Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 Browns Father Charged With Sexually Abusing His Kids

Have you heard of the group The 5 Browns? They are from Utah and kind of like the Osmonds except they play instruments, are more classical and are really good. So good in fact that they play all over the world to sold out venues. Well, the father and one time manager of the group, Keith Brown was charged with sexually abusing his three daughters including sodomy. How can you do that to your daughters? This guy should fry. Apparently he knew he was going to be busted because he did try and kill himself by driving his Porsche down a 300 foot hill into an icy river. He lived and the car he bought with the earnings he made off the daughters he had sex with is totaled. I hope the guy lives in miserable pain for the rest of his life.

The daughters fired their dad as their manager back in 2008. Apparently one of them went to the police to discuss what dad had one. The charges stem from incidents that happened between 1990-1998. So yeah, he was doing this when they were little kids. His wife has stayed with him though and supports him. She was also in the car accident. Oh, and the daughters did visit them in the hospital.


  1. That is truly sickening and evil. For shame on his wife for supporting him and sticking by him. She should support her children not her bastard of a husband.

  2. I would love to be in a room alone with this couple - I won't call them parents! Oh, yea, and did I mention that I'd have a baseball bat in my hand while in the room with them? I always say - an eye for an eye!

  3. The daughters are brave for going public with this

  4. what a monster hope the prison inmates toss his salad without jelly.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    What a monster and what with this meak idiotic woman who can call herself a mother? May they both rot in hell!!

  6. blue sky...i will join you!

  7. I cant understand women who stand by their husbands after they abuse the kids. I just CANT

  8. Wow. What a fucking sick couple. Yeah, I'm putting the mom in the same boat as him.

    I'm glad they have lots of money to pay for the therapy they'll obviously need.

  9. I hope they put her ass under the jail too. She probably knew about the abuse all along.

  10. No words. Those poor kids. That'll fuck you up for the rest of your life.

  11. I lived in Utah for many years. Sadly, incest is RAMPANT there. 90% of all the Mormon friends I had who were raised there were either molested by a relative or found out a relative had been molesting their kids. :(

  12. For comparison sake of how this is viewed in what I like to call behind Zion's curtain (UT, ID, predominately Mormon areas of other western states--I live behind the curtain but am not Mormon), take a look at this article in Salt Lake City's main newspaper. The comments are fascinating and tragic. Abuse of children, women, the vulnerable or anyone is WRONG. Hiding behind religion while you do it is HEINOUS. This is all too common in this part of the U.S.--this "church" is as adept at protecting the abusers as the Catholic "church". I use quotes around church because I find it hard to take any church seriously that engages in this criminal behavior--and they all do in one way or another. End rant.

  13. @blondegossip - I had a friend who went to her Bishop (aka - a leader in the Mormon church) about her father molesting her. The Bishop did nothing and told her not to tell anyone else.

    I had another friend who was raped in the ZCMI center stairwell when she was 10 by a man in a business suit. A coworker found out her daughter had been molested by her brother-in-law for years. It was heartbreaking. I can't even tell you how many of my friends were sexually abused by relatives. My Catholic friends, surprisingly, had no such stories about either their families or their clergies.

  14. @Mindy - I know several Catholics who admitted later in life what had been done to them by clergy but chose not to pursue charges. They said the shame and their blind devotion to the church meant they thought everything had a purpose, and they didn't want to rock the boat. Tragic. Add in all the residential school abuse and you've got what basically amounts to a culture of abuse over decades.

  15. Holy shit...the mom supporting the father is going to haunt these people as much as what their father did to them, I imagine.

  16. I kind of get how the seeds of sexual abuse can start in the Catholic church due to the celibacy rule, but why is it so prevalent in the Mormon church?

    I hope they're not shown any mercy. What truly horrible parents.

  17. Are these the kids that all play piano and were accepted to Julliard as a group? Or am I thinking of a totally different family?

  18. I wonder what happened to the mother in her childhood that has caused her to be so meek and allow this abuse of her daughters.

  19. I just finished reading a book called "Under the banner of heaven". I can highly recommend it if you are interested in the history of Mormonism. It talks a lot about how it started, and the emphasis on personal revalations that has a tendancy to backfire...

    Also, Joseph Smith himself claimed that the revalation of plural marriage was one of the most important ones he received. And among fundamentalists, it is not uncommon to marry ones step- or even real daughters.

  20. Dad just pleaded guilty in court. At least he's done one decent thing.

  21. @momster Yes, these are the kids. They've made history more than once for their talent.

    This is jsut miserable sad...and I read in the Salt Lake newspaper that they're not even taking time off their tour.

  22. Anonymous11:56 AM

    People like that don't deserve to live...

  23. @Mindy - 90%??? That is really scary/sad.

    I'm just as pissed at the mom for allowing it to happen/staying as I am at the psycho father.

  24. I am sickened. At the moment there is psychological abuse of my eldest godson going on at his house. He is 19 turning 20 this year. I have begged him to move in with my husband and I. My husband is totally supportive of this. The latest development, which has forced him to move out of home and into a unit near his work, was his father putting a lock on the toilet and not letting him use it. His mother has said nothing. I don't understand how anyone could treat their child like this. The situation has been escalating, but nothing that I could call our child services about. It stepped up a notch once he turned 18, I suspect because all avenues that could be taken to help him out no longer applied because he was an adult. I have been friends with his father for over 20 years and I cannot reconcile how he has been with me with how he treats his son. For the record, I was and am willing to lose that friendship to help my godson. My door is always open.

  25. @feraltart: i wish you all good luck.

