Monday, March 07, 2011

Real Housewives - Beverly Hills

Multiple sources are now saying that every cast member from Real Housewives - Beverly Hills have signed on the dotted line and are all returning. I have mixed feelings about this. Of course I wanted Camille Grammer back. My mixed feelings are about Kim Richards. Was she really that great on the show? Yes, she provoked Taylor a few times, but if she was not on it, would you miss her? I am just wondering if it would have been more interesting to have Sylvester Stallone's wife on the show. I was never a big fan of Denise Richards being on the show because she has filmed reality television and I don't think she would be real. I think she would be boring. I also feel like maybe after such an explosive first season that they all might try and repeat it and the drama will seem forced.

Believe it or not, Taylor was the last holdout. I know. She says that the show caused her marriage to have trouble. Maybe if she had not been talking smack about her convicted felon husband every five minutes the marriage might not have suffered as bad. Taylor is not giving up the spotlight for anything. I think she just wants people to feel sorry for her.


  1. I just wish they would show this already on Canadian t.v.

  2. I hope they gave Kim a big ole raise!

  3. Convicted felon husband?? Why am I not aware of this? Links please!!

  4. Everyone is replaceable. I was hoping Camille would NOT be back. The show could have been just as great without her. Lisa Vanderpump won every poll asking "who is your favorite".

  5. I agree about Kim. I just always found her kind of dull, frankly. The fact that she's an alcoholic makes it even worse. NOw what I'd like to see would be Kim on Celebrity Rehab! With Charlie Sheen. That would be fun: Boo hoo Betty with Crazy Chuck.

  6. Prior to marrying Taylor Armstrong (who goes by the aliases Shana Hughes, Shana Taylor, Taylor Ford and Taylor Ford-Armstrong) Russell ran afoul of the I.R.S. and was charged with evasion of assessment. On October 15, 1995 Russell Lynn Armstrong pled guilty to the felony charge. On May 5, 1997 Armstrong was sentenced to five years of probation. From the court documents:

    The special conditions of supervision included 150 hours of community service, to be completed within the first two years of probation, and disclosure of personal and business financial records to the probation officer.

    His probation was terminated early on October 6, 2000.

  7. I like Kim Richards by the end of the season b.c she seemed the most real and has real problems (money, alcohol, emotional issues from being child star and PTD @having fiance murdered). I think the only way she can real is putting light on those issues.

    She is also the only housewife with her original face.

  8. Don't ya have to be married to be a housewife? Kim ain't!! Dump the pitywhore.

  9. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I hope they address Taylor's sketchy past in the next season.

  10. Yay! I may not like them all (Kyle Richards, I'm talking to YOU) but love the drama.

    I've also gotten into the Miami show. Those chicks are a hoot!

    Still can't watch Orange County, tho.

  11. Taylor provoked Kim, especially in the last episode. Also, if Taylor had a better marriage and a normal husband who actually had emotions and a sense of family, they wouldn't be having any problems, especially not because of some stupid show. They have problems cause he sucks and it was seen by everyone watching. I do agree that she wants people to think she's a victim. I certainly don't. She's married to a man with tons of money. No sympathy here.

  12. Which casmate will be the first to call out Taylor, on camera, re all of her antics? My bet is it will be Camille. Taylor's numerous name changes, both first & last, can only mean she's up to no good, especilly when she tried pawning herself off as a member of THE FORD FAMILY. In my eyes she's just as nefarious as her inattentive husband....making her just another SALAHI.

  13. I knew they would all sign on, as much as they cried about the negative coverage. They all love the taste of fame and aren't about to lose their slots to Denise Richards or Jennifer Stallone. I agree with enty Denise would be boring. The only interesting part of her is Charlie and she won't speak ill of him for any rea$on.

  14. I don't for one second believe that Taylor and her husband have money like that. People who used to be rich have a way of coming off like they have money.

    If Lisa is so classy, why is she on this show?

  15. From the Reunion Show, I gathered that Bravo contacted Kyle first and she suggested Camille. I assume Kyle also got Lisa on because they are friends.

    I can't figure out how Taylor go on.

  16. What? Stiff ass Russell is a convicted felon? How'd I miss that?

    I'm glad they all signed on for another season.

  17. I am so disappointed that so many of you don't know about Russell's criminal past! Tax evasion, fraud, He truly is a fraud and I believe he is barred from the securities industry. He is at minimum barred from handling trades. Information summarized here

    I'm so disappointed Taylor will be back on the show. I hate when vile behavior is rewarded. Plus, her face gives me seizures. I hope she gets her comeuppance.

  18. Terri, in response to how the ladies signed onto the cast, it was supposedly done in this order:

    kyle was the first to sign on and of course brought in her sister, who was a huge child star, brought her best friend lisa on board, who is neighbors with adrienne and a mega-millionaire..adrienne is friends with taylor (not best friends but theyve met at their children's school and became friends)...when producers were asking around for a 6th cast member and hoping for someone related to film or the industry in general...kyle mentioned camille, the then-wife of kelsey, who is mauricio's client. i forgot where i read it but it makes alot of sense on how connected they are...

  19. I don't watch any of the Housewives shows since I got bored by the second seasn of New York, but I would love to be Kim Richards personal assistant (and I don't even know why, maybe because I was such a huge fan growing up), so if anyone can hook me up, I'll update my resume...

  20. I agree with Borg Queen about Kim. nepenthe, I so so hope that it's Adrienne who will call out Taylor on her shady past AND saying that she's their daughter's godmother.

    I do believe Adrienne is a mark for Taylor and Russell. I wouldn't be surprised if those two lived far, far above their means. $60K for a kids party and she spent most of it on the adults. I hate her smile - just reeks of desperation.

  21. I love kim. I thought that whole blind date thing with Martin was funny, and then he kept showing up. I am so glad Camille is going to be back, she's the only reason my daughter will watch it with us.

  22. So Ayda Field (Robbie Williams' wife) didn't end up signing on? I heard they pursued her...if not - that's a relief!!!

  23. so happy kim is back - love her!! hate taylor :(

  24. Taylor is ugly and dumb.

  25. I love Kim Richards so much. Last week, the Dukes of Hazzard episode with Kim Richards was on and I actually jumped up and down with excitement. I think I'm smitten.

  26. I'm glad they all signed up! I am hoping that Kim has gotten the help she needs, but then again all of the housewives has something to rehab, redo, re-suction, re-plump etc., who's to say that Kim is the only addict of something?

  27. I think Kim is the only honest housewife on that show.

    Also, I think a rehabilitation center is not for everyone. After all, you spend your time at some kind of holiday resort, (at least it sounds like it to me when celebrities go to rehab) shielded from real life, your real surroundings, your every day problems and thus live in a bubble for weeks or even months without really learning how to deal with the things that could trigger your addiction.
    It might be a good choice for people who have to leave their usual environment when they are surrounded by enablers who aren't a good influence (see Lindsay Lohan), but it doesn't seem that Kim is in that kind of situation.

    After all, the show could be good for her in a way that she might get some positive attention again after being out of the spotlight for some time now. It might increase her sense of self-worth and make her more self-confident again.
