Barbara Bush has always stayed out of the spotlight. Well, if you exclude the underage drinking and such. Because she stays out of the spotlight, it was quite amazing that when she did choose to come into the spotlight it is as a supporter of gay marriage. The New York Times is reporting that Barbara Bush filmed a pro gay marriage spot for an advocacy group in New York. In the spot, Barbara says, “I am Barbara Bush, and I am a New Yorker for marriage equality. New York is about fairness and equality. And everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love.”
I wonder if she told dad first.
Thank God she did not inherit the idiot gene from her dad. Well done BB!
ReplyDeleteThank you Barbara! How anyone can continue to deny equality to Constitutionally protected citizens is beyond me. Some of the laws in America are so backward.
ReplyDeleteThe Bush women all seem so much smarter and more compassionate than the Bush men.
ReplyDeleteas a New Yorker it horrifies me that gay marriage is not legal in this "liberal town"
ReplyDeleteI'm not really surprised, but good for her! I may not be able to stomach her dad, but I've always liked the Bush girls and their mother. Jeez, once all the old farts in the Republican Party croak, and all the crazies branch off into some compound in Montana, and the youth and people like Huntsman start taking over, well, I might not have to keep voting for the lesser of two evils anymore.
ReplyDeleteWell, color me surprised. Good for her.
ReplyDeletewow! the stupid gene in the Bush family must be connected with the "Y" chromosome! well done Barb!
ReplyDeleteGood for her.
ReplyDeleteMany children do not agree with their parents on the issue. See Meghan McCain for another example.
I am all for Equality.
ReplyDeleteYou know it doesn't matter if you are straight, gay, black, white, purple, or orange. We are all the same when it comes to any type of problems, crimes, etc... So I don't see why there is a problem giving Gays their right as anybody else???
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that George Walker Bush was as conservative as he pretended. He knew who buttered his bread and whom he had to please.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, I am not surprised about his daughters views.
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ReplyDeleteGood for Barbara! Bigots suck.
ReplyDeleteAgree with MadLyb that Laura and the girls always seemed to think different from dear ol' Dad. Views are changing, slowly.
I work in a church office and I have been vocal about not caring what someone's sexuality is. The rampant level of homophobia in religion is scary, as is the hypocrisy - things I see first hand.
ReplyDeletewhat Nicole said
ReplyDeleteI love it! Apparently she was a big supporter of gay rights in college too.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she told dad first.
ReplyDeleteI don't know but I would like to volunteer to tell him.....pleeeeeeaaaaase?????
This is the biggest "off limits" topic in my family. I live in a gay community and have for more than a decade. I support gay rights 100%.
ReplyDeleteMy family however... they are right-wing, conservative, church-going, bible-thumpers who this is just plain wrong.
My half-sister (who I love more than anything), lives in Memphis, TN and I have not spoken to her since July when Prop 8 was over-turned in California. She called me at the wrong time.
She can talk to me all she wants to about her religious beliefs and how much she LOVES Sarah Palin, but when she told me that being gay was wrong and that she is raising her children to believe the same, I got very upset.
I am not gay, neither is my boyfriend (haha), but I believe in fairness and equality for everyone.
I miss my sister, but I am not sure how to go about communicating with her again.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand!
I have a close friend I went through Massage Therapy school with and she is Christian (the kind that believes every word in the bible is fact)
and while she is one of the sweetest nicest people i know she voted yes on Prop 8. This was despite her hanging out with me and my best friend who is a gay male and even becoming friends with him. When the subject came up and I learned how she was voting I became terribly upset and told her she was never allowed to attend my friend's marriage if he ever got married. Like a moron she even asked me why and I just dont think some people really understand the magnitude of what they are voting for- to them it can be so black and white- the bible and the pastor/church teaches them all their lives something and they simply carry that on into action by voting anything that is against this teaching. I am still struck by her bewilderment as to why I wouldnt let her come to David's wedding- its just so fucking appalling that some people dont even know gay people or try to find out about WHO they are before castigating them into the bad guy and making them deal with the consequences of ignorant teachings.
It is sad =(
ReplyDeleteMy half sister says she doesn't mind if people are gay and that all the gay people she has met have been 'lovely', but she still thinks the way she does.
It is the one topic that really sets me off and I refuse to back down.
Any other topic/set of beliefs, I am okay with. I won't argue about anything but this.
Her beliefs are old-fashioned and she needs to realize this. It used to be illegal for people to marry outside of their own race and now look at the world. It is a more beautiful place, literally. Look at all of the gorgeous interracial babies and people in the world. One big melting pot.
polls show most americans are not opposed to gay marriage.
ReplyDeletethe ONLY reason this is still a hot button issue is because the RIGHT has to appease their bible thumping base.
aside from them, who gives a shit anymore?
I'm not surprised.
ReplyDeleteI remember reading something about the first Bush President being pro-choice.
I wouldn't be surprised if her dad is for marriage equality.
