You know what my biggest problem is with Lindsay Lohan? It isn't that she is a drug taking, steal anything that is not nailed down, chain smoking, lip injecting, bad movie picking, horrible influence on sister, convict, multiple prison staying, multiple rehabbing, sleep with anything, hoarding, bad parent having, waste of talent, it is that she is a whiner. She is a whiner about everything. Everyone always has it in for Lindsay Lohan. She has a thinner skin than any other human alive. I really don't know how or why she chose to be an actress because she can obviously not take a joke, take any criticism or accept that some people in this world would ever choose to say one bad thing about her. On SNL this weekend they took shots at Lindsay Lohan. Any self respecting comedian, comedy troupe or girl scout troop would. Name a show or commercial that has parodied Lindsay or made fun of her troubles that has not got some sort of response by Lindsay or her equally awful mother about how it hurts they made fun of her. Lindsay of course took exception to the joking and said she was hurt. Well, then stop doing stupid things and stealing from people and being the mess you are. What? Just because you once made a movie with Tina Fey makes you think you have some kind of SNL immunity? Please. Why don't you try staying out of the news for a few months and watch what happens. People will stop making fun of you because if you have not done anything then why make fun of you. Reason? It would not be funny. No one would get the joke. I don't here her and her big lip injected mouth complaining when some other celebrity gets made fun of on a show. Where is the outrage then? Get over yourself Lindsay. Everyone else soon will be.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Whining is the WORST.
ReplyDeleteYou can be a mean bitch or a dumb bitch or an uppity bitch or a heartless bitch. But a whiney bitch...NO! Step off, LL.
And THAT my friends is a rant! BRAVO BRAVO! *clap clap clap*
ReplyDeletePeople need to step back and take a look in the mirror before they start calling out LiLo for being whiny.
ReplyDeleteI see more whiny crybaby bawbag menopausal Heal The World soccer mom bullshit in every day life than anything from from LiLo. Especially coming from some of you that comment on here.
So go ahead and cast the first stone, people...just know that there's a boulder flying right bac at you.
Who cares? I can't think of a pseudo-celebrity I care less about than Lindsay. Unless it's Charlie Sheen.
ReplyDeleteI'm a wine'r, does that count?
ReplyDeleteEpic rant! Well done Enty and all so very true.
ReplyDeletesing it, my brotha!!!!
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY. It isn't what she does, it's that she takes no responsibility for anything. Nothing is her fault and everyone's out to get her. I heard about the complaining letter she sent to Lorne Michaels. Are you serious?? So she's immune from parody??
ReplyDeleteOne of the thing about addicts is they have poor coping skills, which is why they start using in the first place. She grew up in a horrible household with Michael yelling and beating his wife up with the kids watching. Dina is the biggest enabler (probably because she is using as well) who tells Lindsay that the world is being horribly unfair to her. Basically, she has a lot of external factors that are working against her that she can't manage because her personality was stunted when she was in her teens.
ReplyDeleteI think you missed liar....
ReplyDeletealso she could be just trying to get them to book her again...she missed the last hosting gig due to rehab.
I love all things lohan newswise...and I must say she's even starting to make me sick. You cannot just get away with everything. We'll all feel better when she is behind bars for a few days and we can take a breath.
ReplyDeleteI love Tempestuous Grape. And wine.
ReplyDeleteEven if the word is being unfair to her, adults learn to suck it up and move on, because that's just life. I really wish both Lohan and Sheen would hold hands and jump off a cliff.
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ReplyDeleteTotally agree. If you can't take a joke or two, you have no business being in...um...show business. I didn't mean for that to rhyme.
ReplyDeletewhen you offer yourself as a public figure, that's what happens. Deal with it, or learn to type.
ReplyDeleteWah wah wah!
Save the drama for your Mama....Oh snap, her Mama is responsible for the DRAMA! So sick of this of woe is me Beeoch.
ReplyDeleteI have a beautiful teenage stepdaughter who is being raised by a wanna-be clone of Dina. (BTW - a stepdaughter who is showing her own psychological problems.)
ReplyDeleteMy stepson and I both have connections with higher-ups in the acting/modeling professions. Would we recommend the stepdaughter for modeling or acting go-sees. HELL NO! With a mother like my stepdaughter's, you'd have an instant maniacal/narcissistic stage mom and an almost certain future of drugs and/or some other form of destuction (spelling?) for my stepdaughter.
Anyone who truly loves a child would not want to wish that on the child.
Whiner! Duh.
ReplyDeletenightmare child, i wonder if anyone is gonna call you out for this:
ReplyDelete"I see more whiny crybaby bawbag menopausal Heal The World soccer mom bullshit in every day life than anything from from LiLo. Especially coming from some of you that comment on here."
these chicks went on all day last week about anti-feminism comments.
amoteafloat, where are you and your self-righteous postings?
The word I meant to spell is
Sorry-- had to get that rant off of my chest!
Rocket Queen, I agree with wholeheartedly.
