Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rob Lowe Talks Tom Cruise And Charlie Sheen - Goes Topless

Rob Lowe must be pushing like 75. It seems like he has been around that long. Go look at him back in his brat pack days or in Oxford Blues. That was a long time ago and somehow someway he still looks good. Bastige. Anyway, Rob is on the cover of Vanity Fair and in the interview he discusses his new autobiography, which is entitled stories he only tells his friends, but I get the feeling he tells these stories to anyone who asks because they are not that great. Sure, he calls Tom Cruise robotic, but I think most of us think Tom Cruise is a robot anyway, or at least constructed somewhat of some space age alloy. You know, like in that hand chopper thing. Ohhhh, or a Ginsu knife.

He calls Sheen one of a kind and it is all kind of tame. What I want to know is how many drugs were consumed on the set of St. Elmo's fire and who slept with who. Now that is a story you should tell your friends.


  1. Definitely still an attractive man. And yeah, you know he has dirt. Either share it or don't expect me to buy your book :)

  2. Yummy, he looks good... but please spill the gossip!

  3. I wonder if he's going to spill about the sex tape he made with two women in the Atlanta hotel during the Democratic convention 20-some years ago? One of the women in the tape was underaged.

  4. Never been attracted to him but I like him on Parks and Recreation.

  5. I always thought that Rob Lowe was too "pretty" for my tastes, but my oh my is that man lookin GOOOOOD these days!!!

    I'm sure he has stories for days to tell but won't... he's not gonna spill on his friends, just like he's not gonna spill on the sex tape thing - wasn't that a mother/daughter combo he was with?

  6. Dear Rob; I still love you.


  7. Never was one of my faves but da*n he's looking good ! Remember when he dated briefly Princess Stephanie of Monaco ? She had some unkind words for him - but then she's a kook anyway !

  8. Buying this magazine ASAP. Completely loving "aging"-something men these days. Which is news, for me. He look delicious.

  9. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, me too!!! Rob is a hottie and seems ageless.

  10. i still haven't let go of his pervy mcperverson days w/ that minor...he still gives me the heebie-jeebies and i hate that i still find him hot.

  11. He is definitely one that has gotten even better looking with age.

    I'd love to hear the St. Elmo's gossip too!

  12. Anonymous2:04 PM

    He was too much of a girly man in his youth, but now...humina humina. Come to momma, big boy.

  13. Spill the dish from the set of the Outsiders. Just how bad did you bad boys get Soda Pop?

  14. In all fairness to Rob, he apparently really didn't know the girl was underage; he met her at a club in Atlanta (forget the name of it now) that was either 18+ or 21+, and since they'd allegedly carded him at the door, he assumed she had been, too. Turned out she had lots of friends who worked there & got her in whenever she wanted, and one thing led to another, as we all know. No wonder Kid Rock was carding his groupies a number of years back...if you're dealing w/a determined girl who really wants to get into a celeb's pants, then checking ID is a damn good idea--and make sure you're good at spotting fake ones, too.

  15. She was 16, he was 24. Still statutory rape in a court of law, I know, but you CAN be a willing participant at that age. Even if it's with someone older and we look at it now and say it's creepy. When I was 16, if Johnny Depp had offered to bang me, I would happily have gone for it.

  16. I've been having major brat pack nostalgia this week. I am going to have to get this and watch St Elmo's and The Breakfast Club.

  17. Topless! T-O-P-L-E-S-S. Topless!

  18. Is it just me or does his head look photoshopped onto that body?

  19. Just you, Mango.

    UNF for days!

  20. Oh, I love me some Rob Lowe. Loved him in all the brat pack flicks, and he rocks my world on Parks and Recreation. That show is becoming my new office. Well that, and Modern Family, which is awesome. And Matt Dillon was on that last month.... Let's do it for Johnny. God, with Ralph Macchio on DWTS, it's like Outsiders overload. Love it.

  21. Remember when he dated Melissa Gilbert? I hear he broke her heart.

  22. he's just like a perfect human man.

  23. I used to watch the scene where he gets out of the shower in Outsiders over and over because you could almost see some action! He was, and still is, a major babe AND funny to boot. He killed it in Wayne's World.
