Thursday, February 03, 2011

Jennifer Aniston On SNL?

Jennifer Aniston taped Oprah this week to promote her new movie. In the interview she says that she was offered a spot on SNL, but turned it down for Friends. Really? Jennifer Aniston on SNL? This was in the early 1990's, so she would have been on at the same time that SNL was about to hit one of its golden periods with Spade and Sandler and Farley and Rock. Wow those were some great cast members. Phil Hartman was still on and Dana Carvey and Mike Myers were just finishing their run so if she really was offered the spot she probably would have got lost in the shuffle and definitely made the right decision to turn it down for Friends. The thing is think about how many pilots don't make it, so she was taking a huge risk but it paid off for her. Do you think she would have been any good on SNL? She did not really have an improv background did she?


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