Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hayden Chirstensen And Rachel Bilson Want You To Know The Are Finished

What do you do if you are a celebrity addicted to fame but no one is paying attention to you anymore? Well, you rehash something that no one cared about in the first place so at least your name will be relevant for the time it takes everyone to read a paragraph about you and move on to more interesting things. According to the spokespeople for Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson they want you to know their relationship is over. This confirms their previous announcement that they were over that was a rehash of the announcement that they were over. You may now return to whatever you were previously doing and forget about them, because they are over and they really mean it this time.


  1. yeeeeeeah, because they were ever really a couple.

  2. Who are these people? I see their names every once in a while, but I still have no idea as to why they are 'famous' ... they must of did a sex tape???

  3. I always does she make money to buy clothes all the time. I can't believe I thought Hayden C. was kind of hot but then Star Wars happened.

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    So I take it no one paid attention the first time LOLOL

  5. It's kind of sad, actually. I think she is adorable, but she should concentrate on her career vs. all this publicity BS.

  6. I think he was trying to get a new contract with her and was seen out a few times and was all yeah we're still boning (but wasn't) to the paps.

    I guess she finally wised up and moved on.

  7. Ugh. My son is really into Star Wars right now, and I had to suffer through watching his acting the other night. The prequel trilogy is shit-acious. Off topic, I know. But just saying.

    I liked her on the O.C. I'm surprised she never found work doing romcoms. Just like Kate Hudson's continued success baffles me.

  8. Maybe if she actually got work she could see her name in something. Do you think she even tries to get work?

  9. She is in a movie with Tom Sturidge going straight to dvd. I just never warmed to him at all.

  10. even my boyfriend (STAR WARS nerd) doesn't care...
    WAIT !!! may be because he's a STAR WARS nerd,he doesn't care

  11. They have spokespeople?

  12. lmfao how many times have they "confirmed" that they're no longer together? not getting any reaction from the public the 1st time doesn't mean you need to announce it 3 more times.
