Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Harper's Picks Kim Kardashian Instead Of Elizabeth Taylor

In the March issue of Harper's Bazaar, Elizabeth Taylor is interviewed. You would think that if Dame Elizabeth grants an interview that it would be worth the cover. I mean, this is Elizabeth frikkin Taylor. You would be wrong though. Instead, Harper's decided to give the cover to the woman who interviewed Elizabeth. That would be Kim Kardashian. I will be the first to admit that it was a clever idea to have Kim interview Ms. Taylor. Hopefully she passed along some tips about class, and that no one has better jewelry than Elizabeth Taylor.

My whole beef is that you would think that Elizabeth Taylor would beat Kim Kardashian in cover sales. When is the last time you saw an Elizabeth Taylor cover that did not involve The Globe claiming she was on her deathbed? To make matters worse, there is no mention of her being interviewed anywhere on the cover either. That is kind of disrespectful isn't it?

Some highlights of the interview are, "You are my idol. But I'm six husbands and some big jewels behind." "I never planned to acquire a lot of jewels or a lot of husbands," Taylor tells Kardashian, "For me, life happened, just as it does for anyone else."

"I have never wanted to be a queen," says Taylor. "Cleopatra was a role, and I am an actor, so it was fun to play one, but it's not real." The things that are important to me – being a mother, a businesswoman, an activist – are all things that were born out of great passion. I have never felt more alive than when I watched my children delight in something, never more alive than when I have watched a great artist perform, and never richer than when I have scored a big check to fight AIDS."

As for all those diamonds, Kardashian asked if size matters. "The Krupp is an extraordinary stone," Taylor says. "It has such life and brilliance when light shines through it. Size does matter, but so does the size of the emotion behind it." It is also like 33 carats. Elizabeth also received one that was almost 70 carats.

For the full interview and pictures of Kim dressed as Cleopatra, you can click here.


  1. What's worse is Miley got the cover of Marie Clare.

  2. Haha. I just checked out the pictures. She was dumb enough to pose with one of an Egyptian cat statue between her legs. Please someone, bring on the snark!

  3. @Patty: Why, did you think someone would actually stoop to mentioning Kim Kardashian's golden pussy?

  4. I don't blame the talentless Kardeshians for grabbing all they can, but I do blame us for paying any attention to them whatsoever.

  5. I love Elizabeth Taylor and while not having her on the cover makes me sad, this quote from Kim (about her weight gain while living in NYC) more than makes up for it:

    "I ate the nuts on the street corner, the hot dogs, the street meat. It was not a joke." (Talk about too easy!)

  6. I LOVE LIZ, she is being honored tonight for all she has done with AMFAR, any free tix to that Enty???

  7. Count me as another Liz lover (anyone else here read Furious Love??) and I'm rather disgusted that they would have a Kardashian interview her. Talk about unworthy.

  8. What RocketQueen said. KK isn't fit to kiss her feet.

  9. Now this is the problem, who decided Kim the Ho should interview Elizabeth Taylor, I would fire their stupid ass....

  10. I read Furious Love. That woman lived a whole lot of life. Maybe she didn't want her picture on the cover. She is looking pretty sad these days.

  11. Have to agree with MISCH here. They couldn't find anybody else?

  12. meh. don't give a flip one way or the other about elizabeth t. let's face it tho, KK's body is going to sell more mags to a wider (no pun) demographic than ET will. sure she's a fame whore, but it is what it is.

  13. I remember when Taylor's pic was on some magazine cover (maybe Life?) after brain surgery; she was nearly bald and still looked FANTASTIC. I'd rather see her on Harper's cover than a Kardashian. At least Taylor has worked for her living and reputation.

  14. I'm pretty shocked Taylor's name isn't anywhere on the cover. What was the point of the interview? To showcase KK?

  15. @sunnyside - I agree. I don't think she would have wanted to be on the cover anymore.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I agree with looserdude, the problem isn't the grubby Kardashians, it is every other post here and on every other website has the trashy family. Enough already!

  18. Harper's Bazaar doesnt have the cajones to put Taylor on the cover....I think it would have been a news worthy, classy and straight-up AWESOME cover to have. i havent buoght the mag for years, but i would have if i saw ET on it.
    but instead, HB has about 1 brain cell left and no creativity and chose KK...what do you expect with the "talent" we have out today??

  19. Actually, Liz was Vanity Fair's covergirl just last July:

  20. Er yes, Selock, when she was young and beautiful :) Sunnyside and I were suggesting that she wouldn't want to be on a cover now looking the way she does today.

  21. No doubt, RQ!

    That just popped into my mind when Enty made the Globe comment, because I thought it was great when it came out. Not many get a throwback cover like that, do they?...thought it went to show how much she's still unparalleled in the beauty dept, and it must have been nice for her. :)

  22. Exactly :) Not to mention an incredible actress and a great humanitarian. Ah Liz!

  23. Then why not put a classic film photo of her from say ---Raintree County or Suddenly Last Summer?

    Call it:" Nothing beats a classic---talking with Elizabeth Taylor." At least have the guts to say her name somewhere on the cover.

    If you are going to put on one of the Three Ho'tashians at least tell us she (is a lucky biatch) and she is interviewing the living legend that is LIZ.

  24. Why didn't they get another ACTRESS to interview her? And they could have shared the cover (at least). I don't understand that one at all.

  25. And I'm surprised all the questions aren't: "So, Miss Taylor, which do you prefer, Keeping Up with the Kardashians or Kourtney and Kim Take New York? How much do you love my perfume? Have you seen my sex tape? Do you like it? After me, which of my sisters is the prettiest? Will you leave me any jewelry in your will...?"

  26. @Robert--she probably had a publicist write the questions...I'm sure those were her thoughts, though, exactly

  27. She's Kim's idol? Really? Somehow I just don't see that.

  28. I took the 2 minutes to email Bazaar mag and tell them how horrified I am that KK was on the cover. If everyone does that, maybe the mags will stop putting this worthless piece of shit in our faces.
