Tuesday, February 01, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

One last Sundance blind for you from the festival this year. Which up and coming C-list actor with promise, excused himself after the Q & A of the film he was in to the nearest bathroom to sob openly in one of the stalls? The source claims that feedback was ‘slightly’ harsh towards his performance and he was so overwhelmed with grief he cried until friends finally found him and took him back to his hotel room.


  1. Anton Yelchin in Like Crazy? He was in Star Trek...pretty good actor.


  2. I bet a lot of them cry in private even though they say they don't worry about the critics, etc... I took an acting class once and was really surprised at how vulnerable you can feel. You really have to put yourself out there.

  3. Oh Man up! You are in the wrong biz little boy if you cannot take a little criticism.

  4. Some one from Red State. It was panned. Or Channing Tatum in that movie with Katie Holmes. That bombed too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This guy is in the wrong profession. Acting, and really any form of celebrity, in the year 2011 is NOT for the thin-skinned. Critics have always been harsh and now you have the entire world that feels free to chew you up and spit you out on Twitter and gossip message boards. I think we've all said some pretty rough things about various actors/actresses on here and we are a really nice group as compared to most gossip sites. He's going to have to toughen up or he'll have a breakdown.

  7. Does Channing Tatum have promise?

  8. Sounds like someone who isn`t cut out for Hollywood.

  9. I think it is amazingly sensitive. Having said that, he doesn't belong in the cesspool of Hollywood.

  10. Charlie Hunnam The Ledge j/k Charlie is too bad ass to cry.

  11. re: Charlie Hunnam - people keep going on and on about how good looking he is, but don't y'all think he looks exactly like Spencer of Heidi fame? Ew. Turn off.

  12. I feel sorry for whomever it is. It's one thing to get criticism from an actual movie critic and another to be berated by some wanna-be who enjoys going to Sundance and slamming actors and movies (which happens a LOT there).

  13. aw, this made me sad! Poor guy! That said, even though my brain says that it is TOTALLY okay for a man to cry, there is not a bigger turn-off in the world. Unless something horrible and tragic happens.

  14. RQ laniey went into an in depth article of how bad Charlie looks in pictures but in person he is gorgeous. She even said he gives off s Spencer vibe in his photos.

    He is awesome in SOA and was pretty hot in Abandon with ugh Katie Holmes.

  15. my real guess is Kaboom with Thomas Dekker.

  16. @timebob - lol! That's her new name: Ugh Katie Holmes.

  17. Aww, my initial reaction was to feel sorry for the dude. But y'all are right, he does need to toughen up.

    Just wait til he's famous enough for people on the interwebs to start panning him! ;)
