Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Steven Soderbergh's Two Night Stand Led To Baby

Last week Steven Soderbergh was sued for paternity of a child he fathered in what he calls a two night stand in Australia. Soderbergh is married to Jules Asner, but according to Soderbergh, he and Jules were separated so when he went to Australia he decided to have sex with a stranger for a couple of nights and the next thing you know she was pregnant. Soderbergh has been trying to keep all of this quiet but the woman's lawyers in Australia kept rejecting all his offers so they decided to sue in the United States. As for Jules and Steven? Oh, supposedly they are all happy now and moving on from this and Steven says he will support the child but has no interest in being in the child's life or getting to know the child. This might be true, but do you need to say that aloud?

So, would you get back together with your husband if you knew he went off and had unprotected sex with a stranger and got her pregnant?


  1. Probably not. But then again, I probably wouldn't marry someone who looked as old as my dad.

  2. I think that's a pretty hard thing to get over, but if they can, more power to them. They were separated at the time. Didn't the same thing happen between Bianca (from that sitcom with David Spade) and her soccer-playing husband? They tried to work it out, but couldn't.

  3. HELL NO, don't these people realize HELLO HIV/AIDS?!?! Honey you are NOT going to screw someone raw and then come back to me and expect me to be cool with it.

    I say divorce his ass and use this to get a HUGE settlement.

  4. Not gonna lie, it would be really really tough. Not to mention the fact that he seems to be publically proclaiming that he wishes zero involvement in the life of a child he helped create. Forget the whole separation thing, why be/stay with someone that would so callously write off their own child?

  5. Well for sure she saw $$$$$$$ when she looked at him....can't be anything else, and she took a chance and won...
    As for him, he's an idiot.

  6. I think I'd take the money and run.

    He has a daughter - Sarah, born 1990 - she may or may not want to meet her 1/2 sibling at some point. I can see him not wanting custody or being heavily involved, but I don't get how he can say he has no interest in the child.

  7. Absoluetly not. Cheating is the deal breaker.

  8. I think it would depend.
    About the level of honesty involved and understanding we had when we decided to separate.

    Did they agree they could see others?
    Did they discuss this before reconciling?

    But I agree with the others - I just can't understand him writing off the child. My husband doing that would be worse to me than a fling while we were separated.


  10. I wonder if Jules made the no contact a condition of getting back together?

  11. I wonder if Jules made the no contact a condition of getting back together?

  12. Ummm, no I would not. If I had thought there might be any chance of reconciliation & the guy not only hooks up with someone else but can't be troubled to wrap it up? No thanks.

  13. It's tough to say; however, it's not okay to abandon a child. People want to know where they come from. He should make arrangements when the child is older to plan visits.

  14. Soderbergh is 47 and Asner is 42. That's amazing for Hollyweird.

    I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with him getting someone knocked up while we were separated, but abandoning his child would sure as hell be a deal breaker!

  15. I agree with the people who say that writing off your own child is cold. If nothing else about this story, that would make me kick him to the curb.

  16. I'm with the others who have said I could potentially forgive the fling (maaaaaybe - like really, really slim chance) but I would kill my husband if he said something as stupid as he wants no contact with the child. That's disgusting and would not make me want to be with him. Yuck.

  17. And I hope Jules Asner is smart enough to consider - if he'll do this to an innocent child that is his flesh & blood, I wonder what he will do to her when he decides she is inconvenient, of no use, etc. - and decided to discard her??

  18. If we were separated at the time, I would be hurt, but I could forgive it. If we were still a couple (even if we weren't getting along), I would take that as a sign that he is already out of the relationship and make my exit, as well. While a separation shouldn't give someone carte blanche to do what (or whom) ever he pleases, it's a gray enough area that I could forgive a one-night stand.
    Then again, I am sometimes too forgiving.

  19. I never forgave Kevin Costner when he said horrible things about his child's mother (the child he had right after his first divorce) and basically implied she'd trapped him and he wanted nothing to do with the child. I just kept thinking that one day that kid is going to read it and be really hurt by it. So I think it's a dick move to say that child is strictly a legal matter. Even if you only knew the woman for two days. Should have thought about it before you skipped the condom.

  20. You guys....maybe it's HER that doesn't want him to have any contact with the child, and he agreed. We really don't know.

