Thursday, March 17, 2011

Howard Stern On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

After that Snooki debacle it is nice to see Rolling Stone put Howard Stern on the cover. Whether you like him, hate him, or are indifferent, at least I think he is more relevant to a Rolling Stone cover than Snooki. Plus, that Private Parts has been on HBO On Demand this month and since I have been sick I have been watching a whole lot of On Demand. Speaking of which, how come NBC is pretty much the only network who is on On Demand. Yes, there are many cable networks, but when you look closely you realize about half are owned by NBC.

In the interview Howard talks about his divorce, his therapy, the fact that he does not need as much sex as you would think he needs and also about Artie Lange. This is what I found most interesting. When you read his quotes about Artie and the suicide attempt, there is no banter or funny stuff, it is just about compassion for the guy and as he says, "keeping Artie alive."


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