Lindsay Lohan was in court today for what was supposed to be a plea negotiation. The plea was supposedly going to involve Lindsay getting some jail time. With jail on the line though, Lindsay has decided to take her chances at trial. For now. Although she says now she is going to trial, as the date approaches, it is possible that plea deal may get better. If not, and she does go to trial, I predict a media circus for however long the trial lasts. I also predict that Lindsay will end up owing a great deal of money.
What an idiot. And regardless of how this turns out, she's still on the hook for breaking her probation, and that punishment will be decided by her old judge. Get ready for your cavity search, Linds.
ReplyDeleteOMG, who advise her ?
ReplyDeleteNot surprised at all. She still thinks she's "somebody". What better way to make the whole world pay attention to how hard done-by she is and the unfairness of the world?! She totally thinks she's getting off. I wonder how many people will be paid this time.
ReplyDeleteShe needs to go to prison. And then she could make one of those seventies type sexploitation women's prison movies.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait for her to go get a taste of jail for a year or two. You know the rest of the world would already be there for all of the crap she has pulled. I bet she is convicted and gets the longest sentence they can throw at her. We are all tired of this Long Island Princess. Dina might have to get a job now! The horror!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will get the popcorn ready. This is going to be amazing.
ReplyDeleteI read on another gossip site that she was pulled over by the police for speeding at twice the speed limit. Shouldn't that be a violation of her probation?
ReplyDeleteLauren, I will bring the wine. Absolutely unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way in hell a nonviolent offender will get tossed in a California jail for years; they're way too overcrowded, AND let's not forget how her fame has gotten her out of every scandal she's encountered thus far, anyway. I mean, why is it really any different this time? It's not. She'll walk.
ReplyDeleteShe's fucking teflon. Annoying, narcissistic, orange-skinned teflon.
If she does get significant jail time I'm predicting a visit to the Roman Polanski Rehabilitation Center and Spa in Gstaad, Switzerland.
ReplyDelete59 in a 35 is what I read. Sounds like a probation violation to me. Not supposed to break ANY laws, right?
ReplyDeleteMy prediction is the sunglasses she wore today are already sold out. The black shirt will sell out by end of the week. Necklace will be gone by end of tomorrow.
Lindsay will make money every single day she goes to court. By the end of the trial she will be sponsored by Porsche at least. That's what she was driving when she got the ticket.
wheres Jack mcCoy when he's needed to prosecute this bimbo
ReplyDeleteThe saddest part online I read about how so many younger girls believe the whole everyone is out to get Lindsay thing.
ReplyDelete@Cindy - really?? I find it so hard to believe people actually BELIEVE her famewhore family when they claim she's a victim. Of the law, of the prosecution, of the Betty Ford worker, of the store.....Sigh, that is tragic.
ReplyDeleteshe repeatedly gives the law the finger. she needs consequences.
I agree with parissucks she literally gave the judge the finger. Let the new judge take back her get out of jail free card.
ReplyDelete"Go directly to jail Ms. Lohan. Do not pass go. Do not collect on any more endorsement deals."
I'm liking Looserdude's comment.
ReplyDeleteDo people really still care about her? I usually skip over any article related to her. I only looked at this one cause it said trial and jail. This chick needs to be put in jail and put into heavy duty therapy. She's a complete mess.
ReplyDeleteLawyer-type people, please explain: why would the plea deal get BETTER? The state holds all the cards; I would think the plea deal would stay the same or get worse.
ReplyDeleteDoes she still have her passport? I think she's gonna lam.
watching her court apperance on TMZ was awesome! The Judge handed her ass to her and made it so clear. She will go prison time for any plea deal that is guilty or no contest.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your trial Lindsers!
Bitch's knees are gonna fall slam OFF from all the "work" she'll need to do, paying off these massive Atty fees.
ReplyDeleteMust be why Dina moved the whole clan of 'em to LA "for the trial." I guess cutie pie Michael Jr. and Cody will prolly be sucking dick too...
(sorry, that was rude! hee hee)
...and what this trick is wearing to court, in MY hometown would get your ass seriously reprimanded by the Judge.
Lindsay's going to jail! Lindsay's going to jail! Nyahh-nyahh-nyahh-nyahh-nyahh!
ReplyDeleteYou know, if I was given the chance to give LiLo one piece of advice, it wouldn't be about drugs, or stealing, or her parents; it would be to stop with the godawful fish lips!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not holding out any hope that justice will actually be served.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite surprised Tom Cruise hasn't reached out to her to get her to try NarcoNon, or whatever it's called.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's right. She doesn't have any money.
I got nothing that hasn't already been said by the astute posters here already. Other than I don't think she has the clout or cash to pull a Polanski and given the vastly different nature of the various crimes involved (not saying one is worse or better) I doubt unless she moved to the Phillipines or Libya or somewhere that won't extradite to the US she could conceivably go on the lam... plus there don't tend to be paps or red carpets in those places (although the plus side would be easy access to drugs if she went the SE Asia route- only problem being if she got caught there, it would be a teensy bit more serious than here--imagining LL as Joaquim Phoenix in that movie w Anne Heche and Vince Vaughn where JP gets the death penalty for hash in that part of the world-- nonsequitur but wasn't he so hot back then? Before and after pics of those 2 should be DARE's new campaign).
ReplyDeleteI read this latest outfit, well the top at least is Chanel....WTF....she's broke, I can't afford Chanel and I'm not broke..
ReplyDeleteThis needs to stop...