Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kim Richards Not Coming Back Next Season

I don't know whether Ted C is right or not, but he says that Kim Richards is thinking about not coming back next season for Real Housewives-Beverly Hills. Well, I am sure she is thinking about it. Everyone probably thought about it. Whether she actually commits is another thing. One part of me thinks she should stay away and focus on getting better and dealing with all of her issues. Another part of me thinks that being on the show is probably really good for her. Yes, there is stress and she does not always appear to be at her peak on camera, but what else would she do? I get the feeling that she spent a lot of time inside her place and not going anywhere and doing nothing but focusing on her kids. Well, her kids are for the most part independent or no longer living at home and maybe what Kim needs is a return to the spotlight and after a season under her belt she will start to feel more comfortable. Just as long as she stops with the Paris Hilton name dropping.


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