ReplyDeleteLilo needs to stfu and actually take some responsibility for her actions. she NEVER has, which is why i think she is still using and will die before age 30.
Meh. I'm not even going to take the bait from passive-aggressive choadlickers who say nothing of interest or import and only post here when they feel like picking fights. Some of you are obviously ravenous for attention -- must like Lindsay herself.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone really surprised at her reaction? She's a child star whose parents have noisily defended her every fuck-up. Her indignation honestly reminds me of Charlie Sheen's. This is what happens when a person hears the word NO less than a dozen times during her childhood: she forgets to be self-deprecating. I don't think Charlie knows that we're all laughing at him, and maybe Lindsay doesn't, either.
Shit, at least Miley was able to laugh at herself. Big props for that.
Wait, the last time the Lohans whined (about the joke on Glee) Enty called them out for using it as an excuse to get publicity again. How is this any different? Lindsay watches SNL, realizes she hasn't been in the news for a few days, and finds the perfect way to get her name out there again. Thanks, Enty, you helped her achieve her goal.
ReplyDelete@ea17 - No, because they know it's true. I'm in complete agreement with everyone. I think she should let it slide and enjoy the free publicity, but people shouldn't be saying shit about her being whiny when I read tons of goddamn stories on here that are just as bad, if not worse. Think about it...people are whining about the fact that LiLo is whining. Pot, kettle, something like that.
ReplyDeleteWhen people can own up for their own bullshit, then they can call others out.
@Nightmare Child -- "people are whining about the fact that LiLo is whining."
ReplyDeleteThat IS kinda...meta.
It's weird. I totally get your point -- that's why I won't even CLICK on posts about Paris, because I don't even want to waste brainpower being angry at her very existence. I don't even WANT to rant about how much I hate her, and I don't know if you've noticed, but I like to rant. I figure that if I post and say something like "ENTY. For the love of BALLS, please stop writing about this bitch" it'll just fuel even MORE Paris posts. So, I ignore them. But I'll still click on Lindsay-related shit. *siiiiigh.*
Maybe I check Lindsay posts because I don't hate her? I probably *should* hate her, but I still find her situation innately pathetic and sad.
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ReplyDeletelol @ sticking up for women's reproductive rights being "whiny", ea17.
ReplyDeleteOn that note, happy 100th International Women's Day, everyone!
@Rocket -- don't feed the troll, don't feed the troll, don't feed the troll...
ReplyDeleteLOL. Watch. Next, a troll is going to yell at me and say that I'm "controlling" you in this thread. :-)
I've sent 100 emails today and only the recipients and I know about them. How is it that she sent and email and then the world knew? Lorne Michael's people? LiLo's people? Internet/Email goblins? BTW...she seems like a classic case of "my dad sucks and I never got over it" syndrome. Mine did too but you grow up you deal with it.
ReplyDeleteoh and another thing. Charlie Sheen's been whining for a week it's just that he is wayyyy funnier (and scarier)
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ReplyDeleteWe get it, Zeke. You're rrreeeaaaaaaaaallllllly horny. You must have ladies *clamoring* to crawl all over that charming crotch of yours.
ReplyDeleteI don't think people here are particularly whiny. Snarky yes. Whiny no.
ReplyDelete@sunnyside1213 - I'd say it's a solid 75/25.
ReplyDeleteAnd does anyone else feel the need to take a long shower after reading Zeke's stuff?
@Nightmare -- yes, totally. But Sunnyside suggested in another thread that we (or, you know, me) refrain from feeding it, and she's totally right.
ReplyDelete*shrugs* Shit, maybe it's LiLo herself? :-)
@amoteafloat - Aaaah. I haven't popped into that many threads lately and when I do, it's usually only for something that sparks my interest. And that sounds more like Sasha Grey than LiLo.
ReplyDeleteWow. Never thought I would see you over here. You know how to make the rounds. Peeps here are in for a treat, once you start self-destructing. The Dlisted clan wasn't having it. So you ran over here, after you were handed your ass. They'll get tuned in real quick.
ReplyDeleteYay to Enty for the rant, also for the removal...
ReplyDeleteDUDE. I WISH there were more Sasha here and less LiLo. I'd also gladly trade Paris posts for Stoya ones, while we're at it.
ReplyDeleteEnty, are you listening? Also, thanks for kicking He Who Shall Not Be Named off the bridge.
Word of the day: "Choadlicker".
ReplyDeleteI love it.
Anyone who smokes the green and likes Sasha Grey is OK in my book. ^_^
ReplyDelete@Lacy - Who are you talking to?
Brilliant. This is the best thing I've read all day.
ReplyDelete@TNC: Hopefully, that choadlicker whose comments were removed...
ReplyDeleteAw, and I didnt get to read it. Sadsies!
ReplyDeleteShe hosted 3 times. She never parodied anyone in those 3 times she hosted?
ReplyDeleteBritney? Paris? Anybody, I'm sure she did. I watch every SNL. It's just hers are the most forgettable.