Friday, February 04, 2011

Four For Friday

At this point in time, I am about $534 short of the goal, but really want to reveal all ten blind items on Monday so hope you will keep hitting the button to the left. Thanks again!

#1 & #2- This used to be B list actress, but now probably a C. Our actress has always been kind of odd. She was on a very hit show. Like one of the most hit shows ever. It ended last year and since it has ended she has spent some time in a mental health facility.

#1 - actress
#2 - show

#3 & #4- STD at 16. This A list tweener, but without the name recognition of some of the Disney stars was dating a cameraman from her show. He is about 15 years older than her. So, not only was he committing statutory rape he also gave her an STD she will have forever.

#3 - tweener
#4 - show


  1. 1-lilly evangeline
    3-miranda cosgrove?

  2. Show could be Law and Order, but don't know what actress this would be. (Maybe the blond chick who wasn't all that good?)

    3&4 - Shame, but I don't know/care.

  3. I like jgirl828's guess.

  4. #1 - Mary Lynn Rajskub?
    #2 - 24
    Rajskub has anyway done theatre in the months after 24 was over. But "24" was a quite odd part for her as she was mostly a comedic actress.

  5. I have no clue. Evangeline Lily just wrapped a movie.

  6. I like the Lost guess but not the Evangeline Lilly part. I don't think that she has always been "kind of odd". Maybe Michelle Rodriguez.

  7. #1/2: If it is Mary Lynn, that would be sad. On the other hand, if it is her, I hope it helped her out. She's one of my favorites on twitter.

    #3/4: Okay, I'm going sort of political here, but it $#(@&$ing pisses me off that we're continuing to teach this abstinence-only BS instead of advertising the #$(@& out of condoms.

  8. I'm not convinced Miranda Cosgrove is the right answer for #3. Other A-list kids from Nick in the tween world would be Jennette McCurdy and KeKe Palmer. Even Victoria Justice would count, I suppose. None of them are still 16.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think KellyLynn has better suggestions for #3, as I've heard of Miranda and it says "without the name recognition."

  11. I remember a variation on the second blind about a tweener dating a crew member on her show who was a lot older. Sad it turned out this way. Sigh. I don't know my tweeners so will abstain from guessing.

    Anyone have a quick link to which hit shows ended last year besides Lost? Doesn't say she's still in a facility, just that she spent some time there after it wrapped, so I guess it could be Lilly.

  12. RQ, I think Angela nailed it. '24' was definitely one of the "most hit shows ever."

  13. >he also gave her an STD she will have forever

    What goes through the mind of a girl/young woman who discovers she has an STD that doesn't go away? Does she think about killing the guy that gave it to her? Does she think about killing herself? Does she just ignore it and think about work? (I know a really _nice_ young woman who for some reason of her own hangs with some really _sleazy_ people and I've always been afraid she'll be in this position someday and I can't even begin to imagine how she'll react, what she'll think.)

  14. I think the really big shows that ended last season were Lost and 24. Here's a link to the shows that ended 2009/2010:

  15. @Mooshki - hmm. I didn't give credence to that guess because I've never heard that name in my life, so didn't think she could be a former B-list. But meh, if you say so :)

  16. Law & Order ended didn't it? That would qualify for one of the biggest shows ever, right? I just don't see Lost and 24 counting as among the biggest ever. Maybe 24...but despite the buzz, I don't see people talking about either Lost or 24 in twenty or thirty years.

  17. These blinds are giving me the sads today. I hope both of these ladies are now doing well, especially #1. The stigma regarding mental illness needs to removed, it is a diagnosable and treatable illness.

  18. I don't think it's Mary Lynn Rajskub. FWIW, I grew up in the same hometown and have some friends in common with her, some of whom are still close with her, and all I've heard is about how happy she is to be a new mom. Plus, she had a successful one-woman stage show in LA last fall. So I doubt it's her.

