Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Lindsay Is The Biggest Whiner On The Planet

You know what my biggest problem is with Lindsay Lohan? It isn't that she is a drug taking, steal anything that is not nailed down, chain smoking, lip injecting, bad movie picking, horrible influence on sister, convict, multiple prison staying, multiple rehabbing, sleep with anything, hoarding, bad parent having, waste of talent, it is that she is a whiner. She is a whiner about everything. Everyone always has it in for Lindsay Lohan. She has a thinner skin than any other human alive. I really don't know how or why she chose to be an actress because she can obviously not take a joke, take any criticism or accept that some people in this world would ever choose to say one bad thing about her. On SNL this weekend they took shots at Lindsay Lohan. Any self respecting comedian, comedy troupe or girl scout troop would. Name a show or commercial that has parodied Lindsay or made fun of her troubles that has not got some sort of response by Lindsay or her equally awful mother about how it hurts they made fun of her. Lindsay of course took exception to the joking and said she was hurt. Well, then stop doing stupid things and stealing from people and being the mess you are. What? Just because you once made a movie with Tina Fey makes you think you have some kind of SNL immunity? Please. Why don't you try staying out of the news for a few months and watch what happens. People will stop making fun of you because if you have not done anything then why make fun of you. Reason? It would not be funny. No one would get the joke. I don't here her and her big lip injected mouth complaining when some other celebrity gets made fun of on a show. Where is the outrage then? Get over yourself Lindsay. Everyone else soon will be.


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