Charlie Sheen Is Out Of Control
Charlie Sheen was on Good Morning America and The Today Show this morning as he continues to do everything he can to burn every bridge with CBS possible. Oh, and to repair that bridge he is not apologizing for being an ass or for being out of control all season or insulting the creator of the show or taking responsibility for his actions. Nope, instead Charlie wants a raise from $2M an episode to $3M and episode. By my math, carry the one that would about $78M a season if there were 26 episodes. Wow, that is a lot of money for cokes and hookers. Depending on which network you watched this morning you got different craziness from Charlie. I prefer the NBC version where he talks about the different blends of drugs he will not take because he does not want to end up dead. Hey, Charlie, an overdose is not the only way you can go out you know? As many drugs as this guy takes, his body could shut down any second. He did pass a home drug test Radar gave him over the weekend. I wonder if he would pass one now. Plus those things miss a lot.
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