Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Goopster Wants To Dress Your Kids

I don't know how you have managed to dress your kids for all these years without the help of The Goopster so she has decided to help you. You know, your first problem is that you have been dressing your children in pajamas every night. So very wrong. The proper term according to The Goopster is summer loungewear. In her latest newsletter, The Goopster talks about how the summer liungewear that Apple wears is to die for and even though a pair of her pajamas, excuse me, summer loungewear costs almost $100, supposedly they can be passed down for generations to come. Yeah, like you would die to wear some of the summer loungewear your grandmother thought you would look great in 50 years ago. The Goopster is especially proud of the collection she found from a woman who lives in southern France. Apparently finding quality summer loungewear is a big problem there so she started her own company to give her kids the quality they deserve.


  1. That's a cute little pair of pyjamas up there. I don't care who they come from.

  2. *snort* Yeah, I'm so sure Gwynnie is into hand-me-downs.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My daughter is managing to look adorable for much less $.

  5. cute but very 1950's, not that I don't love retro ...I do, in fact I'd rather search for vintage than give the Goop $100 of my hard earned money..

  6. and THIS is why folks can't stand this chick.

  7. When my kids were toddlers (not that loooong ago) I dressed them for a whole season for about $100. Gotta shop those sales! And for pajamas, I spent as little as possible. For the love of Bob, they're for sleeping in.

  8. I wonder how many washes they last. Probably just as much as a $6 pair of pyjamas.

  9. Oh pregnant sister needs to be kept far away from this; she is baby-shopping-obsessed and this nonsense would bankrupt her. As I'm sure it will many other wide-eyed Gwyneth-aspirants.

    I have been SHOCKED recently to find out some of my friends - people I consider pretty cyncical and savvy - are into GOOP!!! WTF?


  10. It makes sense. Kids do a lot of lounging these days.

  11. I shop for my youngest nieces and nephews at Costco, they usually only wear these clothes for 10 minutes before they grow out of them.

    Goopster is returning to Glee, rumor is that she will be included on their version of Landslide. I hope this isn't true.

  12. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I wish Ms. Perfect would shut the hell up.

    I am wondering what she will say once her marriage is over hehehe.

  13. @FS - say it ain't so!! Not my precious Fleetwood Mac library?? Bitch back off!

  14. When Ms. Perfect's marriage is over, no doubt she'll be writing on GOOP all about the best divorcee outfits to drink bitter tea in, and that they only cost $1000 of your ex-husband's money.

    Personally, I'm glad no future kids of mine are going to inherit my wonder woman underoos.

  15. RQ, yes they are doing the song. Stevie visited the set last week to give her blessing. I am fine with the idea of the ladies singing (Lea, Tina, Diana are rumored), not so fine with Goopster joining in. In a way, I am glad this is the first FM song they are doing, but if they touch Silver Spring, well King Kong won't have nothin' on me! ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. LOL @ the last sentence.


    Those loungewear pajamas arecute but not for $100.

    I don't know about PJ's but I've seen my friends spend absurd amounts of money on outfits for their kids. I can't fathom it given how quickly they grow out of it.

  18. it's official:
    GOOP is a pendeja

  19. Very cute clothing. Also pretty pricey for most people.

    Slightly off topic--I used to shop for my kid's clothes at garage sales until she got old enough to realize what was going on--then it was Target, JCPenney, etc. I saved a lot of money for about 3-4 years. I was VERY picky at the garage sales though. Some of that crap that people try to re-sell is just that--crap. In all meanings of the word.

  20. GOOP needs a copyeditor--she makes a shocking amount of punctuation and grammar errors.

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Can we get some rumors started that her shit is produced in sweatshops?

  22. That summer lounge wear has little tiny buttons that can come off and choke a child. Seriously, I may be paranoid but small children have choked to death on barrettes. At the very least the buttons should be bigger.
    Where'd does the term summer lounge wear come from? Who sleeps in lounge wear?
    She is annoying, condescending and one of those know it all moms who I avoid at all costs.

  23. Gotta love when Goopy uses the royal "we" when gushing about some overpriced something or other on her blog (which you might notice does not allow comments, lol).