I think they have to change their positions to please their base.
The Mum told my son when he was young that the Bible sez being a homosexual is wrong. Jeez, what about all the other stuff that's supposedly wrong? Like the Mum, people like to pick and chose from the Bible what suits them.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Barbara Bush!
I will argue with absolutely anyone until I convince them of my point of view on gay rights and equality. Anyone but people whose argument is on religious grounds. I can't argue against people whose arguments are all totally irrational, but they believe them absolutely anyway. I'm not saying all religious people are irrational, I know some great ones who are pro-gay marriage. But there is a certain group of religious right-wingers who will never change their minds. And it's impossible to convince anyone who fights logic and reason with a stubborn insistence on taking the bible as literal truth. So I really don't know how to bridge that gap, and I feel bad for anyone who's had that come between them and someone they love. I think I've very lucky that everyone close to me is very open-minded. Not to say we don't disagree but we can argue and debate and listen to each other's opinions as valid, instead of dismissing them with, well that's against what the bible says so it's wrong.
ReplyDeleteGood on Barbara! I wish more Republicans would stand up and admit that they don't completely tow the party line, because we know that they are out there.
Sometimes people can change. My brother is gay and my mom for a very long time was extremely anti-gay marriage. She spouted the Fox Newsy & Christian stuff about how what's next? People getting married to their animals? Polygamy? It was bad and caused a huge amount of tension and fighting within our family. However, from her most recent comments, she has finally come around. It took ten years, but it did happen. I hold out hope for the people who currently oppose gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteI already know I am in the minority here, but I will still say my peace:
ReplyDeleteI am not against equality for gays. I think they should have all of the rights of another married couple. I do, however, think that the gov't should get out of the business of issuing "marriage licenses" at all. They should all be unions or whatever they could be called. Marriage, to me (I get it, not to you) is a holy sacrament, and while I want everyone to be treated fairly, I don't believe that you have to step on one group's faith for others to have that freedom. To me, if the state issued union licenses or whatever, it is a great compromise to all.
I will also say that I feel sad that so many have so much hate for anyone with a strong sense of religion and/or faith. While I understand that many religious people are unbending and disgusting, I can say that the opposite is true, too. I can't take someone seriously that can't see gray areas in most matters, and I think that most religion-haters have more in common with the super religious than they realize.
I'm not surprised at all. Laura Bush has said she was pro gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteI'd hate to think that people just assumed they knew my opinion on anything just based on things my family might say/do. Sheesh.
As far as the religious thing goes, I think it depends on their interpretation of the Bible and the person. Not every religious person is an asshole.
No, I dont think all religious people are horrible, but I agree that it is impossible to argue with them. I make my arguments based on facts and science, they always refer to God and that makes it impossible. I can use logic all I want - religion is the opposite of logic.
ReplyDeleteI remember several years ago the elder Barbara Bush said she was pro choice while sitting next to her husband, (this was after office). My first thought was why keep it a secret and then my second thought was I just glad she said it and it was out in the open for her.
ReplyDeleteSo, a big YAY for this Barbara to state her view as well.
I, too, have several family members who are anti gay anything, the one argument they use against gay marriage is to preserve the "sancticity of marriage", I'm like whose...yours?? It really does not make sense, as if it would directly involve them personally.
So high fives to Barbara!!
Chihuahuense, I agree with you that we need to separate secular marriage from religious marriage - it violates the separation of church and state. However, I think homosexual couples have as much right to religious marriage as heterosexuals. Your brand of Christianity may be opposed to gay marriage, but there are others who aren't. Make marriage licenses secular and available to any couple, along with all the legal rights and responsibilities, and let each church decide who they want to marry in their religious ceremonies.
ReplyDeleteword. I had never thought of that and that is a very valid point.
ReplyDeleteThis entire family is just trash and an embarrassment to the entire human race.
ReplyDeleteMookshi! Mookshi! Mookshi!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's more than what President Obama has said. Apparently he is against gay marriage, but the media doesn't like to mention that. Because he's a liberal Democrat, like most people in the media.
ReplyDeleteMooshki...yeah, that. Well said, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that you're ever going to convince the entire world to stop calling it "marriage" just because it's not religious.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the church should come up with another word for couples who are married in a religious ceremony through the church, if they're so offended by us using the word marriage.
People married in civil ceremonies can be married and people married in religious ceremonies can be something else, regardless of whether the couple in either situation is gay or straight. Each church can decide for itself which couples they will and won't marry.
Honestly, if you're that concerned about a word...
that's exactly my point--to some people it is just a word: "marriage." To me and other people it is more than a word.
ReplyDeleteFunny. I would never have expected anyone in that family to say they were in favor of gay marriage/equality, but then I guess they had more important things to do (insert all political shenanigans).
ReplyDeleteI think the elder Bush's just don't care. Which is fine by me. It really irks me that Obama is against gay marriage.
"Democrat" means nothing today. So much for a (phony) two-party system.