Wednesday, March 09, 2011

California Chicken Cafe - Oh And Miley Going Off On A Pap

For those of you who live in the Los Angeles area and have yet to visit a California Chicken Cafe, you are missing out. Although the one I go to usually seems to always be packed, the chicken is really really good. This is the kind of place I go to when I cannot convince people to go to El Pollo Loco. This way they get their "health" on, while I suck down a couple of roasted chickens. Yes, I said two, but hey, no carbs right? Plus, the one I go to is just a couple of blocks from Pink's just in case I need a little extra something before or after.

Anyway, Miley was eating at one yesterday (looks like the one on Melrose) and when she came out one of the paps brushed up against her mom. Wow. Miley has some spunk.


  1. Sensitive much, Miley? Good grief. You can take the girl out of the trailer park...

  2. Enty, you need to go on the California Chicken Cafe diet! IT works. I just went on the Atkins, and it knocks the weight off my fat tummy!

  3. Not a Miley fan (hate her influence on my own teenager) but she was in the right this time. These paps are too much. There is doing your job - theirs is a lucrative if soulless job - and then there's crossing personal boundaries and treating people like objects. Good for her for standing up for herself.

  4. The pap disrespected her mom. I'm glad that Miley yelled at him!

  5. He deserved every bit of that.

  6. "I didn't disrespect your mom!*click click click*"

  7. Oh Lord, when is this talentless famewhore going away?

  8. Team Miley! The dirtbag nearly knocked down her mom trying to get a pic of her. Good for her.

  9. I don't blame her.

  10. Ugh. I would totally pull a Bjork if the paps harassed me like that. I'm so protective over my own personal space; I cannot IMAGINE being stalked more or less constantly.

    Miley is absolutely justified in her anger, and I like ANY instance in which a young woman courageously stands up for herself.

    Good for her.

  11. I cannot stand Miley, but she was in the right in this instance. It's good to see any young woman, even her, stand up to someone who is being rude and invasive.

  12. Good for her.
    Paparazzi need limits.
    These people are getting so out of control with their invading personal space and aggressively trying to get shots. It's getting more and more dangerous.

  13. Better than the peace sign pose she usually does

  14. Hate to admit it but she was good on SNL. Her parody of the Beiber was hilarious. And she looked really cute with short hair.

  15. I can't hate on anyone who yells at a pap. At a cockroach, maybe, but not at a pap. Especially since he really was swinging that camera close to her mom's head.

  16. It's gotten to the point where I can't keep Miley and Lindsay straight. Is it just me or are they morphing into the same person?

  17. LOL! Love their menu!

    Real Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (not available in Hollywood)

    No carbs allowed in Hollywood!
