ReplyDeleteWell, THAT'S sexist.
I think she's handled herself in a pretty classy way since the Chris Brown, ahem, "mishap." Why the hell SHOULDN'T she be hypersexualized? Every other pop star plays the same card, and she's got a body to die for. If she hadn't been beaten, you'd never toss that sort of criticism at her.
Ent Lawyer,
ReplyDeleteCould you let us know if you don't have enough time to dedicate to this blog because your radio show presently consumes much of that time? Maybe radio is the better bet for you. BTW, it's better to end on a high note, than a low one.
Thanks, longtime lurker!
I don't know about her hypersexuality, but between the Eminem song and her new "sticks and stones may break my bones" S&M song, she's sending the message that domestic violence is sexy, and it really pisses me off. I know there's a difference between actual S&M and domestic violence, but given what happened to her, the two can't be separated in her case. The result is that, intended or not, she's telling people it's sexy for a woman to get beat up by her man.
ReplyDeleteI just ADORE all these people (or, you know, "longtime lurkers") who never, ever, EVER comment unless they feel like bitching.
ReplyDeleteSome of us think you're doing a great job, Enty. It ain't broke, and you don't have to fix nuthin.'
I always wondered why Bryan Adams never married or had kids. Was wondering if he was gay or just a player. Huh.
ReplyDeleteEnt, don't listen to eve (no offense eve), because I'll take your blog any way I can get it! I love your blog, so never leave!
sorry, i'm with eve.
ReplyDeleteNo one's asking anyone to pay to visit this site, or to listen to the radio show. That's all I know.
ReplyDeleteP.S. And if you DID give Enty money, that's your problem. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing Enty lumped these two things together because they are both reveals to blind items.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nancer. I feel better about my post now because it was not meant to be nasty in any way. I have lurked here for about two and a half years. I am also not familiar with EVERY commenter. I choose not to post because nastiness or attacks abound when one disagrees, even if that opinion is respectful.
ReplyDeleteI know Enty gets busy at work, so I don't like to complain, but I do miss the daily pics. At least the blinds usually show up a day or two later. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I haven't chimed in on the changes on this site over the past few months, but I think it's time. I've been a reader and sometimes poster for 2-3 years. I am sorely missing the regular daily blind items and photos sections, they are my favorite segments. I know the photos cost Enty money that he is probably diverting to support the radio show, but I'd like them to return. I don't understand why the blind items have become so inconsistent. I haven't listened to the radio show and I'm not planning to, it's not my thing.
ReplyDeleteI'll still visit everyday, but I'm not overjoyed with the current state of the site.
That's my two cents for the day.
@Rocket Queen:
ReplyDeleteI think Pon de replay and S. O. S. where at least from how she appeared in the videos quite tame, even innocent. I really think that Rihanna's image changed drastically after the incident with Chris Brown.
And I just want to make clear that I don't have anything against sexy pop stars, but there's sexy and then there's I only exist to please you, because I'm a living sex doll if you get what I mean.
I am disgusted at what you claim would be my intention. Why is it sexist if I call Rihanna out on her hypersexualized image? I can't believe that you're really asking what's so wrong with that? For example, she is a role model to countless young girls who think that it's cool to be like her. Do I really have to remember you that she told her fans on a radio show that she pities boys who don't get naked pictures sent by their girlfriends?
Even if she is a victim of abuse she has to be aware of the fact that she has responsibility and that impressionable young girls take her as an example on how a girl should be to be popular with the boys.
I can't believe that you think I say that about her because she was a victim of abuse. Are you mad?
I say that about her because she's taking the sex crap too far!
And sometimes it's better to cover up even if you're having a body to die for. If you got real talent you shouldn't feel obliged to call attention to it by stripping.
"Even if she is a victim of abuse she has to be aware of the fact that she has responsibility and that impressionable young girls take her as an example on how a girl should be to be popular with the boys."
ReplyDeleteThat's really all you needed to say, Mina.
Not EVERY GIRL takes the actions of her favorite pop star seriously. There are lots of fifteen year-olds who simply like Rihanna's music and think she's beautiful. End of story.
Why isn't every young man out there held equally accountable?
And it's YOUR fault if Rihanna's sexual expressiveness makes you uncomfortable, but she has the right to be as provocative as she wants.
I miss the pics and blinds, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have to disagree with you about the Eminem song, Mooshki. Just because she was beaten doesn't mean she should avoid songs about destructive relationships for the rest of her life. On the contrary, Eminem wrote that song about what a mess of relationship it was, and how both players were fucked up to keep pursuing it. If any other singer had accompanied him, no one would have made a stink.
Where did I say that every girl takes her actions at face value, amotefloat? I think it suffices if only one girl felt the need to send her boyfriend naked pictures of herself because Rihanna told her that this was the thing a good girlfriend does and now has to deal with her private pictures being shown on the internet.