    That said, I have no guesses though. I don't know if Evangeline Lilly is considered odd, though I thought it was pretty odd that she almost married Dominic Monaghan. My apologies to all his fans, because i know he has many. But...yeesh.

  19. Emily Osment for #2? I really hope not because I adore her, but she might be considered A list in the tweener world since she was on Hannah Montana.

  20. @Shiny_Special_One: what does FWIW mean?

  21. it's a pity that the stigma on mental illnesses AND stds are alive and well.

  22. STD forever? Are we talking herpes or HIV here? One's not as horribly dramatic as the other.

  23. Jennifer, that list really bums me out. :( I'm still in deep mourning for '10 Things I Hate About You' and 'Better Off Ted.' Such great shows.

    Thanks, Shiny - that's good to know.

    Elisha Cuthbert?

  24. Lilly's kind of odd. She has the whole Christian background where she said there are some roles she just wouldn't take and planned to quit films/television after Lost to do missionary work, and she popped up in a bunch of Canadian chat line ads. And then the secretive relationship/dropping of Dominic. Going with Lilly.

  25. @Steph: FWIW means For What It's Worth...

  26. 1) S. Epatha Merkerson
    2) Law & Order

    She was in nothing this last year - currently filming something but, nothing in 2010.

  27. where the hell are this young girls parents? letting her date a man 15 years older than her. no excuse for them..

  28. I don't know how many times I've heard variations of #3/#4 in just this past year.

    a.) tweener
    b.) high list
    c.) dating older man
    d.) older man got her pregnant / made her get an abortion / gave her an STD

  29. I'm going to say number 1 is Lisa Nicole Carson on Ally McBeal. It was reported that she suffered with schizophrenia.

    For number 2 I think it's Miranda Cosgrove on iCarly. There is another blind somewhere that is really similar to this, minus the part about the STD and I'm pretty sure she was a popular guess.

  30. Trippy, I know there are some decent "stage parents," but in my opinion, just letting your kid be a child actor shows pretty bad judgment to begin with.

  31. Baby Face, I like the originality of your guess, but I hope it isn't true just because I love her and would hate to hear she's having problems.

  32. And thanks, Robert :)

  33. S. Epatha Merkerson is a stage actress, was so even when she was doing Law and Order. Her abscence from TV/movies would not to me be indicative of her not working.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I would consider Lost one of the biggest hit shows ever, so it is probably someone from there. I like the M Rod guess, but how about Cynthia Watros? There was a while there where it looked like her career was about to take off....then nothing. That certainly would give a person the sads.

    As for 2, I hope the guy who did that gets charged. But if she was "dating" this guy, then her parents had to have known and at least tacitly approved.

  36. I have a little bit of a problem with Blind #1. It's not shameful to seek help for mental illness. I don't like the idea of this woman being "outed". It would be great if she volunteers to tell her story when she get out of the facility and encourage other people to get help if they need it. Imagine if that loon in Arizona had checked into a hospital or had someone commit him. We need to remove the social stigma of seeking intensive help.

  37. I love blind items, but I'm conflicted about this one. I hope you don't reveal the actress who spent time in mental health facility, though of course I'm unable to stifle my curiosity. *shrug*

  38. Both of these kind of seem mean spirited to be honest. I wouldn't want to have someone's mental health exposed here, or have a kid who was taken advantage exposed either.

  39. @Krystal - the blind says the show ended last year. Ally McBeal left the air on 2002; thus Carosn can't be right for #1.

  40. I think the show was ER. I know it ended in 2009, but we're barely in 2011. No way is something like "Lost" one of the biggest shows ever. ER was an institution.

    I think the actress was Maura Tierney.

    No idea on the other blind, but I think her parents should be jailed for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Hollywood really just needs to be shut down. Beyond saving.

  41. S. Epatha has intelligence, poise, and talent, which I *guess* would make her "odd" by Hollywood standards. (Yes, I know about that lawsuit thing and LA LA LA LA; I can't hear you.)

