The day after Chris Brown won the right to be able to hang out with Rihanna, photos of the beating she received at the hands of Chris Brown were released. I must warn you that the images are shocking and hard to look at it. I am so glad they were released. People seem to have forgotten what Chris did and this will serve as a stark reminder to show not only what he did, but what can happen to you if you stay in an unhealthy situation. Click here to see the photos.
I have no idea how he gets work.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe that there is any woman on this planet who would date or be friends with this loser. Seriously. I bet he never lays a hand on Rihanna again because he is probably been told he won't be breathing any longer if he does. She has got some friends I would not want to piss off. I bet Rihanna is not his first victim and I bet she is not his last. So very sad.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you don't beat a woman like that, especially at his age, unless you have some serious rage issues and have done it before.
ReplyDeleteWhat an a$$.
i agree with you enty. it's good timing for the pics to come back out now.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Sheen still gets paid to "act," Michael Vick still tosses a ball, and Chris Brown still sells on iTunes and gets booked to appear SNL.
ReplyDeleteThis country is a deeply violent place. I'm not surprised. America reWARDS people like Chris Brown. Those pictures are terrible, but they aren't going to change anyone's perceptions -- if anything, they're just going to be a media hassle for Rihanna.
Isn't Jay Z tight with Rihanna? Listen, I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of anyone who came out of the Marcy projects, especially if he has a kabillion dollars to buy silence -- and a lot of hangers-on who want to get in good with him.
ReplyDeleteUgh. Silly me, I clicked through to the site. Some of the comments on there made me feel sick. I hate the human race.
ReplyDeleteSeriously makes me wonder about Ryan Philippe...some women go back again and again for the bad boyz...
ReplyDelete(I am NOT "blaming the victim" here; RiRi said it herself back after the beating that she wasn't into being anyone's role model, blah, blah, and IIRC she wanted the RO reversed, right?)
Thanks for posting this Enty. He's a piece of shit and I don't mind the public being reminded of that
ReplyDeleteVG> I hate the human race
ReplyDeleteI knew a young woman same age as Rihanna, prettier, and she got involved with the same kind of guy. Not only did she keep getting beaten, but they would argue, she would start screaming and she would start punching/kicking the guy, which would set him off to start beating on her. (She's still with him, so far as I know. I gave up, got away from both of them.)
Is it any wonder some people overseas regard the West as the "great Satan"?
There are lots of addictions out there--most of them are harmful to one's self. If any female is a freak for the violence and love/hate shit or the fight-then-have-great-makeup-sex shit, then so be it.
ReplyDelete@Selena -- um. It kinda sounds as if you're advocating a "she was asking for it" philosophy regarding violent relationships. I agree in that most addictions involve a lot of self-harm, but Chris Brown now knows that he can hit a girlfriend ten years from now and basically walk away from the experience with little repercussions.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. Passion is great, but there's no excuse when it erupts into violence. There's a gigantic difference between getting into a screaming quarrel with your lover and knockin' boots later that night and getting the shit pummeled out of you and not being able to emotionally extricate yourself from a relationship.
Please, if she goes back to him, knowing how he is, and expects to "change him," then that's just stupid as shit, IMO! To each their own.
ReplyDeleteSee Mark's comment above mine; it DOES happen that way with plenty of people.
I also have a friend who purposely provoked her husband over and over, goading and taunting him into knocking her ass flat, far too many times. Made us all sick to see and hear about it. But what're you gonna do? It can be a repeating behavior.
Don't blame me; I'm just calling it like I've seen it. I've never been hit even ONCE, neither was my Mom or Grandmama, either so I do not know why a woman would ever go back to a fucker after the FIRST HINT of trouble.
But whatever.
I also read a few of the comments on that site and came away even more grateful for the community here at CDAN.
ReplyDelete@Selena -- eh. I don't think Rihanna would go back to him. Her career is exploding, for one thing, and she can do MUCH better than Chris. Or Ryan Phillipe, for that matter. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteI got the feeling that she wanted the restraining order lifted because of coordinating who gets to attend awards shows and stuff. It must have been a tremendous pain in the ass to have your paths cross constantly due to mutual careers, and I'm sure that she just wants to be done communicating with that asshole. Who knows, really?
I still don't think it's okay to ever hit someone weaker than you -- it's not cool to hit a child, animal, woman, or for a woman to hit a little boy, frail husband, grandpa, whatever. If someone has "goaded" you and you're completely riled up enough to take a swing at him/her, go outside and take a walk. Mutter to yourself. Punch a wall. Slam doors. Do some yoga. Go swimming. Go biking. There are ways to release anger, but nothing in the world will EVER make me think there's an excuse for using physical harm to control a vulnerable creature -- human or otherwise.
Well I of course very, very much agree and am not condoning violence.
ReplyDeleteUnless someone wants to take a few choice shots at fuck-face Chris Brown, that is.
@Selena -- I'd love to toss Chris Brown and Michael Vick into a big tub teeming with box jellyfish. That's not really ~violent.~ It's karmically justified.
ReplyDeleteOh, and that Mormon pedophile guy who just got busted, too. You can toss him in with the jellyfish.
