Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Meredith Baxter Says Her Husband Hit Her

Meredith Baxter is on the road promoting her new book. In her book she says that her ex-husband David Birney hit her more than once. "It was so sudden and unexpected, I couldn't tell you which hand hit me, or even how hard. I do recall thinking, 'I'd better not get up because he's going to hit me again.' "

For his part, David Birney denies ever hitting his ex. No one has got around to interviewing the couple's three kids but they would probably have an idea of who is telling the truth. I always side with the victims in this because I think it takes courage to stand up and say what happened and you know it is going to be the focus of her book, no matter what else is in there. I do hope her kids never had to see her getting hit and they were not subjected to violence either.


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