    I like the Maura Tierney guess, but the first thing I thought when I read this was HAR-MON! HAR-MON! HAR-MON! HAR-MON! (Angie, not Mark.)

  42. Angie harmon was my first thought too.

  43. Maura Tierney has been battling breast cancer since 2009.

  44. I agree, these blinds don't make me want to *guess*

  45. #1 Anne Heche

    #2 Nip Tuck

  46. Anonymous6:31 PM

    what's up with your girl adrianna costa. the fashion or fiction writer. hit her up for 5 large. i'm sure she has it!

  47. I don't think it's Mary Lynn Rajskub, either. She seems to have her shit together, from what I've seen/heard.

    I like the Lilly guess for #1 too. At least in interviews I've seen of her, she's kind of struck me as an odd duck & I remember reading lots of stuff about her not being very comfy w/ the fame thing.

  48. Mooshki, first of all, what makes you think advertising the **** out of condoms would solve the problem? Young guys (in fact, most men) don't like them and WON'T USE THEM. And any girl who will have sex with a guy who does not use protection is a fool. And, second of all, our kids DO learn about condom use and other forms of birth control in public schools.

  49. Enty, are you serious about revealing the identity of the actress who has experienced mental health issues & help?

    That's just low low low.

  50. Carol, not necessarily. There are a lot of schools that aren't teaching birth control at all. And I'm not talking literally about commercials for condoms, I'm talking about PSAs to inform people about STDs and how to prevent them. And if you don't think they're necessary, take a look at the surveys they've done that show how ignorant people of all ages are about sex and STDs.

  51. Does anyone else think Enty stories and blinds have really changed lately? Also the request for money? Do you think the real Enty's still here? Something just seems off. I know people have said this before, but I am now joining the chorus.

  52. Agree with jgirl828 that it is 1-lilly evangeline

    Because is interviews right after the show was closing, she had stated more than once that she would retire from acting. She had had enough. This statement seemed really odd to me & I remember wondering what had made her so unhappy. This would explain a lot. Yes - I think it is Lilly. This is so sad. She is a great actor!!!

  53. Agree with the other commenter's - to reveal the blind re the woman spending time in a mental health facility is low. It helps to spread the fallacy that having mental health problems is something shameful. If this is revealed, you'll lose a reader - some things should remain private.

  54. Mooshki, I have lots of male friends, smart guys not stupid people, who refuse to wear condoms. It's as simple as that. They know the risks and dangers and they don't care because all they care about is their own pleasure. Teenagers know about STDs and pregnancy and condoms (you can get them in school) and they just never think it's going to happen to them. That's why girls should withhold sex from boys who won't wear condoms. But that will never happen because girls don't want to lose the guys.

  55. What about the teenage girl from Modern Family for #3/4? She doesn't have name recognition (for me at least), and wasn't there a blind a loooooong time ago, last yr, where everyone thought she was dating an older guy working on the show? May have been an actor though, not camera man. Agree with Janele, it has been (sadly) too common of a theme lately.

    No clue about #1/2, but I agree with the others who have voiced that it is disappointing that there is such a stigma against mental illness. If it weren't seen as so "shameful," maybe more people would seek the help they need before it is too late.

  56. Carol, to quote NARAL: "Responsible sex-education programs, on the other hand, emphasize abstinence and contraception. Research shows that these programs delay initiation of sex, reduce its frequency, and improve contraceptive use among teens."

  57. OT: Lindsay is going to be charged with felony theft! Woo hoo! Finally some real consequences!

  58. @CarolMR - My public school had neither sex ed nor condom distribution; my education on safer sex came from Neil Gaiman comics, the Like a Prayer liner notes, and Ooooooohhh...On the TLC Tip. Moreover, your calling men who refuse to wear condoms "smart guys" a mere comment after calling girls who have sex with these men "fool[s]" tells me all I need to know about your sexist double standard. Kudos on being willing to stay friends with those jackasses, though; you're totally not reinforcing behavior that could get them (and their partners) killed. Oh, wait, except you totally are.