@Mark - To be fair, the countries calling us 'The Great Satan' still bury women up to their necks and stone them if they have the audacity to report they were raped.
ReplyDeleteI'll never like Chris Brown again. It's just hard to forget a guy beating the crap out of a woman like that. Also - I never read the comments where there is a story about a woman being raped or beaten, as there are some pretty despicable human beings out there who feel the need to blame the woman and/or justify the violence against her as something she brought upon herself.
Stuff like this makes me a cynic. Chris Brown beats on a young woman and he only becomes more rich and famous. Kim Kardashian is rich and famous because she let a guy tape sexing and peeing on her. Lindsay Lohan is more famous today as a junkie (or 'ex-junkie') thief than she ever was as an actress.
Amoteafloat -- I hadn't thought of the event logistics issue as a reason to do this; you have a good point. That must be a nightmare for industry event planners. And at least Brown didn't get the TRO lifted in time for the Grammys, which he is what he wanted.
ReplyDeleteIf you are continually being goaded by someone to hurt them, why would you stay? There is no real love ther, just something sick and twisted.
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for domestic violence.
I love Russel Brand and he was hilarious on SNL, but when c brown came on, I turned off the TV.
I cannot believe that there is any woman on this planet who would date or be friends with this loser. Seriously. I bet he never lays a hand on Rihanna again because he is probably been told he won't be breathing any longer if he does. She has got some friends I would not want to piss off. I bet Rihanna is not his first victim and I bet she is not his last. So very sad.
ReplyDeleteActually, I think people knew about this all along. I also think that Rihanna doesn't mind Chris. As influential as Jay-Z is, Chris might have experienced a lot more backlash for his actions from the celebrity world if she would have really wanted to get back at him.
I don't even know if Chris would have been so cocky as to leak the naked pictures of Rihanna if he would really be scared of her people.
Those photos should be pasted to every album or single Chris Brown sells.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason she wanted the restraining order lifted was because Chris Brown's fans are even more psycho than he is. This way she has a little bit less of their hate to worry about.
ReplyDeletedomestic violence is a vicious cycle that is very hard for women and men to get out of,both abuser and abusee.
ReplyDeleteif you haven't been it,don't cast judgement on those who have.
you *never* know what you would do and what kind of control it has.
At the time, Chris Brown was considred so cute and upcoming. This ruined his career. As someone told me when I was her age (and in that situation) hit you once, shame on him. Hit you twice, shame on you (for staying).
ReplyDeleteNot that it matters, but did anything ever come out about what the big argument & subsequent beat down stemmed from???
ReplyDeleteIf she has anything to do with him again, she is a fool. I understand the cycle of abuse for a non-celebrity, but at the same time she is in a position of power, has money & all kinds of handlers/resources in order to make the right decision that not every random person has access too.
a question for the idiots at Media Take Out:
ReplyDeletehow can a lip be "split almost to the bone"?
who has a bone in their lip? am I missing something?
Well said, jax.
ReplyDeleteBlogger amoteafloat said...
I'd love to toss Chris Brown and Michael Vick into a big tub teeming with box jellyfish. That's not really ~violent.~ It's karmically justified.
^^^ THIS
My Dad told me a piece of advice that has stuck with me ALWAYS. It should be put in every little girls head.
ReplyDelete" If a man has to demean you; either with his words or his fists; then he is not much of a man."
I do not condone domestic violence in any way, shape or form so no flames, please, but after reading that Chris Brown struck Rihanna because she gave him herpes (if that account is true) I at least understand his anger. He didn't strike her because he'd had a few too many, she was looking at another guy, or she didn't heat up his chicken pot pie to the right temp.
ReplyDeleteAgain, not condoning his actions at all, but sometimes it's enlightening to know why.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRihanna needs to shoot higher in the man dept. Ryan Phillippyeee? Ugh, he is so 8 years ago.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she could go for a young, sexy soccer star or an accountant.
I am so glad someone else is commenting on Brown being on SNL. When it was announced, I kept looking around saying "WHAT????" How on EARTH could they allow that piece of shit guy to just walk out and do his thing like nothing happened?
ReplyDeleteI understand the concept of paying for your crimes and being forgiven - but he still doesnt seem to care or see that he did anything wrong. Quite the opposite, he boasts about his certificate one second and says hateful things the next, and blames Rihanna for the bad stuff that came his way after the beating.
If I were Russel Brand, I would have refused to share a stage with him.
@parissucks: im guessing to the maxilla jaw/gum line. where you lip connects. thats the only thing i can think of. thats fucking intense if that's what it means.
ReplyDelete@chopchop: i hear ya! but as people who have wondered over to other sites and have read their comments know, the people who are still buying his shit could care less. it was rihanna's fault after all. she deserved it. (sarcasm obv).
if you really, really want to feel anger, read a chris brown/rihanna related article on a black entertainment site. i have read a lot of nasty shit online, but nothing has ever made me as upset as comments regarding rihanna and her 'getting what she deserved.'
i feel sick even writing that. things are never, EVER going to change when the people who need it most don't care.
Wait, what? There are sites where they do that? Honestly, i might come off as a completely sheltered little girl (blame it on the not being american, i guess) but i have never seen anyone except for stupid trolls say shit like that.