I don't know what I was expecting in a Billy Ray Cyrus interview, but what I got out of the whole thing was a lot of sadness. Apparently Billy Ray likes to sit in the dark at his Nashville house and write songs. You get the feeling from reading the article that the only thing he does is surf the internet to find out what his daughter is doing and write songs. He says he finished an entire album in three weeks and is still writing a song almost every day.
He also wants you to know that he has never taken a dime from Miley or made a money off Miley. Yeah, kind of, but he made a lot of money from Hannah Montana and sold a lot of records from being on that show and the show starred his daughter. So, he might not have got any commission from her, but if not for that show I think he would have been playing nights at casinos for a career right now.
He also says that he has been used for many years. He says it was his job to be the fall guy for everything that went wrong with Miley. If she took pictures of herself almost naked and sent them out to the world it was his fault. Well, yeah, because you are her dad. It is called parenting. He also says the reason he did not attend Miley's 18th birthday party was because it was being held in a bar which he found wrong.
He also says that he has not spoken to Miley since the bong video was released. This just goes on and on for six pages about how hard his life is and how he laments that he was only making $15,000 an episode during much of the run of Hannah Montana. Poor guy. I know he wants us to feel sad for him and I guess I kind of do, but at the same time, he just keeps saying it repeatedly and it kind of gets tiring to hear him say, "put me on the cross, I can take it."
Whateva. If he wanted to put his foot down while she was taking those pics, he would have. He saw dollar signs.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Monday morning quarterbacking at it's finest.
ReplyDeleteI kinda feel for him after reading that article, actually. He might not have been the best parent, but he meant well and better late than never for him to refuse to participate any further in her escapades.
ReplyDeleteI used to hate him but now I feel sorry for him. He made mistakes but then everyone does. I don't think he set out to cash in on his daughter. He admitted that he was trying to be her friend instead of being her parent. That didn't work out so well.
ReplyDeleteI did read those articles about trying to be her friend and knew it would backfire on him. I do feel sorry for him in that he is really saying he screwed up and wishes he could fix it. He wanted what many want for their children and what she wanted herself. If you watch the show, it is a shame that their real life relationship couldn't be the same as the one they portray on tv. You could see the connection the two had together, even though it was scripted. I do think he loves his daughter very much and the rest of his family, but can't go back.
ReplyDeleteBUT...what he can do is to make sure he gets partial custody of his daughter Noah and move to make changes in her life BEFORE it is too late.
Michael Lohan is his best friend.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ice Angel! Learn from your parenting mistakes and implement change in your family!
ReplyDeleteI do admire that he didn't take any money from his daughter. Thats more than 90% of Hollywood parents, I think.
I am sure he really is sad! I bet seeing your billionaire daughter make a fool of herself constantly has to be rough. Add the fact that they aren't speaking? As a parent thats gotta sting! Well..time to blame it on the mom! Jk..
I think Miley was born fame hungry and she was going to be on TV with or without her dad's fame boost.
ReplyDeleteFunny I don't remember him bashing Disney while he was cashing those Disney checks.
My favorite part of the interview is that he is proud he didn't take a dime from Miley. Which I find highly suspect.
^^at least I haven't seen Billy Ray in a mesh shirt.
ReplyDeleteI read the article and agree with everything Ice Angel said. However, I want to add that he sounded seriously narcissistic.
ReplyDeleteI almost feel sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the product placement in that photo? :) What is a taco party pack? At least his hair looks less mullet-fied.
ReplyDeleteI do have a little bit of sympathy for him. It seems like more of the bad light is being shed on Trish, than him, anyway. Isn't she the one out partying with Miley?
I have a little sympathy but here's my thing, if you expect to get praise for your childs accomplishments, than you should get the shame from their screw ups as well. I have done stupid things as a parent but I have never claimed things were out of my hands. Put your damned foot down or own it. I don't doubt it's hard but going to a magazine later and saying "I didn't take my kids money" is all great but it still isn't enough when raising your kid. Miley has been heading down this track for awhile now, the only one who seems to be suprised is him.
ReplyDeleteIsn't his divorce final yet?
ReplyDeleteOr is this the 'pity' plea before final settlement?
Seriously... get off the cross already, someone else needs the wood.
Totally narcissistic. He reminded me of an old time actress who always talks about herself and her glory days.
ReplyDeleteThere are worse things in Hollywood than being narcissistic.
And MCH, I thought the same thing about product placement.
Cry me a river. Even if he only made 15,000 for EVERY episode (which I doubt) he still will have made almost 1.5 million in 5 years. Most people do not make that kind of money. I don't feel sorry for him in the least. He did not parent Miley, there have been skanky pictures of her on the internet since she was 15. He could have nipped that behavior in the bud then, but a paycheck was more important than being a good father.
