Friday, March 18, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Parties - Brings Own Bottle

Lindsay Lohan partied her little guts out in New York Wednesday night. After spending some alone time with Samantha Ronson in Sam's hotel room, Lindsay decided she wanted to hang out with people who were on her own level as far as celebrity so she hung out with reality stars. Well considering that Lindsay is the star of her own ultimate reality show this makes sense. Lindsay should have had cameras start following her about two years ago. I don't understand why Dina didn't make that deal. Do you know how much f**king money Lindsay would have made? Would you watch a no holds barred reality show about Lindsay? Hell yes you would. If millions of people are watching the banal and vanilla Kardashian clan each week, you know twice that many would be willing to watch Lindsay. She would have dollar bills coming from every orifice and Dina would finally be able to fix that wretched nose job she got years ago. Oh, and some new color for her hair.

This would have been the easiest money ever. I think the reason they did not is because Dina would have wanted it to look like Lindsay is some kind of angel and goes to church every day and twice on Sundays and close each episode with Lindsay lying on the floor of the church speaking in tongues or healing people.

Anyway, back to the real Lindsay. She spent all night at several clubs and never let go of her water bottle. She also made out with some random dude. I wonder what Sam thought of that.


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