  26. Thanks awesome balla. Appreciate the kindness.

  27. @feraltart WTH? You said yourself the boy is damn near 20 and you're trying to bother the autghorities with child abuse charges? Seriously?

    If he's 20 AND has a job, why shouldn't he be out living on his own instead of freeloading off his parents? You're making no sense whatsoever.

  28. Stacy, the abuse escalated when he turned 18. It meant that there was no point in calling the authorities, they couldn't do anything. He has been working really hard and saving up to have a deposit to buy a house in order to move out. He didn't want to pay rent and have that be dead money. He also has a younger sister, who is only 7 turning 8 this year. She has been raised totally differently, no abuse, but he is concerned that if he moves out that she will start to take the heat. He only confessed this the other night. If that was to happen, then I could call the authorities because she is underage. I don't believe it will happen, as often in a family only one child is the lightning rod for the abuse. Hope this explains it better for you.

  29. Enty forgot to add that the girls decided to go public b/c their father was trying to start managing other child talent!

    These girls are very brave to come forward in order to save other potential victims.

  30. Sodomy is oral or anal sex. I get the feeling Enty doesn't know that, and once I again I wonder if he's really a lawyer.

  31. Well, actually that varies from state to state. For example, in Texas and for other states, it only applies to acts between people of the same sex. In others, it applies to anal and oral, in others just anal.

  32. "And among fundamentalists, it is not uncommon to marry ones step- or even real daughters."

    Not surprising as most of them look like the product of inbreeding.

    Is there any religion on this planet that does not view women lower in a status lower than farm animals and condones abuse against children? Maybe the Church of the Subgenius, I never heard of any child beaten to death with a plastic pipe or anally raped in the name of "Bob".

    Maybe Jesus should have made a made raping children a focal point of one of his sermons. The Old Testament, says do not "lie with a man", "no sex with animals" but NO laws against RAPING KIDS.

    This sick Dad is going to just LOVE it in prison. Since He is so fond of sodomy, he will get more than he ever could dream of.

  33. I used to work with abused children. The number one indicator of whether someone will recover from sexual abuse is the mother's reaction upon being told. If the mother's first instinct is to believe and protect the child, the child's self-worth is left intact and the abuse is something that happened. If the mother sides with the abuser, the child is not likely to recover from the feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness.

  34. I have never heard of these people but I support their coming out with their story and I feel for what they have been through (as well as what all of the people you guys have mentioned have been through).

  35. Also, I agree with the person who remarked about most fundamental religions viewing/putting women into a sort of 2nd class.
    I think when stories like this arise it helps bring light to the myriad other stories like this that are happening and should force us to reexamine the situations and mentality (in this case religious background) that helped to enable this to happen and continue happening. We owe it to these women as well as future women to do this.

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  38. @Krab -- I don't know if Enty changed this post since you mentioned your specific and local definition of sodomy.

    On the other side of the coin, don't forget that many fundamentalist kids engage in anal sex and claim that they're still virgins because there was no vaginal penetration.

    My point is that the father is still a scumbag for performing any type of sexual act with his daughters, regardless of the definition of sodomy or the phrase "had sex with".

  39. The father is scum. No doubt about it. But unless the mother admits that she knew about it and allowed it to continue, she gets the benefit of the doubt from me. If these kids were out travelling and doing shows while the abuse was going on, it is entirely possible it was done while the mother was at home..

    Anyway, I simply can't fathom how a father could do that to his kids. Physical abuse, sadly, I can understand, but sexual abuse just makes no sense to me whatsoever.

  40. Basil, she may not have known about it while it was going on, but she sure as hell knows about it now, and the fact that she's still sticking by him speaks volumes. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the car "accident" was actually a suicide attempt on his or both their parts--they wouldn't have to pay the piper, plus it would be a final "FUCK YOU!" to the kids. "See, you made us so miserable that we had to die! Aren't you happy NOW?"

    Throw 'em both under the jail...

  41. For those of you who can't believe the mother is sticking by the sicko - believe it, happens all of the time. 24 years ago I was sexually abused by my only sibling - an older brother. This year I finally told my parents what happened - because his wife is pregnant and I needed someone to know the child may be in danger. My parents support him fully, and I don't think they believe me. I was 6 and happened repeatedly until I was about 11... hard to get over, even harder is the reaction from my family.

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  43. I read that that daughters are all married now.

    I hope that they are all in healthy and nurturing relationships and didn't marry to escape their life at home with their rapist dad. They were very brave to come forward.

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  46. As a woman who was sexual abused as a child by my father (in just about every way you can think of), I can sympathize with these girls. My abuse stopped when I threatened him with a butcher knife. He tried to tell me that he was doing it for my own good, to hep me learn to be a good wife.

    After I got married and had my daughter, my father actually called an asked when he would be able to see her and I told him over my dead body. He couldn't understand why, since he had been such a "wonderful and loving father". So, when I then confronted him as to why he abused me, first he tried to do anything (falsely accused, blah blah, blah)then he told me it was my mother's fault. "She should have been a better wife." I told him he was sick in the head and belonged where he was , in jail. I never spoke to him again. He died a year later.

    My husband is one of the biggest avenues of support and healing that I have in my life right now. I hope that it is the same for these young ladies. I wish them a happier life than they have had.

  47. I applaud these women for going public with their sexual abuse, and for prosecuting their perpetrator father. By virtue of their courage, they have all of us talking about a subject that usually remains a terrible secret that owns us. Now they are freed from their secret, and helping us all free ourselves. I applaud them, and I applaud Enty for including stories like these in his blog.

  48. Cdanlurker--Your story made me cry. I'm so impressed by you and your strength. If anything even close to that ever happened to me, I'm not sure if I'd ever be so strong.
