Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Rihanna Talks About Her Nude Photos - Kind Of

Remember those naked photos of Rihanna that came out about two years ago? Well, although everyone assumed they were of Rihanna, she never said a peep and never confirmed they were actually her. Until now. Thanks to a repeated poster on Rihanna's Twitter page, the confirmation that has probably kept you up at nights for the past two years has finally materialized.

The poster linked to the naked photos of Rihanna and asked "Heeey boo! What is thiss?" Instead of chiding her on her spelling, Rihanna replied, "That would be... ME, when I was skinny!"

Well, judging by the bikini photos I saw of Rihanna in Hawaii, I would say she still looks just fine.


  1. The extra consonants are popular with the younginsssss nowwww. Most of the kidzzzz i see who post on Facebook pages do thissss.

    Oh, and texxxxxt me (:

  2. Rhi,you are hardly fat now. Stupid and insecure, yes, but fat? No.

  3. Please Riri, don't let that creep Chris Brown anywhere near you.

  4. twitter is a cesspool of bad grammar.

  5. If I had her body I would be naked all the time.

  6. @timebob - agree. I've learned to let it go, but it made me cringe for a long time ;)

  7. At first I thought it was Prince in the photo :)

  8. What @Patty said!

    @timebob & @RocketQueen - It's not just Twitter....kids just write like this now a days. It makes my head want to explode.

  9. I don't like this child. And I don't like that she is a child and that we are supposed to care about her naked photos.

  10. I've heard that some schools in our local districts are removing spelling and vocabulary lesson from the curriculum in elementary schools. Is this the cause or the effect?

  11. Anonymous6:10 PM

    @MAC, I thought that too.
