Friday, February 04, 2011

Hef Says Kimberly Conrad Cheated

In a new interview, Hugh Hefner says that while he was married to Kimberly Conrad that he remained faithful but that she did not. Previously everyone assumed they got divorced because he was 100 years older than her and Viagra had not been invented yet. But, it turns out they got divorced because she was unfaithful. Hef says that after the divorce he overcompensated by having multiple girlfriends. Uh huh. Hef told the NY Times that this time he is getting married and it will last forever. Well, it is not like he is going to live 30 more years or something so I can say that is probably accurate.


  1. I think she cheated on him with women.

  2. Hef is dog ugly, and his soon to be wife will cheat on him too. I'm hoping that she'll be left with just a few thousand when he croaks.

    Shoulda went to school honey!

  3. I remember reading a long time ago that Hef only started becoming his playboy image after his first wife (whom he married 60 years ago!!!) cheated on him.

    So, I will readily believe that another cheating wife would make him overcompensate again.

  4. I think his latest wife will be lucky if she's allowed out of the house. Based on what I've read about the past girlfriends, he kept them pretty tightly attached to the house with a curfew and tiny allowance. Maybe it's because he was cheated on, maybe because he's a control freak. Regardless, yuck.

  5. If you have ever read the expose by one of his "girlfriends", you would be repulsed by this old geezer.

  6. @sunnyside - I don't have to read the expose to be repulsed by him.

    BUT, that said....where is the expose?

  7. Valerie:
    Look at this website. It is the book titled Hefnerland.

  8. valerie, there are several. Take your pick.

  9. I find it ironic that Hef would be offended by a cheating spouse. Wasn't he always an advocate of free love and sex all the time with whomever you want? Besides, I don't believe for 1 second that he never cheated on Kim.

  10. Imagine how insecure he is. I think it is sad. Playboy does not offend me. It used to really glorify the beauty of the female form. Too bad now it only glorifies the beauty of finding an amazing plastic surgeon.
    I have read some exposes and they are pretty nasty. The thing is, the women who allow themselves to be a part of this must also be terribly insecure. I feel sorry for the whole lot of them.
    Too bad money does not buy happiness.

  11. So Hef didn't become a gigalo until after the divorce? He was just a regular old family man? Color me surprised.

  12. Looks like someone's pajama bottoms are on fire.