ReplyDeleteBut I seem to understand now what kind of mindset you have. People can do what they want and if others (especially younger people) take them as an example it's always their own fault if it turns out to be a big mess for them, right?
How easy life can be. Thank you so much for enlightening me.
Amoteafloat, why so hostile? It's possible to state an opinion without trying to belittle the person you disagree with.
ReplyDeleteRQ, I know that's how the song was intended, but it's not how it ended up being interpreted by a lot of people. It reminds me of a review I once read about the movie 'Less Than Zero' that said it ended up glamorizing drug use instead of condemning it. It's just too easy for these songs of hers to be misinterpreted. It goes back to the debates we had back when he attacked her, about her responsibility to the public, and I do think she should be held to a higher standard because she has so much power to influence.
ReplyDelete@Charlie -- I'm not hostile. Just vehement. No names were lobbed or anything, and I don't think I belittled Mina.
ReplyDeleteI just think it's wrong of people to judge Rihanna for her sexual expressiveness and blame that on the Chris Brown situation. If she hadn't been beaten so severely, I honestly wonder what people would think.
@Mooshki I didn't read all the comments so I don't know if anyone addressed this yet but to me saying that she was beat so she should not sing about s&m is giving the power to the man that beat her. she should not have to change her sexual preferences because of something that happened TO her, not WITH her which is such a huge difference. Don't you think?
ReplyDelete"People can do what they want and if others (especially younger people) take them as an example it's always their own fault if it turns out to be a big mess for them, right?"
ReplyDeleteWell, yes. That's called personal responsibility.
After a certain point (like, after you turn six or seven), it's time to be a big boy or girl and do things your own way, rather than how you think a celebrity would do them.
"saying that she was beat so she should not sing about s&m is giving the power to the man that beat her. she should not have to change her sexual preferences because of something that happened TO her, not WITH her which is such a huge difference."
ReplyDeleteI totally agree.
That's a complete misinterpretation of what I said.
ReplyDeleteWell someone made a career move...teach him to skinny dip...
ReplyDeleteWhat were the 2 blind items that these could be from?
ReplyDeletenot to take sides or anything because it would only further perpetuate the playground mentality that has been increasingly flourishing here in the comments... but for once I have to agree with Mina. Sometimes she does come off a bit harsh but now I see we may have more in common than I thought, because I think exactly the same way about Rihanna the last year or so. When she was an up and coming pop-star she was hardly sexualized more than Brit-Brit or the rest of the brood, but the way Ri-Ri is portrayed I almost feel as if she'd hop in bed with ME.
ReplyDeleteI'm 29 and don't have children. I'm hardly conservative (socially). I wouldn't let my pre-teen daughters (or sons, for that matter) watch Rihanna video's for the sake of pure, unadulterated sexuality oozing out of the pores of my television. It's for me to enjoy, not my children.
Like it or not, become a Top 40 pop star, become a role model.
Also, Mooshki and Rocketqueen, I tend to really agree with lots of what you say, and never really feel like I have much to add to a comment thread (I get home late) because often you've said what I am thinking. :)
And one last thing: Jamie's Girl--- who cares what Reese thinks? They've been divorced for years. If my ex-husband gets remarried (OH WAIT, HE JUST DID AND IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN 9 MO'S) when he has kids it really isn't my business. My father, if he has kids with my stepmother, should do his best to incorporate his new child with his first borns. Half brothers and sisters can be a beautiful experience :)
Sorry for the long post. Been celebratory drinking a little early today after a couple well-done finals. :)
Hee, have a fun night, juicy! I like your comments when you post too. :)
ReplyDelete@ eve - you're entitled to your opinion, and don't let anyone stop you from posting. I, for one, like the diversity of posts here.
ReplyDelete@mooshki- you said that the two can not be separated in her case. so what did you mean then?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, it was me who didn't read your comment carefully. I was responding to what you said about her having to "change her sexual preference," and I don't care what she does in her private life, but HELL, YES, I don't think she should sing about S&M, and it has NOTHING to do with giving him power, but with her having to be very careful not to making people think it's fucking SEXY that he beat her up. And yes, I know that isn't what the song means, or what the Eminem song meant, but when she says "sticks and stones may break my bones," people think about her being attacked, whether that's what she intended the song to be about or not. (That's what I meant by the fact that they can't be separated.) And when she pairs that with "I like it," that in turn makes it easy for people to say "oh, that was just the kind of relationship they had - it turned her on" and I think that's disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how many comments I read from people after the Eminem song who said "see, that's the way she liked it, so it was no big deal that he hit her. She hit him too - that was just the way they rolled." Sure, it wasn't her fault that they interpreted it that way, but I think she does bear responsibility for the messages she's sending, and how easily they may be misinterpreted.
