Friday, March 04, 2011

Paris Hilton Exploits Brooke/Charlie Custody War For Her Own Gain

Apparently Ellen is more desperate for guests than I thought. Today, Paris Hilton was a guest on the show. I know. When you reach Paris Hilton on your guest list list, I think you are pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel. After that it, you are left with, well, no one.

Anyway, Paris was ostensibly on the show to talk about her new reality show. Because no one actually cares about her own life, Paris decided to also include Brooke Mueller. Now, you may ask yourself why Paris would even include Brooke. Well, let us look back at Brooke's history. Many, many trips to rehab after partying too much with Charlie Sheen. Now, where did you always see Paris & Brooke filming? Clubs and bars. I think someone was hoping for a Broke relapse to make the show more exciting. What they got was that plus a custody war between Charlie and Brooke and Paris says she has lots of it on tape. So, Paris is basically exploiting the situation for her own benefit. Well, no one ever said she was a subtle leech.


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