ReplyDeleteIn an interview I saw a couple years ago he was concerned about being her best friend. The interviewing challenged him on it and asked for clarification and he reiterited, best friend. Not exactly parenting.
ReplyDeleteDon't feel sorry for him. If he was a good parent he would have put his foot down and made sure how things were going. Instead he is whining.
ReplyDeleteWhat he was saying was that he admits he made a mistake trying to be a friend instead of being a parent. That's a mistake a lot of parents make.
ReplyDeletefamous comment from my teen when she got punished for stupid behavior that backfired on her
ReplyDeleteher "I told you that as a friend!"
me "I know dear and I appreciate it, but I am still your mother!"
I would love for her to have "liked" me when she was 15-18 but the fact is, what I wanted wasn't the point. It was what she NEEDED that mattered. And I still hope every day I made the right choices for her.
At least he is admitting his mistakes unlike some others (I am looking at YOU Dinah Lohan).
ReplyDelete"Well, yeah, because you are her dad. It is called parenting."
ReplyDeleteAmen, I so agree!
I think Trish's influence should not be discounted. She dresses like her 10 (?) year old, who dresses like a 17 year old.
ReplyDeleteTrish was an admitted skank groupie; it's how she met Billy and got knocked up with Miley.
It's easy to say this stuff after the fact. It sounds like Miley cut him out of her life, so he's trying to get attention in a different way.
ReplyDelete@BigMama Love your comments!
ReplyDeleteI don't have kids yet but this seems pretty intuitive to me (seeing as how I was a kid at one time).
Geez, you hate casino performing, Enty. You know who's playing casinos around me? Leann Rimes. On April 1, too, which I found chuckleworthy.
ReplyDeleteHe's out of her life, since she's no longer a Rat property he no longer has a paycheck, I'm predicting there's gonna be an "AchyBreaky" casino tour forthcoming...
ReplyDeleteanother poor little rich person. I swear, greed is at the root of almost every celebs problems. I agree that he should've put his foot down YEARS ago and this wouldn't even be an issue, but he was worried about his pocket being effected. I feel about as sorry for him as I feel for those dumb-fuck parents on Supernanny, who act like morons and give their kids everything and let them wear pampers until they are 30 and then are shocked when they realize they have 30 year old infants. Grow up, Billy Ray, the girl has needed a FATHER for years now!
ReplyDelete@MissX - Thanks. It was hard being a single mom with my eldest and you can either take the easy road or be a parent. I chose the later. time will tell if it was a success. :)
ReplyDeleteAt the same you an say she probably wouldn't have made it without her Dad's fame. They both benefited from each other.
ReplyDeleteInstead of whining about Miley, he needs to get his butt back to LA and exercise joint custody of Noah and Braison. I wonder how much time they've spent with him since he's gone to Tennessee?
ReplyDeleteNO SYMPATHY! He is a huge cry baby. You didn't like the RAT? You were the adult open your darn mouth and stop worrying about your wallet.
ReplyDeleteYou should have not tried being your daughters friend and been her parent? I agree 100%!
Remeber when she was dancing around ice cream stripper poles? Remember you defending her by saying she loves to preform and how you wanted her to do the "art" she wanted to?
My words for you are as simple as you seem to be. " You reap what you sow".
Sorry that was suppose to be REMEMBER not remeber.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another, let's blame everyone but myself, Lohan-esque situation. Please. You're her parent. You're the one that could have stopped this from the very beginning. You put her in this position, you set her moral compass, you sat by and let all this stuff happen. Ohhhh poor you. Get over yourself.
ReplyDeleteI was feeling kind of bad for him until he informed me that I (as an atheist), not his shitty parenting skills and bad judgment, was the reason his family had fallen apart.
ReplyDelete"let them wear pampers until they are 30" LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI saw Access Hollywood tonight and my very first thought was Jon Voigt 2.0. But I have to admit I do feel bad for him. Every parent makes mistakes and it seems he's trying to own up to them, but surely he must realize hiding in Tennessee isn't helping things any. Plus, I'm sure Miley is probably a nightmare child.
ReplyDeleteHe only got $15,000/episode??? Wow. Change your agent, dude.
I will believe he is really sorry if he makes a real effort to keep Noa out of the show biz. That kid has been parading around in itty-bitty outfits for years and what is she, 11? It's too late for Billy Ray to keep Miley out of the spotlight but it isn't too late for him to do it to Noa.
ReplyDeleteHis ex-wife is ridiculous and I agree with the comment that she seems like another Dina Lohan. She dresses like she thinks she's a 16-year-old pop star, plus she seems to have no problem with Miley's behavior.