It may not be fair to her, but life isn't fair, and like it or not, she is now the face of domestic violence, and her words and actions are going to have a huge influence over how young people feel about the issue. Because of her songs, a certain number of young men are going to think it's okay to hit, and some young women are going to think it's okay to be hit. Is her getting to go on with her life as if it had never happened worth that cost? I guess it's the socialist in me, but I think that whatever small freedom she might have given up by limiting her expression and making smarter song choices would be well worth the sacrifice.
Ryan Philippe is turning into another Jude Law.
ReplyDeleteIs Bryan Adams the 50 something Canadian singer who sang "Summer of 69"? I know there is a Ryan Adams too.
Mooshki- haha what a wonderful comment. i totally get what you were saying now. I had no idea that people were saying those things after seeing her videos! Tragic. I am in elementary education trying to curb there beliefs! Gotta start somewhere right? The entire situation is just so sad. I hope that she reaches a point that she feels that she can express herself and also set a positive example.
ReplyDeletealso, I love the socialist comment- I lived in Spain in 2008 and think that socialism is the way to live!
I used to watch Ryan Phillippe over and over in that scene from that movie with Sarah Michelle Geller, anyone remember that one? I was pretty young and it was the closest to a sexy scene I had ever seen.
ReplyDeleteI love how the post can be about one thing, and then the comments just go off in a completely different direction...
As for Rihanna - I think this article was pretty interesting.
brittiany, I'm glad I was able to explain my thoughts properly this time. I'm not terribly articulate a lot of the time, which is why I usually stick to one-liners. :)
ReplyDeleteLinnea, thanks for the link to that article. It's good food for thought, but obviously my opinion is very different from the author's.
ReplyDelete"People can do what they want and if others (especially younger people) take them as an example it's always their own fault if it turns out to be a big mess for them, right?"
ReplyDeleteWell, yes. That's called personal responsibility.
After a certain point (like, after you turn six or seven), it's time to be a big boy or girl and do things your own way, rather than how you think a celebrity would do them.
amoteafloat are you serious? I always thought you were stupid but this is just unbelievable. Kids at that age are just kids; they don't have the psychological mindset to fully form their own identity and see past their celebrity idols - if they even have any at that age.
@Eliza -- "they don't have the psychological mindset to fully form their own identity and see past their celebrity idols"
ReplyDeleteBullshit. Not every kid is a lemming; plenty of them are able to make choices independent of whatever their favorite pop stars or athletes might choose to do. Sorry if YOU were easily swayed as a child, but my worship of Madonna never led to me wearing lace and writhing around on the floor.
Agree with amoteaflote. Also, some kids do have responsible parents who keep abreast of what is out there for their kids to be influenced by, and then talk to them about it and encourage critical thinking, even if the child is young. Parents who choose to be parents to their kids rather than friends.
ReplyDeleteSorry everyone, off topic but is anybody else having trouble viewing Enty's blog? I can't scroll at all and I think it has something to do with the Official IQ Test ad posted at the top. Anybody? Any suggestions? thnx
ReplyDeleteJuicy, I concur with your post about the playground mentality in the comment section. Seriously...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYour comments, amoteafloat, are increasingly hostile. You are the one who is coming off like a troll (as you readily accuse others), or rather someone who should be on mood stabilizing meds. You may or may not be stupid, but I do think you are unbalanced.
ReplyDeleteYou may have been a lurker on this site before you started to post as of late, but I will tell you. Your comments are increasingly hostile.
Ahhhhh, I hate when there's such discord with the only people I actually enjoy reading/occasionally typing to on the stinkin' internets.
ReplyDeleteThanks juicy! And congrats on whatever you were celebrating :)
ReplyDeleteRyan = Poppa Pullout
ReplyDeleteDear Ah Worthless White Woman,
ReplyDeleteComments like yours mean nothing when they've originated from someone with such a questionable user name.
I'm not getting into the discussion about Rihanna, basically because I don't care. I think we're missing the real story here, and that is that the Ryan Phillippe possible baby mama is a real uggo. Then again, I don't think Abbie Cornish is pretty, either. I guess Ryan's an equal-opportunity kind of guy. Or just has REALLY low standards (much like the girls with whom he tends to make sexy time).
ReplyDeleteIck on the Ah Worthless White Woman comment- why? Can't people discuss gossip in peace without going for the jugular... via an online comment forum?? And under a fake name? Weak.
ReplyDeleteBut I have to say, I don't see it as Rihanna "taking back the power" or whatever wrt the Eminem song or the sticks and stones line. Especially the Eminem song. I felt like it was straight up capitalizing/cashing in on the Chris Brown incident-- a business move. I guess that is her/her mgmt's prerogative since she was the victim but personally I think its kind of tacky and does send a mixed message as to whether domestic violence/abuse is sexy or wrong. Speaking as someone who has a 12-year old niece who would do anything to be like Rihanna (and who's mother lets her watch the videos, has taken her to see her in concert, etc which I don't think I would do were it my child) that is not a mixed message I want out there, personally. I guess I feel domestic violence, especially the kind that splits your lip wide open, is kind of a black and white issue.
