Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Arrested Development Movie Tease - Part 34

Every few months we get teased. Those of us who curse the day Arrested Development left the airwaves have been waiting and waiting for the movie that always seems long on promise but very short on reality. All the stars always seem to think it is going to happen and Ron Howard too. Then, someone like Michael Cera will be Debbie Downer and say it is not going to come and there is no script. Well, according to Jason Bateman, he has yet to see a script but knows the plot and has heard a detailed plot and thinks the movie will be amazing. Now is the time to strike. None of the cast is really doing anything. Let us lock this shizznit down and get it shot and out by Christmas. Come on people. Please.


  1. OMG I loved this show. I wish they would do thisalready

  2. I will be the happiest person in the world if they make this movie already!

  3. I never saw this show. I will try to catch it on dvd.

  4. Michael Cera needs to suck it up and help make this happen. With Jesse Eisenberg having been AMAZING in The Social Network, Cera is replaceable in everything now.

  5. @RQ, you are just reading my mind today. When Cera started being a a$$ about the whole thing, I thought why not that other kid from Zombieland?

  6. I guess Michael Cera is too busy PLAYING HIMFUCKINGSELF in whatever piece of shit movie he's currently filming and can't be bothered with another project.

  7. Please. I want to book my babysitter NOW for opening night.

    If you haven't see the show, watch the DVDs from the beginning because you will not be disapointed. Too funny.

  8. I want this so bad, please just do it already!

  9. Agree with the readers who seem to be thinking that they should just replace Cera with Eisenberg. Eisenberg is a better actor. Not that it matters since the role is Cera. Kid needs to ride the typecast gravy train all the way to the bank.

    And yes please on the AD movie.

  10. I feel AD is the one show I have on DVD that I can watch over, and over, and over and over. Please give me some new content already!!!

  11. haha, they are right about having 40 hours of footage of being asked that question.

    I really hope it happens. I'm tired of being teased!
