Monday, March 07, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This little known star on a childrens network just had a hush-hush moment after getting so drunk this week that she threw up on the floor of a local 7-11. It was all made right when mommy manager swooped in and saved her with a stack of twenties in the cashier’s pocket.


  1. Um...all of them??

  2. How many times is Elmo's mommy going to have to rescue him. Put that poor guy in rehab already! And get a restraining order on Oscar. You can tell right away he's a bad influence!

  3. Whats the point of a blind about a "little known star"?

  4. Ice Angel, you have it all wrong. It's Cookie Monster who has the real problem.

  5. Little known....ok...this makes it WAY harder.

    This is a good & juicy one, by the way.

    I'm going to take a stab in the dark and of the gals from Degrassi: The Next Generation.

  6. Maggie or Lisa Simpson?

  7. @crila - Funny! Maybe Meg Griffin?

  8. Maybe one of the kids on How to be Indie?

    Can't be anyone from iCarly because they're very well-known.

  9. Dora the Explorer. I always did wonder what was in her backpack. Who knew it was a fifth of gin.

  10. Ardleigh for the win!!

  11. Why would we want to try and figure out a blind about a little known star when we have a tough enough time figuring out who's A-list?

    Just sayin'.

  12. @Nate F - It's not anyone on iCarly. Cosgrove's pretty much A-List with tweens and Jennette McCurdy is really tight with her mom and very clean cut.

    And it's not anyone from Victorious, either...because VJ is A-List and Ariana Grande is a solid B-.

    I'm sticking with my Degrassi guess.
