Friday, February 04, 2011

Another Political Sex Scandal

I'm pretty convinced that the only people who have more sex scandals and affairs other than celebrities are politicians. The National Enquirer is reporting that John Boehner, who is the new Speaker Of The House has been having an affair with not one, but two different women. They claim that one of the women is a lobbyist and the other woman is a former press secretary. Boehner has been married for 37 years, but when you read the story it sounds like the two do not spend much time together and live separate lives. The National Enquirer actually called Boehner's wife and she would not discuss their personal life. That to me does not really sound like a denial.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so happy I think I might cry right here.

  3. They may have an open marriage or arrangement. I'd be curious to know if the two mistresses know about eachother...

  4. Well, guess he is having a mid-wife crisis.

  5. I never thought I'd say this, but God bless the National Enquirer.
    They're turning into *the* credible source for political scandal.

  6. An affair with a lobbyist? Tisk tisk. That's a bad idea.

  7. Definitely a bad idea.

    Sounds like they're staying together to maintain the married image. *shrugs*

  8. this is hilarious if the mistresses thought they were the only one. Not hilarious for them, of course. But hilarious for Boehner. Ha.

  9. Despite the usual GOP Family Values hypocrisy in these kinds of stories, the real issue is that Lisbeth Lyons is a lobbyist for the printing industry. And, probably not so coincidentally, several hundred paper-making jobs were lost (outsourced overseas)in his district and he refused to do anything about it at the same time he was sleeping with her. Aside from that? Sleeping John Boehner? Eww.

  10. John BONER! Ok, I'm like a 12 year old boy.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wonder if he cries after (or during) sex with all of them?

    Bet he's crying now, regardless!

  13. @Connie-
    I'm with you....the idea of doing ANYTHING with that creepy perma-tan is completey repulsive. There aren't enough coma-inducing drugs in the universe.

  14. Love it....Love it...Love it....

  15. If the rethuglicans didn't spend so much time worrying about OTHER people's sex lives and who they should marry and whether or not they get pregnant, no one would care as much!

    It's the hypocrisy, not the morals. (Necessarily.)

  16. I guess the biggest scandal here is the women were not in their 20's. How will he ever live with the shame?

  17. Does he ejaculate tears too?

  18. ew. someone actually touches john boehner????

  19. Hahaha, Cheryl, I am actually really disappointed that it isn't pronounced like that *L*.

  20. JFWLUCY took the words right out of my mouth!

  21. A hypocritical politician with lousy morals? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

  22. I'm only sorry that it's not two, young congressional male pages. In an airport bathroom.

  23. That tan is just... wow.

  24. @Cheryl: Everybody pronounces his name "Bay-ner" with a straight face while the little cartoon bubble over their heads pronounces it "Boner...." Appropriately, it seems.

  25. Ahahaha good one Cheryl, now it will Boner in my head! Thx for the chuckle!

  26. If he will hand out cigarette company checks on the House floor, sleeping with a lobbyist would not be beneath him (or on top of him, depending on his/her preference, lol)

  27. I'm pretty convinced that the only people who have more sex scandals and affairs other than celebrities are politicians.

    Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