And is there a way to block some of the really gross avatars that i have been subjected to in order to make this comment? I don't want to look at that.
My username is from my dear ole ex-husband, and that is why he is an ex. There's nothing fake about it. And I stand by my comments btw.
ReplyDeleteI get plenty of love in 'real life'. Don't need it from people I'll never lay eyes on.
Once again making incorrect assumptions amoteafloat. You are definitely unstable, along with anyone who actually enjoys any of your bitchy and inconsiderate comments. Go back to the playground where you belong, and take all your immature friends with you.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you're the best person to make emotional and mental stability judgment calls, there mooshk.
ReplyDeleteAh, the classic narcissist response. I'd have to be "crazy" not to love you, right, Miss Sue?
ReplyDeleteNo, you're crazy because you've been diagnosed as having mental problems, not cause you don't love me. I;m acutally glad you don't. Makes me feel like I'm on the right track.
ReplyDeleteWow, you sure are an evil little shit, aren't you? Making fun of me for having gone through depression? For the record, I have an official diagnosis from a mental health professional of "you're doing great, congrats." And I'd sure as hell rather have been "crazy" for a while than to be a narcissistic, nasty, idiot like you. Hey, while we're chatting, have you laughed at any more people in wheelchairs lately? Ignored any people who were passed out and might have been in need of medical attention? What a class act you are.
ReplyDeletedear lord this descended quite rapidly...
ReplyDeleteMooshki, I can assure you that I am mentally and emotionally stable. I am the divorced mother of one and pusring a BS in nursing, my self-esteem is good. The name of my handle is a private joke between me and my mom. It actually helps motivate me in difficult times to achieve my career goals and raise a well adjusted kid. No matter what my ex called me or said to me, I can't let that stop me.
ReplyDeleteSo mentally stable that you had to quit your job?
ReplyDeleteOne more thing before I leave: In addition to being not the best person to judge mental and emotional stability, you're also not the best person to tell others what a class act they are considering the way you act with people who don't agree with you on here.
ReplyDeleteWhen you point a finger at someone Mooshk, you've got three pointing back at yourself.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI happen to know Mooshki outside of the CDaN boards, and can assure you the brave decision to leave her job and find something she actually LIKES was in no way related to a history of depression. Hell, I wish I had the courage to quit my boring job that pays well. FFS, many of us have gone through/will go through depression - can we please NOT stigmatize people for it on these boards?? Fucking ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteListen RQ. I will say whatever I damn well please to that wreck. You (as in vous) can't have it both ways. If people want to say things about me then I will say things about them. That's the way the world works, and if she doesn't like it/can't handle it, then she should keep her crazy hole shut.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice of you to stick up for your friend though.
Sue Ellen - by lowering yourself to make fun of someone's mental health problems, you are simultaneously denigrating all people with mental health issues. . This has less to do with Mooshki being my "friend" and more to do with my sensitivity to people with depression. Period.
ReplyDeleteI see my comment was deleted forever.
ReplyDeleteAnd please, no one say that it was blogger because I checked that it had been posted, re-read it, and the comments were at 80.
If you would like to continue this discussion RQ I will give you my email address and we can talk. Or not. Either way.
sue ellen, leave them be. i understood your comments, and you are not stigmatizing the mental health community. you directed your comments at one person in particular.
ReplyDeleteit's not like enty will have a gathering in cali where we all could meet. OOPS...that was tried before wasn't it? LMAO!
btw, if one is that bored with their job, start your own biz from home on the side. easy income from the boring job while you are trying to and growing a successful biz.
"I see my comment was deleted forever.
ReplyDeleteAnd please, no one say that it was blogger because I checked that it had been posted, re-read it, and the comments were at 80."
HA! Caught you in a blatant lie, yet again. Gee. There's a shocker.
Enty only deletes the overtly pornographic or totally offensive comments. If he hates you so much, why wouldn't he just delete every single thing you say or just block your URL altogether? Believe it or not, none of us know the dude personally, and it's not as if we're in cahoots with him to censor you here or whatever. Not to say that it wouldn't be NICE, but it's not a likely scenario.
You said some inarticulate shit, deleted it, and now you're claiming that Enty erased it. Even though he's too sick to even create his own posts or delete the more profane trolls?
You always claim that you don't care what people think of you -- that must be an easy stance, seeing how you've totally invented a bunch of falsehoods. Who IS the real Sue Ellen?
Meh. The better question is: who gives a shit?
@Mary Anne
ReplyDeleteYes, those are two different singers. :)
I think you've read one too many Billy Mumphrey stories, imateafloat.