I am trying to figure out exactly what has changed in Lindsay Lohan's life from a year ago. Sure, she is facing felony grand theft charges, but last year was also the time there was that whole Elle fashion mystery about the missing items. Last year she was running around until 230 a.m. partying every night and she is still doing that despite saying as she did last year that she was going to start staying home and work more on her career. Oh, and last year she was sometimes on and sometimes off with Samantha Ronson. Fast forward to this year and she spent Valentine's night with Sam, (and went through the bushes back home to avoid being spotted)took a couple of days off and now spent last night partying with her and then shacking up with her overnight.
At this point it seems pretty clear that nothing is really going to change. She will keep getting some work and will continue to make some noise tabloid style, but unless she gets some kind of lucky John Travolta Pulp Fiction break, this could be the end for her. People forget there was a ten year gap where John Travolta did not get work. Well, work that mattered. He went from being super A list to D list before getting a big break in Pulp Fiction and revitalizing his career. There are just too many actresses and too few roles for a studio to take a chance on someone like Lindsay. Why should they?
Lindsay might like to think she is still a big star, but the only reason paps follow her is because they are hoping to catch her in a compromising position and make big bucks doing so.
I saw one site had pictures of her leaving Teddy's in Hollywood with Samantha - Teddy's was one of her favorite nightclubs she always went too.
ReplyDeleteSo again, not much has changed.
Well said. She is an entitled brat who just doesn't get it and probably never will.
ReplyDeleteAs for Travolta he had the money to hold on, to wait for that perfect role.....Lindsay doesn't..
ReplyDeleteI think also she's shocked by how little attention she is getting..
I totally agree. Nothing has changed. She doesnt take responsibility for her action nor does her mother. The court keep letting her get off so how can she learn her lesson. She partied in rehab and her mommy paid the whistlerblower off.
ReplyDeleteShe could have been like Robert Downey Jr., taken her punishment, admitted her problem and get back to work. I think RDJ is getting high but he's matured enough to do it quietly. A lesson Lindsay hasnt learned.
She hasn't hit her rock bottom yet and won't recover till she does, unless it kills her.
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to copy that statement and use it whenever there's a post on Lohan or Charlie Sheen!
Good point, Enty. There are too many good young actresses coming up right now for LL to get any good roles. Amanda Seyfried and Mila Kunis for example.
ReplyDeleteAnd Carey Mulligan too.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention LiLo's semi-clone, Emma Stone.
ReplyDeleteI think you've said it all........it's over.
ReplyDeleteI really hope Linsday survives all this but GOES AWAY. Really, her only hope at this point is to marry very, very well, like those 'Real Housewives.' If no one will marry her, she can always go to the Middle East and f*ck sheiks. Like those 'Real Housewives.'
ReplyDeleteBorg Queen (love the name btw): I know many compare her to RDJ, but to me, she hasn't fallen quite as far as he did before he got some help. Downey Jr was a serious mess for a long, long, loooong time. I mean, wasn't it 10+ years of crazy antics, arrests, jail, etc? It's great to see him doing so well now, and while I hope LiLo follows his path eventually, I just don't think it will happen anytime soon. She needs to fall further...
ReplyDeleteHer and her family need to just STFU. Seriously. Enough of the Dinasaurus. Enough of the Michaelraptor. STOP. Remember in Dangerous Liasons at the end when Glenn Close character was booed and shamed and went home crying? What can't this be done to her? Just do not take her calls, or the calls of her "management team". For the restaraunts that she shows up to, make her ass wait and tell her sorry, the table is booked. Even my man David Letterman got stuck-albeit briefly-in the Lohan loogie. Bye Bitch. That is what she needs to hear.
ReplyDelete@ MacVixen - thanks for compliment and yes RDJ was battling his addictions fr 10+ and served actual time in jail. He got knocked out a couple of times in jail while fighting with fellow inmates.
ReplyDeleteUntil Lilo get some sense literally knocked into, she continue spiraling downward
I think that we are forgetting one thing in the RDJ versus Lilo comparison: RDJ has serious talent and Lilo does not. She is going to be dead or a homeless drug addicted hooker soon. And much of the blame lands in Dina and Michael's laps for not being parents when they needed to be. And the managers and her groupies who don't have her best interests at heart, it is all about the money.
ReplyDeleteI think the main difference between RDJ and LL is that RDJ had racked up a significant amount of goodwill in the industry and was very talented and never let his addictions bleed onto the set. LL is none of these things. She's over.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Sam Ronson keep taking her back and toying with her? It's really bad.
I agree hat she is not sober. She will keep fucking up because she has never taken responsibility for any of her actions.
ReplyDeleteShe will be dead by age 30. I am surprised she's made it to almost 25.
She was never as big a star as Travolta or RDJ
ReplyDeleteVon: That's true. RDJ basically grew up on movie sets, and always been known as down-to-earth, friendly with cast and crew alike.
ReplyDeleteDespite RDS's own problems, he did instill a good work ethic in his son.
Well said, Enty!
ReplyDeleteShe went through the bushes for Sam Ro? Damn...
did anyone really think anything would change????
ReplyDeleteQuentin Tarantino cast John Travolta because growing up in the years Tarantino did there was no bigger male movie star, period, than Travolta. God how popular he was. Lilo? Never had that level of superstardom. Can't see a Pulp Fiction comeback for her when she frankly never had a big enough career to lose the first time around.
ReplyDeleteAnything can happen for Lilo. Nothing is set in stone. I will be there to applaud her first academy award. I had the honor of meeting Sam Ronson @ On The Rox in Hollywood and she was very polite to me and even took a photo with me. I think the spin that gets put on people in Hollywood is often out of control and flat out wrong. Good luck to Linds and Sam.
As someone said in an earlier discussion, she's uninsurable, and she's lost her shine. When I watched Machete I was hoping to see some of that spark that she had in Mean Girls or Georgia Rules, despite it being a small role. Nothing. It seemed like she could barely act, which I found unusual because Tarantino and Rodriguez have a knack of taking d list stars and getting good acting out of them.
ReplyDeleteAnything is possible but we'll see. I think she'll do reality TV eventually in order to keep afloat.
ReplyDeleteSo if she is doing the same old shit and is never going to change, how about a ban? Or is that too much wishful thinking? :)