  21. Thank you Mr. Pink!

  22. Isn't it important that Jules retain her Director's Wife place in the hierarchy? He can well afford child support payments. Jules doesn't need to see the spawn nor care for it but her Status would be seriously jepordized if she showed him the curb

  23. RQ, even if that's the case, I still don't respect him for going along with it. He could have let her be the primary care giver, but still visited the child from time to time.

  24. In line with Mr. Pink's comment...of course she will forgive him "He's her lobster"

  25. What is more disturbing is what he says about his child! He wants nothing to do with his own child? I would leave him for making a statement like that. He sounds cold and heartless.

  26. OMG Director's Wife!!!!

  27. Um, I'm going to play devil's advocate (not that the devil needs and advocate nor that I even believe in the devil) and say how do you know he didn't use a condom? Using a condom is a pretty good form of birth control, but they can also fail. You can also use a condom and still get an STD, depending on the STD afflicting the person.

  28. if his wife doesn't care, i don't care!
    and the next time,USE CONDOMS!

  29. Good point, M. A friend of a friend got knocked up while using condoms religiously. :(

  30. If I were Jules Asner, I'd have him boiled, disinfected and tested for STD's twice a week for the rest of their married life.

    He directed a movie "starring" Sasha Grey. You know he probably tapped that, and Sasha's probably swimming in the herp and god only knows what else.

  31. I would get back together with him for the sake of going old school "Waiting to Exhale and Enough" on his ass. Cue the Mary J. Blige/Miranda Lambert sound track. (Not Gonna Cry and Gunpowder and Lead).
    What would be your soundtrack playing during the revenge scene?

  32. @M - Good point!

    I do feel bad for the poor kid! It's not his/her fault.

  33. If the kid is in Australia and he lives in the US, how much contact would he really have with his child under the best of circumstances? I'm not sure what is better for the kid. And all of this may change when the baby becomes a person. My uncle wasn't thrilled with parenthood until his son started talking and showing off his personality.

  34. Steven is a multi-millionaire. Flying to Australia and staying for two weeks or so per year is not difficult for him to do. At least while the kid is small.

    When the kid comes of age, he could hire a female bodyguard to escort the child to the USA via flight for summers or such.

  35. Whether or not I could take him back would depend entirely upon the situation of our marriage, the seperation, etc at the time of the two-night stand. Howver, my message to men, especially rich men, who don't want to have anything to do with some golddigger's baby even if they did father it is this: get a vascetomy!!! Have a bunch of sperm put in storage if you think you might want a child one day, and then have the procedure, damn, it isn't rocket sciene. Then you can go have all the two-night stands you want, and not have to worry about paying child support for the next 21 years or scarring a child emotionally with your neglect.

  36. I would have to love this mental twit a whole lot to take take back someone who most likely had unwrapped sex with a stranger.

    Then to say that incredibly douchetastic thing about the child when you could do the right thing & be a better man. SERIOUS FAIL. Kick him to the curb.

  37. I don't want anyone to cheat on me, but I'd be more upset about the no condom use endangering my life. Condoms and not finding out about the sex? A lot more okay with it now than I was in my 20s. We're not naturally monogamous and at least he protected my feelings and my health (and the relationship by having a meaningless one night stand instead of an affair).

    If it's him who wants no contact with his kid, THAT would be my divorce trigger. That's a huge character flaw that doesn't bode well for his loyalty and morality in other areas of his life.

  38. I wouldn't take him back. Period.

    I like Moosefan's soundtrack, LOL. Mine would be Welcome to the Jungle. "You're in the jungle baby, you're gonna DIIIIIEEEE!" Followed by the 3 Stooges imitation and "I'm gonna watchu bleed!"

    I used to love him/but I had to kill him ...

  39. I'm in trouble here. I can't have kids. I would probably pay off the woman to give the baby to me since it was my husband's....

  40. canadian singer melanie fiona would take him she will fuck anyone who helps her so called music career,don,t believe me ask csi miami actor adam rodriquez.

  41. Whoa, anna! Were you his girlfriend?

  42. Is this a new thing? Pretending like you were separated when you get caught cheating? (Also happened with Courtney Cox, Elizabeth Hurley, Christina Aguilera)