  59. @CarolMR I don't what state you live in, but here in TN there is no sex education (other than "don't do it") in schools. Secondly, I've never had a man not want to use a condom, even in college. They were fine with them. You need to find a better class of men. You are hanging with serious Neanderthals.

  60. Cuckoo Armadillo all the way!

    And Sarah Hyland from Modern Family is 20, so it's not her.

    I'm going with Miranda Cosgrove, who is
    1) an A-list tweener - she has starred on two hit shows and released an album, and makes 180K per episode
    2) on Nickelodeon, not Disney
    3) 17 years old

  61. Damn Cuckoo Armadillo - that was a devastating rebuttal! Slam dunk and well said.

  62. For the tween star, while many think it could be Miranda Cosgrove, actually Jennette McCurdy is the one obsessed with older men. All the guys she is crazy about are in their 30s and 40s. But she's got a mormon reputation and supposedly has never even gone on a date yet, even at 18 her age now.

  63. I think #3 is Alexa Vega's little sister Mackenzie. Wikipedia says she's 16, she's on The Good Wife currently, and doesn't have the name recognition of say a Demi Lovato.


  64. Whomever No. 1 is - kudos. Hopefully she got the help she needed and she's better able to handle what life throws at her.

  65. I think Maura Tierney would be at least a B list still, maybe A and so would S Epatha, who has won awards for TV. I am not crazy about Angie Harmon, but she is also above a C as she is the co-star(maybe star) of Rizolli and Isles(sp?). No idea who else it could be, but I don't think it is them.

  66. > Cuckoo Armadillo & RJ blasting CarolMR

    CarolMR put up an honest post saying what she thought. Calling her and her friends names (sexist, enabler, neanderthal) really sucks. Why the hell can't you just say you disagree? WTF do you have to attack and belittle a person and their views? Is CarolMR or anyone else going to feel comfortable just posting an honest answer now, or will people be second guessing their own thoughts trying to figure out what they should say because nobody like being called names.

    If you only want to talk to people who say things that _you_ are comfortable saying why don't you just talk to a mirror or talk among your own family or friends, why come to the net?

  67. You've got a good point, Mark, but I still think Cuckoo's response was awesome. #moraldilemma

  68. ContactMusic-Feb 1st, 2011:

    ICARLY star MIRANDA COSGROVE is nursing a broken heart after splitting from her boyfriend of three years.

    The 17 year old is refusing to name the mystery man, only revealing they met at work on her TV show. But the break-up has left her devastated and she is convinced her ex will forever be the "one who got away".

  69. >she is convinced her ex will forever be the "one who got away"

    If it's true, what a nightmare for Miranda. She's 17, and now for the rest of her life every relationship will be shaped by the disease this scum gave her. She's so funny, so pretty, so successful and now in a real way all that is kind of a shadow.

  70. I think it's Emily Osment. I know this is wierd, but I am FB friends with her and Mitchell Musso. She disappeared for about a week and Mitchell asked everyone to pray for her to get through a very difficult time. Apparently, she holed up in her house and wouldn't talk to anyone or eat and was very depressed. He said it was really personal. She is OK now.

  71. Although it's so late nobody will read this post, I have to back Mark up on this one; there's a difference between "I disagree with what you say," and "If you say that, it's because you're an idiot!"
    CarolMR also said, "...That's why girls should withhold sex from guys who don't wear condoms. But that will never happen because girls don't want to lose the guys."
    That's her observation, and contains an element of truth. HOWEVER, if a man refuses to wear a condom, and a woman refuses to sleep with him otherwise, that should wrap it up (so to speak.)

  72. *stands up and applauds Mark & Robert*

  73. Robert said..."there's a difference between "I disagree with what you say," and "If you say that, it's because you're an idiot!""
    I agree.
