Thursday, February 17, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis Doesn't Want Kids

In an interview with Italian Cosmo, Elisabetta Canalis says she does not want to have kids with her American boyfriend. Her boyfriend of course is George Clooney. She says in the interview that her maternal instincts are satisfied completely with her dogs. Now, I wonder if she really means that or if she thinks that if she starts talking about kids and wanting them that George will send her packing back to her newscaster job and the world will never hear from her again. If she is happy without kids than I am happy for her. I wish some people would never have kids. Almost everyone on Teen Mom for instance. Of course that does not stop me from watching the show every week just to see how messed up some of these girls are. You know, it is not even their parenting skills that are bad, for the most part, with the exception of Janelle, I think everyone has a handle this season on how to raise their kids. The issue is that none of them really seem ready for them and watching them juggle their lives and the babies is fascinating. Oh, and what was that last week about Corey wanting more kids. I know they got married and all, but they already have twins as teens. Give it a rest guy.


  1. Who would want a closeted masochist as the father of her children? (According to various blinds)

  2. If she wants to hang onto him, she'll say she doesn't want any children.

  3. Uhm didn't I read that GC had a vasectomy years ago to prevent any pregnancy claims??? That and also that he is a big Mo.

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hello, Captain Obvious! George got snipped years ago. Of course you are not having his babies.

    She would rather have the headline anyway. Good for her.

  5. Is it really that strange that a woman may not want children? I am almost 33 and I don't want them.

    My biological clock started ticking in my late 20's and I dismantled that bitch (not surgically, I just told myself to "get the eff over it").

  6. I think for her it's a smart move..

  7. Missjenny619 - I'm 43 and having kids was NEVER a priority of mine. We may be in the minority, but we are normal.

  8. Play that game, Elizabeth! It's hard out here. LOL.

  9. Audrey - I agree. I think other peoples kids are cute, it just doesn't interest me to have my own.

    I laugh whenever people make comments like "You would make such an amazing mom". Hahaha, I am already a godmother, and will be again once my best friend gets married and gets knocked up.

    I will love her baby as if it were my own and I will spoil it rotten everyday and babysit whenever she needs a break. Then I will give it back, haha!

  10. Not every woman is pining away to have kids, and it bugs me when people automatically assume that any woman in her 30s must be feeling that itch. Lots of us choose not to have them, and we live very fulfilled, happy lives. We have more money to spend on ourselves, we have more time for family friends and careers, and we often have nieces/nephews that we care greatly about. It's healthy to not force yourself into a role that you don't want, just because society expects it of you!

  11. Preach on, ladies! I'm 28 and have known I don't want kids since I was 14. Everyone says "that will change as you get older" and it infuriates me. I like my life as is and kids have never even registered in my line of vision. If you want to have kids, I'm happy for you! I just hope you're happy for me too with my choice to not have them! What's so wrong about that?

  12. I've never wanted to have children. My maternal instincts are satisfied completely with my dolls.

  13. I only wanted one kid, so we could send him to great schools and engage him in wonder extra curricular activities. It was clearly a financial thing.

  14. Forgot to say, that the spouse is snipped, but we kept 'deposits' in a sperm bank if need be.

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  16. I'm a single woman and I don't want kids, either. TA-DA!

  17. doesn't she just scream mannish to anyone else?

  18. I haven't completely ruled out having them, but for now, I'm pretty sure I'm on the same train as most of you ladies. Mostly a career/financial decision for both of us.

    I do love little ones, I'm just not positive I'm cut out for it with the way our jobs are.

    The best is when we tell someone "We aren't sure yet." or "We may not have any, we don't know" They say, "But who will take care of you in your old age if you don't?"

    "Oh! Right! Great reason to procreate."

    When I dress up my little dog, people have also commented that I really need kids to satisfy the desire i must have to dress them up.

    W T F

  19. i agree with lots of these ladies. i have never had the maternal instinct ever and it's great to be a mom or not to be!

  20. One should only have kids because you want to RAISE them. I've heard the "who will take care of you in old age" before. I told someone who doesn't want kids to tell others that God will care for them in old age.

  21. Thank you Rebellious..
    My MIL is a total nut job about us having kids, the longer we're married the more we are content without them. BUT...MIL keeps telling me "Who will take care of you when you're older?" OR "People without kids aren't right in the head." which by that logic most of her dearest BFFs aren't right in the head. It's so much fun to tell them (her friends) her opinion while at a party that she (MIL) is hosting.

    I did want them at one point but as I get older I love the freedom of not being tied down to one, I travel the world at the drop of a hat, not to mention I love NOT sharing my salary with things like diapers, tuition, school supplies, toys, etc.

    And for those folks who ask "well who will take care of you when you get older?" tell them what I say "my much younger boy toy, of course!" lol

  23. Hallelujah, there are others out there who don't want kids either! I've known my whole life the parenthood thing was not for me. No one I know who decided not to have kids has regretted it, but I know a lot of people who have kids and wished they didn't.

    Agreed, the comments made to those of us who are child-free by choice about why we don't want kids are often jaw-droppingly rude and grossly inappropriate. One wonders what sort of environment these people were raised in to find such questioning and theorizing in any way socially acceptable.

