Monday, February 07, 2011

Angela Lansbury Has No Idea Who Snooki Is

Ahh, another reason to load up a season of Murder She Wrote. Last week in New York, Angela Lansbury was walking the streets when all of a sudden who should run screaming and yelling up to her, but Snooki. Yes, that Snooki. Apparently Snooki thinks everyone in the world must know who she is because you know, everyone must watch Jersey Shore. Apparently, Angela Lansbury has never seen the show because when Snooki came up to Angela she said, “I just love you!...My name is Snooki, and I’m sure you’ve seen me on TV.” Angela then said, "My dear, I’ve no idea who you are!”

And with that Ms. Lansbury continued her stroll down the street leaving Snooki open mouthed and probably headed to the next bar she saw to drown her sorrows in cheap liquor and bar fights.


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