My Academy Award Thoughts
So, I spent much of yesterday battling some kind of bug. As per my usual remedy I spent the day on the couch drinking booze and eating. Because I happened to do all of this healing upstairs I was compelled to watch Academy Award coverage beginning at 11am and continuing right through to the end of the broadcast. Some of my memories might be a little fuzzy because I could not find a pen and paper so bear with me if things are slightly out of order.
I don't even know why E! bothered to have the first three hours of coverage. All it made me want to do is call every food delivery service I could think of to send food to Giuliana Rancic. Please for the love of everything that is holy, eat something. I did not quite understand the Black Swan fashion show either. I have not seen everyone running around dressing like characters from the movie so I don't know why they spent such a huge portion of time with it. Yes, Natalie Portman won an award for best actress, but I don't see the world dressing like her.
So, when the pre-show started with Ryan, Giuliana and Kelly Osbourne were sent off to the skybox. Out of every actress that hit the red carpet, there were maybe two times where they kind of said they did not like something. See, they do not have the guts to say anything bad while Ryan is interviewing people live. They are fine doing it from the safety and comfort of their studio tomorrow but they could not afford to possibly upset some publicist and not get Ryan the interviews he wanted. I understand that but it gets really boring to have the two gush over every single outfit.
As bad as they were, it was just as painful to hear every other actor or actress talk about the process of acting and visions and blah blah blah. Oh, and when someone asks you who you think will win, it is ok to actually pick who you think will win. No one answered the question. I thought Ryan did a god job on the carpet. He had done his homework and knew what everyone was in or what they were doing. The repeated Twilight tease was a bit much. I mean really? He made it sound like some kind of groundbreaking thing that was going to happen.
It could have been because I was not feeling well, but a lot of people really got on my nerves. Top of the list was Melissa Leo. Wow, how much attention does one person need? First she bought full page ads for herself then she dropped an F bomb on purpose just to get more attention. She annoyed me and her Elvis outfit annoyed me too.
I was not expecting it, but Christian Bale annoyed me and Halle Berry in that interview she did on ABC was pretty annoying too. I loved Jennifer Lawrence, Hailee Steinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Russell Brand and even The Goopster who looked really nervous to be singing. I thought Mandy Moore looked incredible. I think Justin Timberlake did a good job of of trying to squirm through the Napster question and a more difficult job of hiding that he wished he was nominated. I'm glad Mila Kunis took out her gum before she hit the carpet because she was smacking it harder than Miley Cyrus when she got out of her limo.
I thought Jeff Bridges presenting was way over the top and that Sandra Bullock was perfect. Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr had no chemistry. Anne Hathaway can really sing and despite my meh reaction to her usually I thought she did fantastic and an amazing job as host and thought James Franco was quite possibly the worst host ever. He did great in the beginning montage but after that he pretty much sucked. Yes, the bit in the dress was funny, but calling the science guys nerds was rude and he seemed like he was uncomfortable the entire time. The only other part that was great came courtesy of her Marky Mark line.
Kirk Douglas was hilarious and when Justin Timberlake copied the "You know," part that was pretty funny too. I wondered where Diane Lane was, and thought Matthew M was kind of rude for announcing the winners names. You let the woman do it Matthew.
Colin Firth's speech was great. Probably the best of the night. It is always interesting to see all the nominees who are not actors and how many times they have been nominated. Randy Newman? 20 times? Seriously. Wow. What about the guy who has won 8. When you win 8, do they kind of become old news? At that point the thrill is probably gone. Billy Crystal and Bob Hope bit was great. Even though I post pictures of all the people that pass away during the year I had forgotten about some of them. I thought Celine did a great job. Who knew Kevin Spacey could sing and I loved PS 22 and Anne's reaction to them after they performed. Who picked Anne's blue latex dress? Lady GaGa?