  24. I have never really wanted kids an only child myself but i know my significant other wants at least one and I guess Im open to the idea of one... and from conversations with my mother she would be hurt if i dont have any cause she regrets not having more children herself

  25. I want to hear more about the closeted masochist.

  26. I had to chime in and say thanks to all the ladies that don't want kids. I never wanted them either! I HATE when people ask me when or that "I shouldn't wait too much longer". Kudos to us!

  27. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I always knew I didn't want to either be pregnant or have kids. I had my TL done when I was I'm 40 and people sarcastically call me the one with the "must be nice" life...i.e. "you don't have to deal with crying, fighting kids when you go to dinner--must be nice"...

    ...yeah. It IS nice.

  28. Also child free by choice...and I have cats because they're low maintenance. More people need to realize they're not meant to be parents!!

  29. Robert, I know how you feel. People keep asking me "when are YOU going to have kids?". My MIL told me that I SHOULD be pregnant by now. I have started telling people that actually, I would love to have children, but unfortunately I'm unable to. That usually shuts people up. Because what if that was the case? That we had been trying forever and really wanted to but it's not happening? People don't understand how rude the question is. Mind your own business and womb!

  30. Ha! I finally had a kid when I was almost 40, and then I got "when are you having another?"

  31. @Morrigan - I find myself saying that now. I almost feel guilty when they say stuff like that ("Must be nice..."). As if someone twisted their arms & coerced them into conceiving?

    @Maja. With a J. - Someone else told me to say the thing. When this scenario plays out in my mind I laugh like hell thinking about the look on their faces but I think I'm too chicken to ever have the balls to say that. :) A tip of my hat to you.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I love kids. I would have wanted them had I found someone decent to father them had I not had a genetic disorder I was not willing to pass on to a child.

    When I tell people this they look at me like I have two heads ( which is NOT the disorder by the way.) People are RUDE.

  34. Kathrynnova and others who want to stay child free, I'm sure you've all been subjected to this classic line from the countless ill-mannered and clueless people we are forced to endure every day: "Why don't you want children? Were you abused as a child or something?" How can anyone with two brain cells that can occasionally collide and produce friction have the unmitigated gall to ask something like that? God forbid if it were true, but the staggering rudeness, the lack of very basic manners, crudeness and intrusion necessary to speak such words is breathtaking. The other day someone I had just met asked me, after I had said I don't want children "Did you hate yourself when you were a child?" After I told her that if that comment was a good reflection on her intelligence, personality and typical demeanor, I'd rather not have her in my life. Given how poorly these cretins were apparently raised, should they themselves be entrusted with the upbringing of a child? Good lord!

  35. I would have liked to have had kids for a number of years, and always assumed I would, but circumstances were never right, and I had no intention of being a single mother if I could help it. As it turns out, I have a uterine anomaly such that, while I could get pregnant, it would have been impossible to carry it long enough. (Best case scenario: 1st trimester miscarriage; worst case scenario: uterine rupture & bleeding to death.) Between that & various other health issues I seem to have inherited and wouldn't want to inflict on a child, it's just as well that it never happened...such is life. Sometimes I'm a bit sad about it, and it would have been nice to give my parents a grandchild to dote on, but hey, they have the world's most spoiled cat as a "grandson", not to mention all their other furry "grandchildren" (my cat & my sister's 2 cats & sled dog team), and as they've pointed out, at least they don't have to worry about what could happen to human grandchildren while the world goes to hell in the proverbial handbasket. At any rate, I can definitely say that you can have a perfectly good life without kids, being childless/childfree doesn't mean you hate kids, and it's your own damn business whether or not you have them. (Well, at least for now...)

  36. My eye is always drawn immediately to her sturdy masculine neck. Naw, I don't think she's birthing babies. Ev-er.

  37. Georgie porgie is def not into having kids, so I think if Elizabetta wants to stay around, she'll be on the same bandwagon ! And having said that if she doesn't want kids that's her choice and nothing wrong with it !

  38. I knew I loved this site and all you fellow posters!!! I turn 40 in a couple of weeks and I am also childless by choice. I've been in a happy, financially secure marriage for 16 years and people have only just stopped harassing my husband and me in the last year about having babies. Not every woman wants a baby. I would love for television to reflect this. Every show on tv has some couple desperate to have a baby. It makes me soooo angry to never, ever see a couple on tv who are just happy with each other.

  39. MontanaMarriott, I'm totally stealing your boytoy line!

  40. Not only have I never wanted kids, I don't even like them.

    Those of you with children, please do not take it personally. I'm sure your little darlings are a delight. :)

  41. Kathrynnova, that selfish line always pisses me off. I'm selfish because I don't want to contribute to the overpopulation of the planet? How the hell is it selfish to not want kids because you know nobody would be happy if you did?

    Ardleigh, I know what you mean. Muscular Dystrophy is rampant in my family. I don't have it (thank god), but I think it would be insanely cruel to have a kid if you knew you would pass on some genetic disorder. To me that would be selfish.

  42. oh it's nice to read these - i was at a gig on friday night where some guy i met went on and on about how i should have children, it would change my life, i would be less selfish and give up smoking, ad fucking nauseum. i have a vegetable garden, 2 dogs, 3 rabbits and an abundance of bird life. and a husband. i don't need children - specially at my age. by the time i'd be in my fifties, I'd have thank you. i have 4 teenage nieces and nephews at the moment. they think i'm really cool. that's enough. besides one of the rabbits will get pregnant soon and then there will be babies from arsehole to breakfastime
