Monday, February 21, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This celebrity couple who broke up recently (not the two singers, which are the subjects of another previous blind) did so because of Facebook. She found out he was repeatedly sending messages to his famous ex via Facebook. It wouldn’t be so bad if almost all of the messages didn’t contain rude jokes and comments at her expense.


  1. Never put it in writing.

  2. I have no idea who this is, but I had to say how sad it is. That would be so hurtful. Of course, when you snoop, you're likely to find out things you don't want to know, but sometimes should.

  3. Nicole Richie and whazzhisname. Nicole seems like would be pretty easy to make fun of.

  4. Diana Agron and the publicity boy toy??

  5. FB can be a relationship killer.

  6. Ryan P. & Amanda S.

    he really turned out to be a douchebag.

  7. Nicole Richie and Joel broke up?

  8. @Roses I know I missing something here? They just got married (jajajjaja). please clue me in...

  9. Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson, famous ex being Sienna Miller. I don't like Rachel, but he seems like he could be a douche like that.

  10. Hmmm I could care less about this blind but I must have missed the one about the two celebrity singers who broke up and were a blind subject...? Who was that supposed to be?

  11. Wouldn't the 2 celeb singers be Ahley and Pete?

  12. Jude and Sienna. I can seeJude and Sadie carrying on like that over FB

  13. do we know what the blind was?

  14. I think the old blind that it is referring to is this one:

    This C List celebrity caught her celebrity B List husband “in the act” while enjoying some online pornography. She allegedly considers it next to ‘cheating’ and denied him sex for two years as penance. He complained often to friends about it, but by all accounts didn’t stray or fall into old habits.

    After today I'm positive it's Ashlee and Pete!

  15. I think it's Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds.

    Famous ex = Sandra Bullock.

  16. if this is Ryan, the famous ex would be Alanis, no?

  17. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I hate knowing anything about Pete Wentz but he doesn't sing in Fall Out Boy.

  18. @anita_mark
    why do I know ANYTHING about ANY of these people?

    The fact that I have

    1. the spare time to read a gossip blog
    2. enough interest to comment
    3. enough knowledge to comment

    makes me really concerned for my future.

    But in my defense, it's a great blog, I do have a nicely paid career, and it's not Enty's fault that I haven't finished any of my screenplays. : )

  19. Ms Snarky, You're hilarious! Love it!

  20. I figured the blind for Ashlee and Pete was the one where the wife was partying too hard, and the husband wanted her to stop and be the mother she should know, that one blind! I'm too lazy to look it up! :)

  21. @ Ms Snarky -

    How is Ryan Reynolds ex Sandra Bullock when they werent rumored to have even possibly dated until after his divorce?

  22. Sorry I meant Nosey Parker - Not Ms Snarky.

    She had it right.

  23. @Hello -
    no offense taken! : )

    I guess this could be RyRy, but the ex would have to be Alanis. They claim they're friendly, and with A's marriage and baby, everyone seems to have moved forward.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @ms snarky - I'm right there with you. I can't tell you how many times I've taken a break from work to sneak a peek at CDAN & gotten sucked in for an hour or more. :-/ I am sooo easily distracted!

    The blind doesn't mention the couple being married....(so I don't think it's ScarJo/Ryan). I'd be ultra pissed at my husband if I found out he'd been doing that but I don't know about divorcing him over it (unless he was getting busy with her on the side).

  26. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Tacky - but no clue here.
