Wednesday, March 02, 2011

American Idol - Where Are They Now?

I went over to Life & Style looking for some dirt, but what I got were a bunch of recaps of past American Idol contestants. I thought it would be boring but I kept reading them and flipping through and before I knew it I was finished. When I was reading them it was kind of sad. The contestants were all happy to talk about Idol, but to me it was kind of like listening to some kid who peaked in high school. They kept reliving that time and were kind of stuck. It is like once these people had a taste of fame they thought they would be famous forever and most of them have not really forgot that taste and want to try and hold on.

Sanjaya is just a guy who had lightning strike about a million times to get where he is today. He is on Broadway which is amazing considering he was not that great on the show. This is a guy who took the time on Idol and realized he needed to make something out of the opportunity given to him and he seems to be working hard which is great. Then you read about some of the others and they talk about possible film deals and how they want to record an album and they are just dreaming and will probably keep dreaming. Someone should do an in depth look at the top 12 from each season and see what they are doing now.


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