With all of the hullabaloo yesterday about the Kennedy mini-series, you would think the show is headed for seem deep vault not to be seen for a hundred years when Geraldo's great-grandchildren open it on live television. Yes, it will not be on History because they caved and decided to kiss the ass of anyone they could find. But, I would say that by the end of the month there will be a new outlet for the show in the US, and it is still going to be on in Canada and the rest of the world the first week of March. I don't know about you, but I wanted to see Katie Holmes as Jackie Kennedy. It is either going to be very good or I won't stop laughing for the entire run. I'm sure Greg Kinnear will be good. He is rarely bad.
So, yes, Tom and Katie might boycott the Academy Awards because they can't take a joke, but you will still be able to see Katie as Jackie.
What were the historical inaccuracies that were so bad that they had to cancel the show? I really doubt that was the real reason.
ReplyDeleteI thought Showtime picked it up?
ReplyDeleteIf I were the history channels network vp, I would not go against two WELL connected Kennedy family members. Bad business sense to do so.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you should be able to watch this outside of the US.
what is the deal with the joke/boycotting the AA's? I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to know the relationship (is there any?) between History and History Canada if they're still going to show it here. Do we have lower standards for historical inaccuracies? ;)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I think the Kennedys have been done to death. Not interested.
Anne Hathaway did an impression of Katie on SNL - you can watch it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rsqeHwmlGc
ReplyDeleteSorry Canada. Still love you!!
ReplyDeleteAnne Hathaway did a skit making fun of Katie on SNL, and is co-hosting the Oscars with Franco, thus the rumor is TomKat got their panties in a twist and are boycotting.
Not sure how true it is though
Tom Cruise has a very thin skin...and that's not a good thing on a bully...can't stand him.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Tom and Katie be going to the Oscars this year? Are they nominated? Are they relevant? Or is Surie one of the red carpet fashion reporters for E! this year?
ReplyDeleteAccording to one of the authors who fact-based non-fiction book on JFK was supposedly used to write the script, this mini-series is all about JFK chasing tail as if that were his sole occupation and he wasn't running the country at the time. It was that author who started the objection because he didn't see much fact in the script. He cited one scene in which JFK tells RFK how horny he is.
ReplyDeleteRead more here: stopkennedysmears.com
well, that clip wasn't funny at.all. but thanks for the info. Katie and Tom should be happy to be included in a skit at all. even if it is lame and stupid.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's the real reason, but I'm happy the History channel is choosing not to air fiction in place of historical accuracy.
ReplyDeleteAnd cynically, TomKat will get a lot more publicity boycotting the Oscars than they would showing up.
ReplyDeleteI hope they do boycott. Not like they will be missed.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm on the laughing through th whole show train. I have yet to see her in something that didn't make me embarrassed to watch it.
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ReplyDeleteHistory Channel is owned by Disney and the Kennedys have a lot of influence with Disney & Co. They pressured them to pull it.
ReplyDeleteHere's the article.
Will anyone *care* that they're not at the Oscars? I mean, really?
ReplyDeleteI don't even remember Katie and Tommy Boy ever being at the Oscars. Him with Nicole, lots of times. Never with the stepford wife.
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone care if the Cruisedashians are at the Oscars or not? Talk about an overinflated sense of importance.